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Tailing the Komets

Today's on-line story

Posted in: Komets


Sun, 01/04/2009 - 3:15pm

I see the headline writer has a sense of humor. "Komets done in by hot Wings". he-he.

Yeah, its funny about the injuries. Last season we were lucky in that department, and we knew it. At the beginning of the current season people were saying, "It's better to get the injuries out of the way now," but they do have a way of haunting teams for entire seasons don't they? Well, we're only halfway through right now, so let's hope that isn't the case!

I wish everyone currently on IR a speedy and complete recovery, even if "speedy" is already out of the question for some.

Tim Hoke
Sun, 01/04/2009 - 3:35pm

What Wendy said!!!
