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Tailing the Komets

Video and quotes

Here's video of game action (notice I didn't say highlights) from WANE's Glenn Marini.

Here's a story on the Zimmerman family from WANE.

Some of Al Sims' post-game quotes:

``Right from the first chance P.C. had with an empty net, we did not bear down around the net and it cost us,'' Komets coach Al Sims said. ``We could have had three or four goals easily. We had the opportunities, we had the shots. If you don't bear down around the net... there wasn't much margin for error. It was a 1-0 game.''

``I don't know how many times Syroczynski missed the net coming in on clear chances,'' Sims said. ``This is a goalie that's over 3.00 goals per game and 89 percent save percentage, and we're not hitting the net. We must have missed the net 20 times in the first two periods... There's just no excuse for Syroczynski to have 10, 12 attempts on the net and not get a goal. That's just not acceptable.''

Posted in: Komets


Thu, 02/04/2010 - 12:41am

Wow, add Al to the Nellie gang...... Our ranks are growing! Calling out the big guns for all to see.

Thu, 02/04/2010 - 12:51am

Blake, email coming at you from me.

Thu, 02/04/2010 - 7:45am

Might as well toss Danko to the wolves too. He had a terrible 3rd period. Ask Boucher..lol.

Rodger at forward? Thats a litte silly.

Woods isn't doing anything, I hope he gets back to game shape soon.

Chaulk seems MIA the last few games.

That was by far the most boring game of the season, but I saved a buck on beer. (I liked it better when I saw real hockey and payed full price)

Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:33am

Can anybody count how many open nets were missed last night? TOO MANY!!! Their goalie left rebounds right and left, yet there was not a Komet player in sight to pounce on it and put it away. Another chance to gain ground on PH and they just couldn't do it. Hope they bounce back for Friday night's game against the Ice Hawks. They need to take advantage of opportunities to pick up points on the top two teams. Now's the time to do it. Go K's!!!
