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Tailing the Komets

Are we dreaming?

Two great games in a row. How about that comeback? They were busting their rear ends right to the end of the game.

How about that shaky goaltending early? That's what I mean about leaving rebounds like hand grenades. Give the kid credit, he hung in there and pulled it together.

Anybody surprised by some of the awards? I was a little surprised Lance didn't get anything, but I'm sure most of you will be surprised Guy was defenseman of the year.

How about Rockford once again!!!!! I am so happy I don't have to go to Danbury.

Here's the question: Which lineup do you go with in Game 1, or more specifically, whom do you take out to allow Luciuk and Goodwin to play? Don't forget, must have four rookies in the lineup.

Posted in: Komets


Jungle Monkey
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 1:34pm

When I said Fun Nazi I was trying to say that Greg wanted to put us all in anti-fun camps. What is the deal with you people? I guess the word "Nazi" is more offensive than the word "sucks". If people would lighten up a little bit they may allow themselves to have a little fun.

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 1:37pm

Fun? We can't have no stinking fun with a hockey game! It's war! Did the Americans back down when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 1:37pm

Oh, man, too much caffiene, not enough sleep and it's only going to get worse!

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 1:42pm

Don't do it Blake. There will be some people that will look that one up.

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 1:55pm

The sad thing is that there will be some people who won't get the reference right away. Sigh. Sucks (oops) getting old.

Tony E
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 4:34pm

Wow. Part of my family is Jewish and my grandmother is a concentration camp survivor. The fact that I come on to a hockey blog and read that word associated with a freaking SPORT.....NEVERMIND. I AM OUT OF HERE BEFORE I BLOW MY TOP!!!!!!

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 4:53pm

Tony E., I understand where you are coming and what that word means to your family. It was put out there in fun and is a Seinfeld reference. It is not meant in the way that history has taught us. No reason to blow your top, and I do sympathize with you and your family.

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 5:10pm

Before anyone lets me have it, yes I know the word in know way stands for fun, so let's just leave it as a Seinfeld reference aka. the Soup Nazi. At this point I guess we need to longer talk about this. Let's all move on to beating Rockford in the playoffs.

Tony E
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 5:27pm

Sigh. It has been a long bad day up here. I needed some fun hockey stuff and when I saw that it just kind of got to me. Look at it this way, this website gets indexed by search engines. Now anytime some &*&*&&*( does a search for that word, this terrific blog is going to show up.
Sniper I know it wasn't meant to be harmful. In fact, I agree with you on the subject in which you used it as far as people complaining about twister, songs, etc. It is a hockey game not a revival meeting. People need to leave twister alone. He is no worse than most others, it is just he stands out so he sets himself up as a target. Gheesh go to a game up in Flint. Earlier this year I had a kid probably no more than 8 scream at me that I sucked because I had a Komets hat on. I think Komet crowds are some of the best behaved anywhere. You don't see fights in the stands, opposing fans are treated well, not too many folks getting over intoxicated to the point of being belligerant etc.
As I said I like the song (as long as the creep who "sings" it no longer profits from it) and the chants are cleaner than some of the stuff I hear umpiring womens fast pitch softball teams scream at each other.

As to the series... Chaulk being out is certainly going to hurt though I think the new college kid can pick up the offensive slack. But he is captain for a reason and that leadership presence is going to be hard to replace. I wonder who will be named captain and if Chaulk will put on the suit and tie and stand behind the bench. He could still do the team some good that way.

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 5:44pm

Hey fellow bloggers....It's clear that some of us got carried away with some of the blog entries; which is understandable since we are very passionate about our hockey. With that said, let's remember that we strive to be the BEST fans in minor league hockey....so let's try to show some class. I'm not saying that we have to be all PC and that...but maybe engage brain before using mouth (or keyboard!) FYI: I am of German origin and I DO NOT use that word other than in a historical/educational reference. I think it would be nice if we/somebody apologizes for upsetting a fellow blogger that we all like and respect.

Tony E
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 5:57pm

Bob, if you are referring to me thank you for the kind words and understanding. It's ok. I don't need an apology. I know this is a good group of people here and everyone makes mistakes and says/types things that are taken or can be taken out of context sometimes. There is no "edit" button on these blogs and I with there was one (say maybe with a 10 minute limit after the post is made to correct typo's or if you realize you have said something wrong it gives you 10 minutes to fix it before it becomes permanent )
Something I learned many years ago when I first got online is how easy it is to misunderstand the intent of something that is typed as opposed to if you were able to "hear" the tone of the person saying it. There is never a good time for that word (except as you said if you are talking about history) but I am sure that there was no intent to make light of that group or harm those hurt by that group.
With that I say goodnight all. I hope nobody else gets this chest flu that is going around. The playoffs are coming, this is supposed to be a HAPPY TIME. Remember after the first couple of weeks of the season many of us thought we would be needed something else to do right now. Let's all enjoy the ride for as long as it goes.

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 7:30pm

Awesome guys.....Everyone is pissed off at each other....and for once I am not to blame....I love you guys!!!

Can't resist this one either:

Hey Greg....crawl back under your rock and get a life. Na NA NA NA....Hey "Greg" You Suck. LOL

Take a midol or something and chill out. Your boyscout retreats will still be ok even if they play a fun song, or if fans get excited at a, dare I say....Hockey Game. Go support the Ballet or something instead.

I am only kidding....of course. Go Komets

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 7:32pm

Aw, Hit, you slay me.
God Bless you.

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 7:37pm

You the man Blake....Super Fan

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 7:38pm

I have a question how long has Greg been going to Komet games?

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 7:43pm

One too many it looks like.

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 7:48pm

Sounds to me like someone that doesn't go to every game and hasn't went for very many seasons. Even if his ONE voice would make a difference he can't stop the thousands of fans that say what they want regardless of who hears them. Maybe booing players is offensive to me should I make a complaint about that? lol I don't like when girls wear short skirts and low cut tops should I complain about that? lol Deal with the crap that goes on or just don't go. Simple as that.

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:01pm

Yes, who likes that sort of thing...you know the last thing she wrote. All right guys, the line forms after me. LOL

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:05pm

LOL funny. Yes all the perverted guys love that stuff but are you really there to look at that or watch the game? If you are there for that save your money and hit Piere's I'm sure some drunk chick will hit on you. Kids see that and thats not supposed to be offensive? In my opinion that's just as bad as cursing. I've heard numerous people say that's just wrong. You shouldn't be there picking up a date. If people have a right to wear that stuff then people have the right to say what they feel.

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:07pm

Wow!!! I am in love...

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:08pm

D---, I'm never going to get a date again.

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:10pm

Ok other than Blake is there anyone out there that goes to the games looking for nookie? LOL

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:10pm

Thanks Blake....you couldn't handle her...I'll see what I can do...LOL

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:14pm

I just look, don't get though...inside joke ;)

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:20pm

LOL funny guys. Maybe we can work something out.

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:22pm

I saw her first.

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 8:22pm

apparently Blake gave up LOL

Mon, 04/17/2006 - 9:03pm

wow no comments how boring lol

Tue, 04/18/2006 - 6:34am

Jumping in at the end of the conversation with 2 cents.

If you don't like what someone is yelling - tell an usher (that's their job to handle those things). Venting on the blog won't change anything. If 4 or 5 people complained to an usher every game about the Twister then maybe it would change.

Noise index ??? It's not as loud because the building is so much larger. Go to Kzoo. 2,000 people and that place is as loud as the Coliseum. The expansion took away a lot of that minor league atmosphere.

Song - definitely gets the crowd lowd. But if its not played purely because of the Gary Glitter's affection for little girls then its OK with me. Child molesters are absolutely the lowest form of human life. One strike and out for them as far as Im concerned.

Tue, 04/18/2006 - 6:34am

Jumping in at the end of the conversation with 2 cents.

If you don't like what someone is yelling - tell an usher (that's their job to handle those things). Venting on the blog won't change anything. If 4 or 5 people complained to an usher every game about the Twister then maybe it would change.

Noise index ??? It's not as loud because the building is so much larger. Go to Kzoo. 2,000 people and that place is as loud as the Coliseum. The expansion took away a lot of that minor league atmosphere.

Song - definitely gets the crowd lowd. But if its not played purely because of the Gary Glitter's affection for little girls then its OK with me. Child molesters are absolutely the lowest form of human life. One strike and out for them as far as Im concerned.
