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Opening Arguments

Couch potatoes, arise

Considering all the talk of new technology that has passed through this site in recent years, this probably shouldn't have come as a big surprise, but I did not seen it coming:

According to Nielsen's annual “Television Audience” report that was released this week, the number of households with a TV set will decline. The rising trend of TV ownership has been leveling off in recent years, and now the number has dropped from 115.9 million homes in 2011 to an estimated 114.7 million in 2012. As TV Barn pointed out, that's a 1 percent decline despite the number of households rising.

I don't think this means we're becoming less passive in our information/entertainment choices, unless it counts that we're being passive in a more selective way. With our online devices and interfaces, we can catch all that TV stuff on the Internet, and whenever we want instead of on a set schedule.

Man on the moon. Berlin Wall down. Now this. Anything can happen.
