Back to Back,
Orange and Black,
Cups are won, trophy case stacked.
Well, Icy's loose,
From his roost,
Rockin' The Jungle from October to May.
The K's are ready to fly,
On a Championtrip Ride,
Forget the last cup, not satisfied.
We've got two cups,
try to get some video, i didn't get to see it
thats why icy gets paid the big bucks!
Let me take a Chuckitt perspective on this one:
IC/DC is not the MVP of the team. You better not count on this ICY to be the best ICY on this team, mascots sometimes look good early and fade away during the season. I will trust the Frankes on what Icy does this season before you all go and crown him the King of opening night ceremonies.......Kevin Bertram is the best singer on the team and this is true because I say so.
Yours Truly,
Mr. Wizard aka Chuckitt
Or something like that.
(Joking of course)
The standings as they are today will be the standings at the end of the season, guaranteed! Mark my words and bet the farm.