Here's today's Komets story with some snappy art from Swikar Patel.
There's also a story about this weekend's Bob Chase Frostbite Sled Hockey Tournament with more art from Kar.
Here's today's Komets story with some snappy art from Swikar Patel.
There's also a story about this weekend's Bob Chase Frostbite Sled Hockey Tournament with more art from Kar.
He's 42 and...People are always complaining about Guy...This guy is 3 years older.
The sled hockey tournament is not the only unique hockey in town this weekend. the ALL GIRLS, Midwest Girls Hockey League, will be in action at Canlan Ice Sports Saturday and Sunday. The Ft. Wayne Komets all girls travel team consists of females 19 and under. They play in the U19 Central division. They are currently in second place out of 4 teams in the division. Come check them out at 3:00 & 5:20PM Saturday and 9:50AM & 12:10PM on Sunday. All games are at the new rink. Also, they will be hosting the End Of Season League Championships March 6th & 7th.
Check out the girls' website at
Here's the link to Fic's press release on Mario:
whoever wrote that press release must be a fresh english major grad.
Cool, thanks Hockey61.
As someone who has long been accused of having a questionable love affair with modifiers, I'd just say, "Less is more, Fic. Less is more."
"goal-cannoneering" That's a first for me.