The bus trip to Friday's game at Muskegon has been canceled as there were only 14 tickets sold as of 6 p.m. today.
Anyone who signed up at Komet Quarters will be refunded their money. Anyone wanting to purchase a ticket to the game and provide their own transportation I have 57 tickets at $10 each. They can either call me or see me at Thursday's game to purchase one. My office number is 471-3227 until 3:00 PM tomorrow or at home 749-2022 after work.
Nothing to be alarmed about....I think it was simply Holidays and Commitments. I would have loved to have gone, but Dance Recitals will rule my day.
Please plan future trips.
Nothing to be alarmed about unless you are the one fronting the money. It's quite a gamble to sponsor a trip like this.
I guess you are right, I didn't realize that they bought the tickets in advance. Whoops.
Aw, sorry to hear that Dennis. I would have thought that with the holiday, people might have been more likely to go. A lot of people will be off work that day, and a lot of wives will be out shopping 'till they drop all day.
Shopping rules over Komet hockey=???????????? I know people would save a lot more money by going on the trip. First SNOW of the season=friday=WOW-WEE
I'd never pick shopping over Komet hockey! Are you kidding???? Unfortunately, I'll still be in another state, otherwise I'd have been one of 3 tickets. Even my husband has that day off. I'm sorry, Dennis!!! This was our year to stay home, too, but my 91 year old grandma probably does not have many more left in her, so I figured I better get there. That was worth it, but not shopping. Not for me!!