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Tailing the Komets

Here's a trivia question for you


Mon, 02/23/2015 - 11:08am

Blake, this was a very nice column. 

In most of my years being a Komet fan, (the original "I", the AAA " I", the UHL, the IHL2, and the CHL) you kind of knew who was going to play each night.  The exceptions were of course, injuries,  trades,  and players going and coming from Europe. 

But I find the ECHL rosters a little "deceptive".  (And that probably isn't the best word to describe it).

Everyday your roster can change, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.  Add to that fact that your competitor's roster can change just as quickly.  I think I've finally disciplined myself to just wait until the weekend and "see" who is here. To do otherwise would just make me crazier than I already am.

I know these guys are just human beings but it drives me nuts to watch this team play as they did during the 1st period Saturday.  The proof of their dominance was the way they absolutely turned it on and completely took the play right at Gwinnett during the 2nd and 3rd periods.  I bet it drives Graham a little crazy, also.

Speaking of Graham, I think we should congratulate him for the way this team has played.  He took a lot of crap last season.  (Some from me).  But it's been very quiet on the "bash Graham" front.  He may have learned a lesson or two (who is so good they can't learn?), but the important thing is he improved and continues to improve.  I don't see how we could ask for much more than that.

Blake, your mention of a "spring run" is totally correct.  Komet players coming back, affiliated players coming back creates an optimistic outlook...and just as I am trying to remain disciplined by not getting further out than the weekend, here I am thinking about the playoff "look" for this team.

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 2:15pm

Really nice column Blake. I have to agree with Alan regarding Coach Graham. I was all over him last year along with many others, but, the way he has put together this team especially with all of the call ups and injuries and kept them winning as they have is really remarkable. The trivia answer says it all. ZERO affiliated players in the game last Saturday. No we did not play Toledo but we still won the game. He has this team believing in the system and in each other. Hats off to really good off season recruiting. I think he would have to be considered for coach of the year at least at this point in the season. If they finish strong and go deep in the playoffs he has to be right there.

Mon, 02/23/2015 - 4:51pm

Why did we just sign Larkin again?

Who's going this time?

Notice Martin hasn't been playing at LE...
