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Tailing the Komets

Have a great weekend

I know I will. Looks like the weather is going to be awesome!

Coming tomorrow I've got some in-depth features on John Marks and Pat Bingham dealing with what kind of coaches Komets' fans can expect depending on who gets the job. I'm more convinced than ever that the Komets can't go wrong with. Everybody: fans, management, players, seem to love both of these guys.

Of course in December that won't stop some of you on the blog from complaining about how we didn't get the other one. LOL. I'm going to be out of pocket, so you'll actually have to buy the paper or look around on the site to find them.

Have a good one.

Posted in: Komets


Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 07/03/2006 - 9:07pm

Watch Muskegon is what I will say. They all ready signed back Todd Robinson and will most likely bring back Robin Bouchard...and you know those guys are paid well in that community. So if they are doing it....why can't the Komets pull off the same type of thing? I have heard that same of the Muskegon players are offered and guarenteed jobs in that community for playing on that hockey team. So why can't the Komets do the same thing? That isn't any violation of the cap is it? As long as you can prove the company is paying the player for an actual job being done and he is paying his taxes of course. This isn't that far-fetched is it?

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 07/03/2006 - 9:10pm

And by the way....wouldn't a talented AA-hockey player much rather settle down in this community with an opportunity after minor league hockey to work in this community rather than say a Flint or Port Huron....or Muskegon for that matter....that town is crap if you ask me.

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 07/03/2006 - 9:30pm

The White House should hire whoever this "Shakespeare" is that writes this propaganda for the Fury. Good lord, you would think these guys playing for the Fury were "Gods" or something. They signed Van Drunen and they wrote a novel about him, too. Check this out:


and while you are at it, if you missed the crap on Robinson being signed...this ought to make you laugh, too:


Peter Pieper Picks a Peck of Pickled Peppers....geesh

Tue, 07/04/2006 - 5:26am

Lol Hit you made some great points.
Muskegon is slightly better than Flint and Saginaw. They too were hit hard by the downsizing of the auto industry and so the downtown has suffered greatly. The only thing it has going for it is the proximity to the lake which attracts tourists and seniors to retire in the area. There are still some very nice historic neighborhoods and new developments going up. The city is trying to make a comeback (which is more than can be said for Flint and Saginaw) but it is going to take years
Your comments about Chaulk/job is brilliant and kind of goes to my point about him being better off possibly to stay in Fort Wayne for less money. He is already a "brand name" in the Fort. Between his hockey school and other things going on I am sure he can have firm roots in the city for years just as other players have.
Not to mention you can get a beautiful house for under $200,000 there that would cost 1/2 million or more up my way. He might get more money somewhere else for the last couple of years of his career but will he find a situation where the team is cared about as much and therefore care about HIM as much? I doubt it.

Tue, 07/04/2006 - 6:44am

Hey Frankes.... Hire Tony to negotiate with Chaulker!

Tue, 07/04/2006 - 5:38pm

Lol. I am not diplomatic enough. "Here is the offer, if you think you can get more elsewhere, have a good career, thank you for your service. If you find out you can't get a better offer and attempt to come back here, the offer will decrease 5% each day from this point on"

Tue, 07/04/2006 - 6:26pm

Easy Vince Lombardi

Tue, 07/04/2006 - 6:40pm


Tue, 07/04/2006 - 6:46pm

Lol I WISH I was that bull headed!

Tue, 07/04/2006 - 8:09pm

Why not have the UHL adopt something like the Larry Bird rule....1 player on each team is "above" the cap. Its a shot in the dark:but it may help to keep some of these good vets the league is gonna lose in the league...

Hit Somebody!!!
Tue, 07/04/2006 - 8:11pm

Good Idea JR!!!!!

Can we please bring back Rob Guinn then? Or will he continue to "Stay at Home?"


Tue, 07/04/2006 - 8:17pm

LOL. Hit, GO TO BED MAN!!! ;-)
JR that isn't a bad idea. Would the UHL adopt anything that will make their "policing" of the league any more difficult than it already is would be the question. With no guaranteed contracts I am not sure if they would go for it. Plus the idea makes sense which pretty much insures they would not consider it.

Hit Somebody!!!
Tue, 07/04/2006 - 8:29pm

Is anyone in this Fantastic league addressing the officiating or lack there of for next year? Another year of calls like last year and people will start jumping from the MC's upper-deck!!!

Tue, 07/04/2006 - 8:31pm

It could be worse. Look at the world cup.

Tue, 07/04/2006 - 9:01pm

They actually had an exempt player a few years ago, when the Komets had Brent Gretzky. Then Danbury tried it last year and look what happened. ;)

Hit Somebody!!!
Tue, 07/04/2006 - 9:41pm

Danbury had a whole team full of exempt players....until the FBI stepped in.
