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Tailing the Komets

Colin Lister has passed

Posted in: Komets


Fri, 12/31/2010 - 9:52pm

Colin Lister was Great Man he never let life get him down because of his great faith..He is a man I learned a lot from playing hockey for him, but I learned a lot more just being around him. His influence in my life made me a better person, but even a better coach. Colin always saw the good in people no matter what their background was and was always there to help. Colin never forgot a birthday, graduation, or anniversary I will miss him greatly. God Bless Colin you are a truly loved and respected man.

Hockey Fan for Life
Fri, 12/31/2010 - 9:56pm

Great article Blake. I didn't know that he was so involved in Fort Wayne sports. I was not lucky enough to meet him but I always did like him. He will surely be missed.

Tim Hoke
Fri, 12/31/2010 - 10:51pm

A sad night for Fort Wayne. Colin Lister was small in stature but a Giant in heart and soul. I knew Colin from back in the late sixties. A very nice gentleman who always had time to chat with you. The time he invested with the youth of Fort Wayne made so many people better persons. He touched So many hearts. He will be missed but never forgotten. God bless you Colin Lister!

Fri, 12/31/2010 - 11:24pm

He was truly a great sportsman in Fort Wayne.

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 12:24am

as a young boy i remember colin walking the halls of the barn and taking time out to say hi and talk to me about the komets! we both loved hockey and baseball! he later in life saved komet hockey with the last coin in his pocket. he gave way more than he ever received. like you blake i was honored by the neiba with the colin lister award for service to youth baseball. i was so honored to win an award named after someone who i knew was committed to youth in our community. i was equally humbled cause i knew i could never reach the levels of excellence that he achieved. he will be missed.

Blake Sebring
Sat, 01/01/2011 - 12:32am

Colin Lister's life and what he went through with the hockey club is the perfect example of why the Komets should not be in AAA hockey. It takes one bad year, or in his case a few, to lose it all. With the money that is required now, it could take half a season to ruin everything.

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 1:00am

Over the last several years going to games just wasn't the same without seeing him in his traditional seats at the MC..

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 1:07am

Colin Lister was a true gentleman and who will be greatly missed in our society.

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 1:33am

Mr. Lister was one of the great leaders and builders of minor league hockey, who helped build the foundation, and great tradition of Komet Hockey in this community.

A true Legend of Komet Hockey, and a wonderful, generous human being. R.I.P. Mr. Lister.

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 10:07am

What an amazing man. I knew the name only, and never his story. Thanks, Blake, for putting this on here. People like this man are truly giants among men. I'm grateful we had him here to influence and teach some of the athletes and coaches here in this city.

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 10:34am

Colin was a dear friend who will be missed by all who knew him. He was a big support for my family and I when we needed it the most. God has a new angel with him now. R.I.P. Colin.

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 10:50am

There is never a good time to lose a loved one, but around the Holidays is especially difficult. Prayers to all of Mr. Lister's family and friends.

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 12:13pm

Colin lister was a great man . I've never known a person to give and serve the youth of this community as colin did. He helped and changed the lives of many young men and women. Godspeed mr lister. Our prayers are with you.

Sat, 01/01/2011 - 3:15pm

You can not measure the size of one man in feet and inches.
I knew Colin from both the Komets and Baseball. He was always the gentelman. Always classy. His Faith shined through in all things. It has been a privlage to know him and be associated with him. Always a smile. You just don't get to meet and get to know men like him often. He will be missed for sure. May the love of God imbrace him as he enters the presence of the Lord. Surely there is a special place in heaven for a man like Colin Lister.

Sun, 01/02/2011 - 2:22pm

Colin was a coach of mine when I was young and for him it wasn't if you win or lose, it was how you played the game. I remember a game where our team was winning and the other team pulled their goalie. A kid on my team who started hockey late and wasn't highly skilled shot the puck towards the net and I was following it, it was moving so slow and almost stopped before the goal line, I was just about to knock it in when I realized who shot it, so I let it go and it went in. Colin pulled me aside after that goal and gave me a huge hug and thanked me for letting it go in on its own. He said I've coached the kid since he started playing a few years ago, and that was his first goal. It's one thing to receive praise, but to receive praise from someone that you highly respect is an honor. Mr. Lister was an amazing coach and person. Up until a few years ago, I received a hand written birthday card every year from him. This guy coached youth hockey and baseball... can you imagine how many lives he touched, how many birthday cards he wrote. An amazing man, truly amazing. Thanks Coach.
