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Tailing the Komets

What Syro had to say

``As of right now, it should be for the rest of the year. I left Norfolk on very good terms, and we'll see what happens next year. I talked to all three coaches at length, and everything is fine. They liked what I did, but a lot of it is out of their control with Tampa Bay.''

``I initiated this. It was just something where I've been living in a hotel since Oct. 28 with a roommate, and I said if you're not willing to sign me for the year... I was at a point where I'm not a young and upcoming prospect, and this is something I had to do for myself.''

``I was in a situation

Posted in: Komets


Mon, 01/11/2010 - 9:52pm

Welcome back to Syro... This is better than any move the K's could make... Should give the offense the shot it needs to get going... It will be interesting to see what lines Al comes up with now that Syroczinski is back and with Woods in the near future...

Tue, 01/12/2010 - 2:01pm

Talent for talent there is no way Norfolk should have let him go. But politics and contracts rule the day in the AHL so talent doesn't always win out.

Tue, 01/12/2010 - 8:03pm

championship it is, matty. championship it is. you know it :)
