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Tailing the Komets

Comeback will demand grit

Posted in: Komets


Fri, 04/30/2010 - 10:29am

I read this today during lunch and immediately thought about our Komets. This, of course, is from the movie 'Miracle' when Herb Brooks was addressing the team before playing the Soviets in the Olympics. I thought it was fitting for tonights game.

"Great moments are born from great opportunity.
And that's what you have here tonight, boys.
That's what you've earned here, tonight.
One game.
If we played 'em ten times, they might win nine.
But not this game. Not tonight.
Tonight, we skate with 'em. Tonight, we stay with 'em, and we shut them down because we can!
Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world.
You were born to be hockey players -- every one of ya.
And you were meant to be here tonight.
This is your time.
Their time -- is done. It's over.
I'm sick and tired of hearin' about what a great hockey team the Soviets have.
Screw 'em!
This is your time!!
Now go out there and take it!"

If the Komets go out there with this attitude, they WILL WIN!!!


Fri, 04/30/2010 - 11:21am

Nice! Got the Chills! Lets Go Komets!

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 12:48pm

Let's hear all the stupid negative posters now! I can't hear you!

Blueline Baby
Fri, 04/30/2010 - 12:56pm

I BELIEVE!! Let's go Komets!!!!!!!

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 1:23pm

LGKomets: Calling others stupid and negative is inappropriate just because you don't agree with them. Next time you decide to post, please add something with substance. Thank you.

Blueline Baby
Fri, 04/30/2010 - 2:43pm

Hmmm, I just realized that I posted after the "let's hear from all the stupid people now" comment. Set myself up there, didn't I? LOL....oh well, if you can't laugh at yourself....that is pretty funny....

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 2:52pm

mightbite is stupid

Blueline Baby
Fri, 04/30/2010 - 3:28pm

BTW, Andrea, thanks for posting the text from this speech....I may have to print this and use this in the "locker room" before any and all important games here. And maybe before a certain important tryout tomorrow to pump a little d-man up. Can't hurt....might help! :)
