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Tailing the Komets

Not hockey, but interesting

This week, the roller skating community has suffered a tragic loss of young speed skater and former roller derby athlete, Taylor Elzey. It was announced that a benefit to help cover funeral costs will be held at Bell's Skating Rink (7009 IN-930, Fort Wayne, IN 46774) on Friday. Cost is a free will donation to the family.

Bell's Speed Club, Fort Wayne Derby Girls, Team Roller Dome, and Happy Camper Roller Derby are local skating organizations that are coming together in efforts to raise money for Elzey's funeral costs.

Donations can be made out to Bell's Speed Club and sent to 7009 IN-930, Fort Wayne, IN 46774

Obituary: http://mccombandsons.tributes.com/obituary/show/Taylor-A.-Elzey-102221649
