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Tailing the Komets

Brett Smith signs with Brampton


Tue, 06/11/2013 - 1:08pm

As a Komets fan, I'm so sorry to see Smitty leave.  As a Smitty fan, I wish him nothing but the best with his new team.  I'm glad for him that he will be closer to home, his family and friends.  The Beast really made the best choice they could for their first-ever player.  He will not disappoint them.

Matt Allen
Tue, 06/11/2013 - 5:10pm

Well he is a good on the ice. He is not a leader in the room look at last season for the Ks. You want a guy who was the last guy on the ice and first guy off to lead the way. His days are now spent saying look I still get paid to play. I am happy for him it sounds like a good situation. 
