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Tailing the Komets

My response to a few things

I just wanted to make sure folks could find it without going through 50-some comments. And thanks for all the action by the way. I may not always agree with you but it's always very interesting. I say that in the best interest of not getting my porchlight shot out.

Jungle Monkey, obviously you haven't been reading me for very long. I was the first one, even before training camp, to comment that this team needed more size and more scoring and that they probably brought back too many people. There have been plenty of times I've gotten on them, but I don't just come out and say what a bunch blah, blah, blah. Read Monday's column. Did you think that was ripping in the players too much? I was jumping on them but I did it in an informative way so maybe the message gets across more. I get my message across without calling people names (most of the time. LOL) and ranting and raving. You start doing that and people just tune you out. I try desperately to be fair and honest with everyone, owners, officials, league presidents, players, etc. Kent Hormann always tells me I use velvet gloves, but the uppercut still lands with the same force.

As for the Frankes, you guys have no idea what they go through because they have been very successful in keeping their personal lives private. I tell you what, I'd have sold this team 10 years ago and walked about with the money because the grief they get is unreal. Scoop, didn't you talk a week or so ago about sitting next to them at a Kalamazoo game? They literally die with this team because they want to win so badly. Believe it or not, they are just as passionate if not more than you guys are, though you'll probably never believe it. The only person I've ever met who cares about it more is Chaser.

Maybe I just see the whole picture, and like I've said before, I'm not a fan. Looking what got moved over the past two days, I wouldn't have made any deals either. Sometimes you can't always react to what other teams do, either. Seriously study what Littlejohn's numbers are in the playoffs. I happen to think he was the Komets' best player last year in that first-round series -- playing for Missouri! Stewart ate his lunch, so what would Galbraith do?  Remember the two games he cost the River Otters with dumb penalties? Didn't anybody ever wonder why DAB didn't play the last few games of the Muskegon series two years ago? Or why the Komets let a potential 50-goal scorer go? Do you really think they are that stupid?

Consider that maybe the reasons they said they didn't make a trade might be what they truly believe. Is it just possible they might be right?

You know, last year getting beat up was a serious problem, and I'm the one who wrote about it constantly. Don't you think Galbraith and then Jorde are an attempt to counter that? Do you believe Guy is going to be intimidated or affected by any of that stuff? How about Hukalo or Luciuk, who is by the way a fantastic playoff player? Those are four guys they didn't have last year who are better than what they had. Remember, they didn't have Vene, either. Doesn't anyone remember how great Neumie and Guinn are in the playoffs? This team is quite a bit bigger than last year's playoff squad.

What it really comes down to is how badly the veterans want to win, which is what it always comes down to. I think they want to win, and because this team has gone through so much adversity, it might be better prepared for the playoffs than most people think. There is much better chemistry on this team than last year's team. And for those who say chemistry doesn't amount to much, doesn't anybody remember 1991 or 1993 or even 1994 or 2000? Did those teams even come close to matching up individually in terms of talent? The 2000 team went through 50-some players that year and still won three rounds in the playoffs, losing only because they lost three overtime games to eventual cup winner Quad City. That was all heart.

OK, I'm done ranting. See I did it without calling names or cursing or raving too much. That's what I rely on you guys for. Now it's time for my medicine.

Posted in: Komets


Wed, 03/15/2006 - 7:01pm

I agree the Frankes are great people but are they offering the best for the people of Fort Wayne? If they really wanted the best for Fort Wayne we would be in the AHL not the UHL.

I can't believe how many people can't see the difference. The difference between the two is huge and would be so much better. Let's get with it people.

By the way Blake, I thought the coliseum was suppose to play host to a college hockey tornament this year. Was I mistaken?



Wed, 03/15/2006 - 7:11pm

Man, the love in this room has almost brought me to tears.......

Now that everyone has gotten the post trade deadline rants out of the way...lets get pumped up for this weekend shall we?

Where is my daily booster club plug?

Wed, 03/15/2006 - 7:17pm

these are great comments guys. dont agree with all but thats life. ive seen about all of it in komet history and believe me, we owe a lot to the frankes. but that said, it also doesnt mean that they cant be criticized. they are great guys and good owners but i sure dont believe in all they do and im tired at times when they say things and then do something different. its the same with the players. im sure guinn is a nice guy and id probably have a good time throwing back some brewskis with him, but that doesnt mean i have to like the way he plays his position. ill be shocked if the ks go past the first round, but when playoffs arrive you never know how players will react. the adreniline (sp) works different ways in different people. that said, i hope we go all the way!! but realisticly i dont think we have an ice cubes chance in h e double hockey sticks! but thats just my opinion. but hopefully weve all learned alot this year and we can use it to continue building the greatest franchise in all of minor sports!!!

Wed, 03/15/2006 - 7:21pm

But isn't that the absolute coolest thing about the playoffs Chuckitt? You never know and anything can happen, and you could see something you've never seen before or will ever see again. For gosh sakes we've seen two Game 7 overtimes. 99 percent of hockey fans would kill to see just one. Dang those were fun! Now I'm fired up!

Ed, the coliseum applied to the NCAA to host the regional but NCAA went another way. There will be more college hockey in town, probably next year (things are being discussed), and that's ALL I'M SAYING.

Komets PA
Wed, 03/15/2006 - 8:54pm

Geez, I went out for a night and didn't sit around here reading this blog and it turned into a love fest. Thank You.
When you work for an organization such as the Komets, it is a blessing. They have treated me better than any other job I have ever had. It is a tremendous honor to be a part of the Fort Wayne Komet Hockey Club. The tradition that they keep and the love and respect that all of the Frankes and the office people have for the game is amazing. You will not find a better group of people working in any hockey city, NHL or otherwise. So what if we aren't in the AHL, we have hockey, great fans, and we are proud of what our status is in the hockey world. Almost every year we have been able to field a competitive team on the ice. I am proud to be able to be your announcer and follow in the footsteps of Jim Amstutz, and the Zimmermans and Don Chevillet. I know things don't always go the way we want, but it's coming up to playoff time and anything can happen. And if you want to spend your time whining about how great Danbury will be in the playoffs I have these 3 words for you: San Diego Gulls.
Anything can happen and hopefully it will.

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/15/2006 - 8:59pm

Blake, who do you want to win the K-zoo vs. Komet game this weekend?

Chuckitt, I'm with you on most of what you say. We should have some rights to voice displeasure with the way things are going with the team. If everyone just goes along with everything that happens and has no opinion, wouldn't that be pretty boring and we'd all question if people really care one way or another. Could you imagine a game without people getting excited about what is going on out on the ice. We are Komets fans. Passionate by nature. Without bashing Rob, I agree that a disagree with most of everyone on here about how he plays. I like him, but, I'm not his biggest fan. He makes too many mental lapses and doesn't always play the body. He is steady though. That is all I will say because I know lots of people get their noses out of joint on that topic.

Overall, I want to be entertained, and I like wins. Who Doesn't on here?

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/15/2006 - 9:06pm

Larry, I have a couple of requests. Still waiting to hear the Black Eyed Peas song. Also, if and when we match-up with Danbury...you have to play Pink Floyd's Money from the start with the cash register ringing and the lyrics, "Money, it's a crime." That would be by golly perfect.


Wed, 03/15/2006 - 9:32pm

Larry, if you could please give a couple second pause after announcing the goals so we can get in our "He Shoots, He Scores!" before any other PA announcements. Thanks

Wed, 03/15/2006 - 10:00pm

Hit Somebody, I want anybody but Icy to win musical chairs. Other than that, looking forward to a great game.

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 03/15/2006 - 10:12pm

You will never convince me. Justin maybe, because I watch him basically sleep thru the games up in the PB. I know you are sitting at your computer with nothing on but your Komet boxers drinking orange Kool-aid right now. Keep trying to play it off. You bleed orange and black. Just admit it. It's ok. You can be a fan too. Heck, look at Chase. Look at Don Fisher with the Hoosiers. Say it with me....I root for the Komets.....come on....I root for the Komets.....that's better. See your all right.

Charlie I
Wed, 03/15/2006 - 10:18pm

Hit Danbury isn't the only team that is over the cap. If i am not mistaken I think (and if you asked the other teams in the league)the Komets were over the cap in 2003-2004 and last year. Blake am I right about this. Note: not disagreeing with Hit one bit. You guys forgot you aren't allowed to say anything about Guinn remember. It has been forbidden. 10 min misconduct to the both of you (Hit, Dad..or i mean chuckitt) LOL. God i am bored.

Wed, 03/15/2006 - 11:36pm

i think EVERYONE is hitting the boards more. its a team effort. As for you calling them out on needing more size and soring? what your point. arent they going to make the playoffs. by the way ive only read that you mentioned that once, u make it sound like youve been beating it into poples heads. i think we re good to go as it stands. hopefully we get back, gailbraith and druoin, but if not we can make it. the tean has a good chemistery and we dont want to break that up

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 5:59am

Blake, AWESOME blog post. I really enjoy the discussion that ensued. Lately, I've been staying away from reading the responses to the posts on both this blog and the other one cause the negativity is sometimes too much for my blood pressure, LOL.

Count me in as being way too excited for the playoffs!

Larry, let me just say how much I *love* it when you play the Beatles' "Piggies" when Rockford comes to town. BRILLIANT!!!

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 6:09am

Also, on the point Blake made about Guinn's toughness...I was not a big fan of Guinn last season. In fact, he was probably my least favorite on the team. But when I saw him play in the playoffs, WOW! totally different story. I was really impressed, he totally earned my respect and it changed my attitude towards him. He's steady and has heart (I would assume he's played hurt tons of times and hasn't missed a game in at least the 2 years we've had him, and I was thinking his streak went back further). Plus, he's had a couple open-ice hits in the past few weeks that are among the best I've ever seen.

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 7:16am

Join the Komets Booster Club! http://www.kometsboosterclub.com We are planning a "Sponsor The Komets Team" for the playoffs, so e-mail us for more info!

How was that, Scoops? Did I do okay? ;)

And, yes, everyone in the Komets offices are very classy folks. We're very lucky to have such brilliant individuals working behind the scenes. Scott, Josh, and Rick met with Nanci and I a few weeks ago for the Booster Club and they were all incredibly helpful, giving us information and whatnot. Thanks again to all you lovely office folks! We are eternally grateful!

I've never had a complaint about the Frankes. Yeah, they may not do what we want them to, but they have their reasons and I trust their judgement. Besides, Tina Franke (David's wife) is a very fun woman if you ever get a chance to meet her! :)

Good comments, AJ! I've always been a fan of Guinn, but last year's playoffs were incredible. I think [almost] everyone stepped up their game last year, but Guinn was exceptional. He's a really nice guy off-ice, too. He was really great with the kids that came out to Arby's on Tuesday. A very good guy and a fantastic player who doesn't deserve half the crap the fans throw at him.

Good luck with your surgery today, Galby! If you need anything, the Booster Club is ready and waiting!

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 7:21am

Oh, and thank you SO much for linking to the Booster Club website on here, Blake! It has officially made my day/week/month! :)

I think we need to make you an honorary member or something. LOL

Jungle Monkey
Thu, 03/16/2006 - 7:37am

I love all the positive vibes! Too bad they will all be forgotten if the K's play poorly this weekend. Let's hope thats not the case, but we'll see.

Blake, I have a couple questions.

1. How long do we need to be greatful to the Frankes for saving hockey in Fort Wayne? While I appreciate everything that they have done, it doesn't make them untouchable. When you are in a position to make the money and own a franchise, the door is opened to critics. Sometimes thats the price you pay to be a big shot.

2. You state very matter-of-factly that Jorde has called out several players to fight and had no takers. Can you please share with us some of these players? I have missed this happening, and would like to know more. Maybe that would explain why he glared at me while I was asking him if someone poured glue in his gloves????

3. Does anyone feel ripped off by the fact that we talk about how certain players "turn in up" for the playoffs? Why not play like that every night? Thats the reason I respect Lance as much as I do. That guy busts his tail every night, no matter what. There are a few other players that could learn from his example.

Tony E
Thu, 03/16/2006 - 7:59am

"Hit" ,
There is a difference between what Blake does and what Bob and Don do. Radio announces have to get emotionally involved. They are the eyes of the fan and when the home team scores, they have to let you know it with emotion.
A writer is different. If Blake was a pom pom waving fan (you know what, that would be a site lol), he would not be able to be as objective as he is. In his shoes, you have to keep a certain distance from the people. That way if you have to call out someone for doing something wrong, you don't have any emotional tugs keeping you from doing so. Blake may have other reasons for not being a fan but I have talked to a few guys who cover the Leafs and that is what they pretty much told me. Sure they like seeing the Leafs win because happy players make for easier interviews and happy readers buy more papers to read about the winning team. But if they were seen as rooting for the team it would kill their credibility.

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 8:19am

I agree with you all, I met Scott a few weeks ago just in passing, Josh I met last year in Muskegon and Rick is a really, good friend of mine, who is helping me setup pictures with some of the Komets hopefully this weekend. Yes we are very lucky to have all 3 working for our Fort Wayne Komets

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 8:35am

Wow, what a response. I'll have to kick people's butt more often!

To answer some questions, as far as I have been told, the Komets were only over the cap in 2000-01, which is when they did not make the playoffs.

FW is never going back to the AHL because the owners don't want to lose money. They know FW fans will never pay $5 more per ticket. It would be suicide. Look at how many more kids are at the games now than were in the last two years of the IHL.

If Jorde decides he wants to say who those players are, that's his right. I'm not going to do it because I have too much respect for those who play the game. I sure as h--- wouldn't want to fight him! I'd be hiding behind the net.

As for beating people over the head about size and scoring, they addressed the size by getting Jorde and Luciuk, and the scoring has been much better since getting Lucky. I don't feel it's my job to come out and coach or be the general manager of the team, but instead I point out what I see as shortcomings.

Laurie, if you do that you'll give Hit Somebody more ammunition. He thinks he has enough already. LOL.

Jungle Monkey, I don't care if you criticize the Frankes. Honest. I just try to make sure you are fair and INFORMED as much as possible about what their reasons may be and circumstances may be. I get upset, as the leader of this blog, seeing people constantly jump on them without considering that they may have legitimate reasons, that's all.

I personally would rather see Tina working full-time for the team than Larry. Oops.

Komets PA
Thu, 03/16/2006 - 8:44am

Blake, you're in trouble now. I am petitioning for a media versus Komet staff broomball game. Guess who my assignment is?????

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 9:43am

Hmmm... Media versus Komets Staff...in Broomball. That sounds interesting. Blake, count me in on that one. As you know, I would definitely bring some size to the media squad, and I wouldn't be opposed to playing the enforcer role.

Does anybody know which Komet player made the monstrous hit behind Port Huron's net in the second period Sunday night? I was following the action elsewhere on the ice then I looked up and saw someone get absolutely demolished. Unfortunately, I was looking at the play and not pressing my camera's shutter button.

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 9:50am

Hey Larry, can the Booster Club get in on the Broomball game? ;) We'll totally kick all your guys' butts!

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 11:16am

3. Does anyone feel ripped off by the fact that we talk about how certain players "turn in up" for the playoffs? Why not play like that every night?

Human nature

Hit Somebody!!!
Thu, 03/16/2006 - 6:18pm

You should name the Fan/Booster Club: The Blake Sebring Komet Fan Club. You know he will paint his face half orange and half black during the playoffs.

Hit Somebody!!!
Thu, 03/16/2006 - 6:19pm

He only "turns it up" for the playoffs.LOL

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 6:22pm

That's because it takes me that long to find the blasted button!

Hit Somebody!!!
Thu, 03/16/2006 - 6:48pm

Who you rooting for in the IU vs. San Diego State game?

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 7:33pm

Blake, the 2000-2001 Season ended in the Conference Finals against QC. The following season 2001-2002 (50th Annv.) was the last year the Komets did not make the playoffs. I remember that season because of the bus trip my wife and I took with the office staff to K-Zoo. It was also the night that Dustin Virag rode back home with us after he got injured.

Thu, 03/16/2006 - 10:17pm

Right, Bob. The Komets were over the cap the year they didn't make the playoffs. I don't think it was by much.
