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Tailing the Komets

Here's some gas on the fire

And then I'm back to vacation.

Anybody paying attention to the indoor football team?

Gee, just a few years ago they were drawing 7,500 fans per game and everybody thought it would go on forever. Is that five or six ownership groups who have been suckered in now? THAT'S why the Komets can't afford to take a chance on going to AAA hockey... because you can never expect that selling tickets will always remain the same in Fort Wayne!!!!! Same thing with CBA/NBDL/Division I/whatever. You can say they are different ownerships and different leagues, but that is exactly the point. Ownershps and leagues always change, but this is still the fickle Fort Wayne sports fans base.

Anybody notice the crowds for the Midwest League All-Star festivities? My boss said last week they'd draw 15,000 and everybody on Facebook was saying they'd sellout for the game, no problem. They had a combined 10,000 and 6,000 for the game because .... they didn't include it in the season-ticket package, they added $1 to the ticket prices and it was a Tuesday night.

And it's Fort Wayne -- where no one seems to know their sports history!

Also, not sure when everyone started to think Season Ticket Holders came to mean the same thing as Stock Holders. Hmmm. Another thing you are forgetting is that the commissioner works strictly for the owners not the other way around. Bowie Kuhn retired from the sports landscape a long time ago. Again, this is not a game, it is a business first, second and third. It's never going back, either.

Back to arguing amongst yourselves...

Just finished Nelson DeMille's The Lion (very good), started The Camal Club (not far enough in yet) and picked up Death Gate No. 1 today.

Bye bye.

Posted in: Komets


Tue, 06/29/2010 - 9:50pm

FYI I think just about anyone in the journalistic field or who knows anyone who is will tell you that there is a big difference between a column and an article. So it isn't splitting hairs...in my opinion.

Tue, 06/29/2010 - 10:06pm

Alan, read the bottom of that quad city link, I thin it was you at one time that asked why information couldn't flow, that sums it up, if it wasn't you it was someone

Tue, 06/29/2010 - 10:15pm

The comment wasnt said to you or about you, why in the heck would a journalist in Quad City be righting about the blogger Snufflupugus in Ft Wayne? You think that highly of yourself?

In regards to articles pertaining to hockey around here, if people around here agree with it its a fact based article, if they dont its an opinionated column. Splitting hairs...

Wed, 06/30/2010 - 3:05am

Enjoy Burgee, mightbite going to enjoy the pool & drink beer & watch alot of MMA :) Wendy I do think life at times is lika MMA fight. BLB I still waiting on the "animal funds" :)

Wed, 06/30/2010 - 3:33am

JR--I read the piece from QC than I re-read it. It really doesn't say anything. A lot of words to tell us what we already know. The author took a poke at the Frankes but Michael is the President of the Board of Govenors. He is their mouth piece! I really don't care if someone wants to call it a artical or a column maybe even one of those editorals. I know this much for sure we all want to know what is going to roll out. Be they QC, Bloomington, Fort Wayne or any cities fans. At least we will get some real news out of Dayton today. To coin the writers words sooner or later all of the T's will be crossed and all of the I's dotted. Than they can pay the lawyers! :)

Burgee enjoy your days away. I will be taking the next week off myself. Quality family fun time. Grillin & Chillin. No intentions of turning on a computer! It will be a whole "NEW" world when I return.

Wed, 06/30/2010 - 3:41am

I hope dayton signs Dave "The Hammer" Schultz as their coach :)

Wed, 06/30/2010 - 9:26am

Burgee, it was me. I did read the article. Thanks. Have a nice, safe vacation. Both you and Dschebig, and of course, any of our other friends who may be taking some time off.

I guess my "gripe" revolves around the fact that we know our prices went up, we know the drop dead dates of the "early bird" pricing, yet we don't have the slightest idea of something so elementary as the number of games to be played. ( I have read where it may be as low as 66 games. The CHL played a 64 game schedule last year). The IHL played a 76 game schedule last year. Am I expected to pay more for this season with a decrease that large?

I don't think it is wrong for me to have some concerns. I mean if I'm wrong about thinking that way then those of you who disagree please post back to me and convince with facts. If I'm wrong I will admit it. I've got no problem admitting I can be wrong about something.

Silly Season
Wed, 06/30/2010 - 10:09am

Dschebig Says:
June 30th, 2010 at 4:33 am

At least we will get some real news out of Dayton today.

No you won't.


Wed, 06/30/2010 - 11:17am


"Unforseen Circumstances"...

And I was really looking forward to this coach being announced. He's a fun guy.

Wed, 06/30/2010 - 9:02pm

clearly some are hoping this all fails so they can continue to bash, and break out the "I told you so" card.

tim hoke
Fri, 07/02/2010 - 9:17pm

Wendy you mentioned logic in one of your posts. Spock would be so "Fascinated" by that.......LLAP.

Fri, 07/02/2010 - 10:32pm

Silly Season--That as one of those mistakes I was talking about. Just came soon than expected. Can't be right all the time. Just hope I am right more than I am wrong. It could have been a lot worse. Thanks for pointing it out!

Sat, 07/03/2010 - 3:22pm

I always follow the disciplines of logic for the same reason the Vulcans do. My emotions tend to get out of control otherwise. Now there's something only a true Trekker knows. ;)
