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Tailing the Komets

Mac's message to Hit Somebody

``My dad reads that and then calls me. You write on there that it's a separated shoulder and not a broken collarbone. All right?''


Actually, Mac looked really good at practice today, too. He'll be 100 percent for the playoffs.

Posted in: Komets


Wed, 03/31/2010 - 11:17am

Its the most exclusive group of Komet fans imaginable.

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 11:25am

My Aunt's, sister's, cousin's, nephew reads this blog and calls me all the time wondering why people sling mud at me and my opinion's all the time, so be careful who you bash..... A family member could be reading..... :)

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 2:54pm

"Nah, I

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 4:12pm

Outside Hockey Information Center

Komet Warrior's fantasyworld where no one but him, and his chosen buddies can announce minor league hockey news.

KW=Bruce Richardson or Mike Dumbkiewicz.....most likely one of the 2 of them....it was most definitely a player though.....Blake knows.

Frozen Water
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 4:23pm

JR: Easily post of the week, if not month. I'm waiting on Brendan to hold a vote on it, but when I know the results, I'll let you know. Actually, the OHIC will know before I do, and will break the news. :)

What is Mac's handle on here?

Tim Hoke
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 4:24pm

Someone fill me in here. Why are we bringing in a backup goalie??

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 4:45pm

Haun is hurt....concussed.

I am reading today that Chicago is not coming into the IHL next year.

I don't think there will be an IHL next year without 2 of these 3 teams: Flint, Chicago, Evansville.

How shakey can this league get?

Any chance Komet ownership changes hands and we move to the ECHL or AHL?

I am not saying I want the Frankes to do that, they are awesome and have given us an absolute top-notch product....but what might be going on behind the scenes might be too much for them as owners,,,,maybe they run the team still, for someone else?

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 4:52pm

An AHL club kicks the Ft Wayne tires about every year... There would be someone with a teetering AHL club who would jump at the opportunity to move operations to the Fort... Is this the year?

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 4:53pm

BTW, if that happens the K's can start sending me my season ticket renewal stuff again... I would be all in...

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 5:08pm

I think if an NHL team finances the operation, and maybe retains the brain-trust of the Komets to run the day to day operations of the team.....similar to how the Chicago wolves are being run, then I would imagine that the AHL could work here. I think it would have to be the right team here too. Detroit, Chicago, Columbus? I can see those relationships working out nicely.

Is Kalamazoo really trying to get into the OHL???

But, I thought the ECHL was the best deal for them. They needed to be affiliated directly with the NHL there....right? Wasn't that the cry for moving to the ECHL? They probably are smart they left the IHL before the ship sank totally. But with the possibility of the Komets looking elsewhere, K-Zoo is looking at juniors now. Very awesome juniors for sure, but still.

There must be alot of talking and investigating going on right now in the Komet offices.....or, there must be alot of plans in the works that they can't share with us right now......wonder when they might start sharing with us?

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 5:14pm

Well Hit, by this time last year they were telling everyone that the Komets would be playing in the IHL for next season... Now the tune is changing a lil by saying that Fort Wayne will have professional hockey next season and that all options are being weighed.... I think that says alot right there and I appreciate the candor...

Leaves the door open for a return to the IHL should several teams be found to keep them limping on and it gives the impression that they are looking for whats best for pro hockey in the Fort...

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 5:17pm

Could there be a better set-up in all of minor league hockey if some deep pocket owner came into town with an AHL or even ECHL franchise and kept the Komets brain trust in command???

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 5:22pm

I think it would be a winner for sure. Fans would be rewarded.

I agree with you JR 100%.

Past years when this issue came up.....the response was 100% IHL IHL IHL IHL IHL IHL IHL IHL.......

Now, they admit they are looking at their options. That to me means the IHL is in trouble....and they are going a different direction other than just the IHL quick fix. I don't think there is a fix on the IHL.

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 5:33pm

I bet people are lining up to lose money just so they can put an AHL team in here.

Especially after the great turnout for the NCAA tourney, 4 of the top 16 college teams in the nation can't sell out in hockey town. What did they have to market it a year and a half.

Does any of these things ring any bells for anyone?

Does anyone understand what we really have in fort wayne and how fortunate we are to have it?

Flint will be back, it will give savage something to do.

Who really knows what next year will bring, why worry about it, we know there will be Komet Hockey in fort wayne.

Statistics, facts and figures were left out of this post on purpose so it would generate more speculation among the hob knobers.

Phil Barone
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 5:36pm

Kalamazoo would be perfect for an OHL franchise, i think the fans would like it as much or better than the ECHL.

Where did you get the scoops on chicago not joing the I? I never had confidence in a team going back into chicago anyway, they already have the NHL blackhawks the AHL Wolves and the hawks AAA Rockford just down the road + a junior team.

Thats an interesting thought, I wonder if the frankes would ever sell to an NHL team and just run the AHL club if asked.

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 6:30pm

Some of the same chatter coming from some of the same people that broke the K-Zoo story last year, the Muskegon Story this year, The Buddy's Pizza debacle this year, the Flint story to the NAHL, and those same people are saying not to count on Chicago coming into the IHL. No Chicago and No Flint, means probably no league. I am speculating on the no league things.....because without those 2, why does rushing Evansville in make any sense, and what would Port Huron do if all of Michigan is going to the Junior leagues? The Economy up there is toast, and to have hockey to watch, Juniors is about the only choice right now that makes sense in those cities in those arenas. The cost of a Junior team is much less than a Pro team and prices come down alot. $5 tickets. That is what can be afforded there mostly.

Any more teams drop, and you obviously risk losing Quad City. They could go dark, the CHL, or packaged in a deal with the remaining IHL to move to the ECHL or CHL I guess.

If an NHL team offers a sweet deal to the Komets, how do they not take it???

All options are on the table, no Juniors in the Fort.

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 6:45pm

I'm betting you the same franchises that are losing money now in the AHL would be losing alot less in Fort Wayne (#2 in minor league hockey attendance)....

I'm thinking some type of merger with the ECHL makes the most sense... Bring 3-4 IHL franchises and add them to the current midwest teams in the ECHL. That would make a good mostly travel friendly division...

Chad Ryan
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 6:53pm

I say they move the AHL team from Lowell, MA here. Did I mention I was a NJ Devils fan? Anyway, they could then realign the divisions to move Milwaukee to the North and put the Komets in the west with Chicago, Peoria and Rockford. Did I also mention I have been on a lot of drugs lately. Having major surgery will do that to a guy.

Seriously though, the Komets' tickets prices right now are not far off what most AHL teams charge. There are a few teams whose tickets can get pretty steep, but with the K's average attendance the prices could be very close to where they are now.

As far as having no control over personnel decisions, well, I guess I just figure that's pretty much the way it was in the old IHL. The K's still managed to win some championships under those circumstances. Sure, folks could shake their heads and proclaim that it would never work, but with the IHL dropping teams left and right and other teams needing help to stay afloat I don't really see a reason to not give it a try. If it doesn't work then look into the ECHL or other choices.

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 7:39pm

Interesting article out of Quad City....


Wed, 03/31/2010 - 7:39pm

Burgee Says:
March 31st, 2010 at 6:33 pm
I bet people are lining up to lose money just so they can put an AHL team in here.

Does any of these things ring any bells for anyone?

Does anyone understand what we really have in fort wayne and how fortunate we are to have it?

Is this person serious? Is this normal on this blog, because this sounds a lot like what the peasants use to say while looking up to the castle on top of the hill.

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 7:58pm

What's the old saying.....where there is smoke there is fire?


Things don't sound that optimistic out of QC either.

Change is brewing. Or it sure seems like it.

Blake Sebring
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:04pm

IHL salaries are $363,000 for a year. An AHL affiliation costs between $750,000 and $1 million and you have to go out and sign another 5-6 free agents to fill out your roster because, no, the NHL does not supply all the players in every city any more because they are cutting back on costs, too. Example A: Syroczynski; B: Curadeau; C: Tyler Sims. Sure, you can just bet there's an ownership group out there that is charitable enough to just foot the bill, because, by gosh, we're Fort Wayne! And you wonder why Rockford is losing more than $1 million a year the last three years. Name one business that can double its cost for workers and not raise prices. Seriously, this isn't indoor football.

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:06pm

Sorry JR, you beat me to it.

I smell smoke....and Burgee is blowing it up our butts.

It is ok to ignore what is going on and hide under a rock.....but if you care about the state of the IHL and the state of the Komets and the state of Minor League Hockey.....well this is what is going on right now.

Go ahead and play funny about it and mock people that want to talk about it and then pretend that the stories are all wrong and that we are all stupid for discussing this topic....but it is a topic that is OK to discuss I would think.

Now someone say, "let's talk about it this summer and lets worry about this season now" "Or Savage is full of hot air and all of you are listening to him for what reason"

Say what you want or don't want.....but this is happening right now and this is the news going on. Cohn wrote a story on it. Quad City news reporter wrote an article on it, and yes, Savage wrote 2 or 3 about it. Blake will weigh in too I am sure.

We aren't crazy, negative, or whatever name you want to throw at us.....we are concerned passionate Komet fans.

Blake Sebring
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:07pm

Hit, I have been telling you guys for months that change was coming. This should not be a surprise.

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:08pm

On a more positive note....

tune into PBS 39.4......Komet Tales.

I saw Super Fan all ready. What a studly dude.

Super Fan Studly Doo-right. LOL

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:10pm

I know Blake.....I know. It is happening now though Studly. Man your stations, grab your lunch pales, get ready, it is happening now.

Where we going?

Frozen Water
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:22pm

I thought all these operation numbers were all top secret and no one knew about them because no hockey ownership in their right mind would give out that sort of information? Now that we're talking about it and finding stories left and right, all the sudden there are numbers to throw out? Interesting timing.

Blake: You have said over and over that things are unstable and changes are coming, yet when any one else on here says anything about any type of change in leagues, either you or one of your loyal lap dogs jumps down whoever brings up the story's throat saying how dumb it is to discuss it and dismiss it as ludicrous.

Granted, I do not know anywhere near what many of you on here know, but I do like reading everyone's opinions and appreciate all the information that people are finding, both supporting the IHL or the evidence that it is in trouble. Sorry, I'm an information hog and cannot get enough. Thanks to all who are participating!

Blake Sebring
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:25pm

There really isn't anything new for me to add that I haven't written about already over the last two months. Flint is in trouble? Wow. No one knows what's going to happen next year? Uh, huh, yawn. How is that new, and maybe the larger point, what do we know exactly new about next year? Um, we don't. It's not a story yet, but it's sure percolating.

Blake Sebring
Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:28pm

I've told you these numbers again and again, FW. Can't force you to pay attention to them.

Good night everyone. Enjoy the weather tomorrow before the game.

Wed, 03/31/2010 - 8:30pm

do what
