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Tailing the Komets

Chaulk update

According to Komets President Michael Franke, Colin Chaulk came home Friday night with General Manager David Franke after being discharged from the hospital and receiving several stitches. He was able to walk on his leg and he'll go to see the team doctor on Monday.

Chaulk suffered a cut on the back of his leg between the boot of his skate and the bottom part of his shin pads during Friday's game at Port Huron.

``They don't think it damaged his achilles,'' said Michael Franke who characterized his feelings as optimistic. ``We hope he can make it back in the linep soon, but if not we'll go on and make the best we can of it.''

Posted in: Komets


Hit Somebody!!!
Sat, 04/08/2006 - 8:52am

Thanks for the update Blake. Still very nervous until I see him out there with my own two eyes.

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 9:41am

I second that....

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 10:43am

By reading into the comments made by Franke there is a 50/50 chance that Chaulk will be ready to return for the first round of the playoff's. This will take at least 7 to 10 days to heal. It would look like he will be questionable for the start of a playoff series.

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 10:47am

Sounds like good news.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sat, 04/08/2006 - 7:37pm

Domber fought Stewart tonight, took an arse kicking it sounds like. But he finally did it. It only came 3 games too late. But finally it is over. The End!!!

The line combinations were mixed up tonight obviously Coach had no choice with no Lance and no Chaulk. That had to be part of the reason we got beat tonight to a much lesser Flint team. In saying that, I am more nervous now about our chances in the playoffs than ever before. This is a huge set-back this late in the season with 3 huge games coming up against 3 very good teams. I am not sure we have the luck on our side to play the hockey we have been playing over the past several months. Chaulk's injury comes at a horrible time, those are the breaks. I hope I am wrong. I would love to see this team overcome one more huge obstacle and pull off a miracle in the playoffs. How sweet would that be.

Tony E
Sat, 04/08/2006 - 8:10pm

he doesn't fight, Komets win....he does fight and............ ah one thing probably had nothing to do with the other........ I had to ump so I missed the game unfortunatly.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sat, 04/08/2006 - 8:27pm

All three games had one thing in common, all three games were basically decided when he could have fought, and when he finally fought. The outcome made no difference in fighting either way, you are right. If I follow what you say.....you don't like fighting or don't see a need for it? Just not sure where you stand on that.
Is it a coincidence that the top 4 teams in the league are the more physical, hitting, backing up teammates, aggressive teams in the league? Or not. And they also use those styles to stick it too their opponents. There is something to be said for teams that are willing to play a tough style, not just fighting, but laying the body and getting after it every shift. Hustle, toughness, hitting, are the little things that we haven't had this year. Not just fighting. Fighting is what you do when it is needed to either back-up a player who has been abused, or when you are being abused. There is a place for it. Just my opinion of course. My opinion definitely isn't more important than yours or anyone elses.

More importantly, I want the Komets to win, and I am getting nervous.

Jungle Monkey
Sat, 04/08/2006 - 8:34pm

Why wouldn't Jorde the super-hero fight Dave Stewart? Guess he enjoys watching Domer take a beatdown. Way to be there teammate. Maybe Jorde remembers the loss to Stewart earlier this season?

Tony E
Sat, 04/08/2006 - 8:47pm

I do like fighting and there is a place for it. If fighting was not allowed, you would see guys using their sticks like spears. I guess having played the game I think I have a better grasp of when is and when is not the disciplined time to do it.
Believe me as a goalie I did want my teamates taking care of me when someone was taking liberties with me.
But I have never played for a coach who saw initiating or participating in a fight when you had a game well in control. We were always taught to have class and be disciplined. Pick your battles and make your fights mean something.
You guys got what you wanted, he fought.
Now can we leave him alone and let him do what he was brought here to do, play defence, and push the puck up the ice to create scoring chances? Flint DID score their 4th goal while Domber was sitting in the penalty box. Again, no way to say they wouldnt have scored anyway. But I am sure they got some momentum from the fight and having a +7 D-man in the box didn't hurt them either.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sat, 04/08/2006 - 8:56pm

Maybe if he would have gave it to Stewart, say last weekend? He wouldn't have been sitting in the box tonight. Just a thought.

Tony E
Sat, 04/08/2006 - 9:05pm

You mean you don't expect Domber to challenge him to a rematch next time? And if he wins that fight won't Stewart want revenge the next time? When does it end? For fans so hung up on "respect" and "standing up for yourself" there can be no end because as long as someone wins/loses/draws in a fight, there must always be a return match to stand up for their manhood.
Here is the bottom line. When Stewart takes Domber off the ice it is advantage Flint. Why? Well 2 reasons. #1 Domber is much more valuable to us than Stewart is to them. #2 A loss hurts us much more than a win helps Flint at this point.
I am off for the night. I get to spend my off day doing slow pitch softball tommorow. Yeah I will be in a REALLY good mood tommorow night when I get done LOL

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 9:39pm

Um, just to point this out, but Tony are you trying to use logic on fighting? Good luck, I've been trying that for five months and have gotten nowhere.

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 9:52pm

I agree with logic on fighting. There is a time and place for it. I think 90% of the time a guy should drop the gloves for basically 2 reasons. 1) To stand up for a teammate and 2) to change the momentum of a game.

Sat, 04/08/2006 - 9:53pm

Jorde can't fight everyone for everybody for everything. There is still a hockey game that needs to be played. Give it a rest.
Hit, relax man. We are still in good shape for the playoffs. No need to dig up all old cards you already played. Be positive for a change. I was really hoping for a win tonight because I don't expect much out of Sunday's game. QC had a home game last night while the Komets will be traveling all night.

Sun, 04/09/2006 - 3:50am

Man how can the league expect a team (no matter which team) to travel that long of a distance all nite after a game to play at 2pm the next day???? Especially division rivals towards the end of the year for potential playoff positioning.... Brutal...

Sun, 04/09/2006 - 6:02am

Good for Domber and him taking his own stand with Stewart. Do not really care if he won the fight or not just that he finally said enough is enough and fought him. Jorde and Wilcox must have been a really good sluggfest with Wilcox taking exception to Jorde's remarks about him in the Q & A and Jorde backing up his own words that he is a tough SOB. Now if these types of games could happen at home then I will be happy, it seems that we are more willing to mix it up on the road than at home. We can really set a tone for playoff hockey next weekend finishing up with Muskegon and Kzoo. Did anyone see the box score of the Rockford and Muskegon game another 5 man brawl and they play again today.

Jungle Monkey
Sun, 04/09/2006 - 7:41am

A 5-man brawl? That doesn't happen anymore, Just ask Blake and the Frankes. Oddly enough it was between two first place teams.

Looks like all Jorde has to do is play tough guy in newspaper interviews and he gets the fights he's been "begging" for. It's still too bad he won't stick ip for his teammates.

Tony E
Sun, 04/09/2006 - 1:08pm

I see 5 man brawls all the time. Every Monday night when I am channel flipping and pass by the WCW (or whatever they are calling themselves these days)
