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Tailing the Komets


Let's go Komets! Signs from Coliseum Boulevard from Goshen Road to Parnell; Coldwater Road from Coliseum to Dupont Road; and West Jefferson Boulevard in the Covington Road area.

Posted in: Komets


Mon, 05/03/2010 - 12:13pm


Mon, 05/03/2010 - 12:28pm

Very, very cool! Looks like I have a new background on my computer!

Mon, 05/03/2010 - 12:50pm

Katie is kewl!

Mon, 05/03/2010 - 12:58pm

Very very cool! i literally just did a scrapbook page with signs, but yours is such much cooler!!!

Mon, 05/03/2010 - 12:59pm

Blake, these signs show just a part of the community support for the Komets. They are placed to let the players know that the city is behind them and to help motivate.

Andrea pointed out today that Lovell's comments should be posted in the locker room for the players to see. Kind of a motivational exercise. You ( as you had done in the past when locker room material was suggested ) indicated that if you need this kind of stuff to get motivated then it was a "you" problem.

Not sure why it is a "problem" at all. Being in sales for 30 years, I know that there are many types of motivational techniques. There are many "buttons" one can push to motivate people because we are all so different from one another. Bobby Knight's style is certainly different, from say, a Dick Vitale. And yet both coached the same game.

Be careful when you compare your psychological makeup to other people. What gets you going may turn another off, and what makes someone else tick may have no effect on you at all.

If I am wrong than the only reason for these signs is to make the sign owners feel better. That doesn't make sense to me.

Motivation is a reaction that comes from something inside. Anger, excitement, rejection, fear of failure, or just a plain challenge can unlock it. For some "locker room material" is the key to that lock.

Chad Ryan
Mon, 05/03/2010 - 1:07pm

Buzzkill ... come on fellas, let's drop the psychoanalysis and get ready for some Game 7 playoff hockey in Fort Wayne.

I'm charging batteries, making sure memory cards are cleared and if it wasn't for just having a brand new hip installed 10 weeks ago, I'd be setting cameras in the catwalk above the goals tonight.

Mon, 05/03/2010 - 1:14pm

Come on Chad, give that new hip a test drive while its still under warranty, those catwalk pictures are cool. Blake said we are all nuts, we're just prooving it.

Those pictures are cool, maybe we could get the strip joints to put up on their signs:

"pull it off" Komets.

i'll stop there, cause what just went through my mind, if i put in words will get me in trouble.

Katie Stine
Mon, 05/03/2010 - 1:29pm

What went through my mind was a certain scene from "Slapshot"...

That collage is what happens when I finish with work by midmorning and plan on lurking in town until game time.

Just cleaned up my camera's memory card, have two sets of extra batteries in the bag, orange-colored glasses (yes, I really do have a pair -- and they light up!) are in the car. Four hours until the puck drops.

Mon, 05/03/2010 - 2:12pm

That should be made into a poster for next year for a give away!!!

Mon, 05/03/2010 - 2:41pm

Hoss-I like that idea. I know some of those business people and most of them a "real" Komet Hockey fans. I for one will support them in anyway I can. Enough talk lets get it on! Go Komets! :)

Blueline Baby
Mon, 05/03/2010 - 3:27pm

My car is still painted.....we still believe!!! LET'S GO KOMETS!!!!!!!!!!

Katie Stine
Mon, 05/03/2010 - 11:35pm

Well, since we're going to have another 2 weeks of hockey, I suppose I'll end up adding to this.
