How many of you are worried about the gas prices this winter possibly affecting your ability to go to Komets' games? Are some of you skipping season tickets because of it? If gas hits $4 per gallon, which kind of changes will you have to make or are you already making?
Blake, are you saying KW is really Justin?!?! That would be some real news that would need to put up by da MAN!!!
Props to you Blake for letting Justin and the Journal have one.
Judging form the fact the Goneau played in the NAHL last year, any bets on if he actually signes wiht the Komets for this year?
Just saw where Jeff Nelson from Muskegon signed to play in Italy this season. Let's see their overhyped PR guy put that on there website.
Justin is not part of OHIC.
KW you are the most insightful,resourceful, and sagacious poster on here. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
Sagacious (Sa*ga"cious)
1. Of quick sense perceptions; keen-scented; skilled in following a trail.
I wanted to beat KimK to the definition this time. C'mon Tony, we're just beer-guzzling, belching, "you suck" yelling rednecks... Stop with the big words!
LOL LOL! sorry y'all
Justin and Blake wer BOTH scooped on Groneau. I even got Komet Warrior, too. If you can believe that.
Skate = Cub Reporter Jimmy Olsen
i wont even touch that one!!
This just in...Greg Puhalski is in SERIUOS negotiations with Willy Wonka in hopes of tapping into his wealth of small forwards.
hey komet warrior, steve rodberg signed with bakersfield.
Look at this MAN! Coach Puhalski found some more great talent that WE should like to see in Fort Wayne instead!
Komet Warrior...pull your bottom lip over your head and suck!!!
Thank you Komet Warrior. It is such esotaric postings that keep us coming back for more!
Gotta love all this "NEWS" about the team.
KometWarrior, go ask Mommy to pack your Superman lunchbox for school so you can "scoop" your fellow 3rd graders with your "cool" lunchbox.... Get over yourself, MAN!!!!
OHIC Warrior Hockey Update
Colin Chaulk doesnt want to go to Europe anymore and wants to come back to the UHL.
I would hate to think that Komet Warrior actually new something ahead of time. That is possibly the most horrifying thing. Does anyone credible know if this is a true statement or just one of kw's ramblings. While im at it since when does Komet Warrior get to tell people that he has to be told before news can be posted. How stupid is that. Just because he cant find his own news till after it has been posted on the blog for a while, he wants everyone to send him theirs. whatever Man !!
Esotaric huh. Is this the literary Tony we are seeing?
Blame it on my other half. The English major is making me learn...well...English LOL
You have been better at speakin' American lately.
KW, if you are going to keep on claiming that I am part of your group, the least you can do is spell my name right: AMELIA.
I knew she really wanted to be in the OHIC..... lol.
Doesn't everyone!!!
I always thought OHIC was something you yelled at the waitress at waffle house.
Hey Brandon would you like to OHIC MAN?
Hey Brandon would you like to be in OHIC MAN?
Hey Komet Warrior would you like to go away?