I've always wondered why he is so sad all the time. I mean, whenever I see him, he always seems to have such a long face.
kyle hunt
Wed, 12/14/2011 - 10:46am
Horse walks into a bar...the bartender looks at him and says...Why the Icy face, Eh?
Wed, 12/14/2011 - 11:18am
That interview has a fowl odor to it
Wed, 12/14/2011 - 11:21am
Icy has terrible grammar too. Under "Hero" he says: "Something I has learned to live with." He truly is a birdbrain. Luckily he doesn't speak out loud.
I've always wondered why he is so sad all the time. I mean, whenever I see him, he always seems to have such a long face.
Horse walks into a bar...the bartender looks at him and says...Why the Icy face, Eh?
That interview has a fowl odor to it
Icy has terrible grammar too. Under "Hero" he says: "Something I has learned to live with." He truly is a birdbrain. Luckily he doesn't speak out loud.
He is one unlawful bird, an ill eagle.