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Tailing the Komets

A few things before I leave for Rockford

1. There's a bunch of stuff coming over the next three days in the paper that I hope you'll like. At least I had fun writing it (and truthfully, isn't that the only thing that really matters? LOL).

2. All those who questioned the Komets keeping eight veterans, here's some crow. Daniel Goneau and Bruce Richardson missed practice today with the flu and a couple other players have it as well. Knowing those two, they'll still try to play, but it will be interesting to see what the decision is because flu can spread on a bus over a weekend like a rumor on this blog. If they aren't careful, this could affect the team for weeks.

3. Here's what the lines and pairings look like right now, according to coach Bingham.

Daniel Goneau, Bruce Richardson and Jonathan Goodwin and Matt Syroczynski, J.C. Ruid and Bogdan Rudenko are pretty much set.

J.F. Labarre, Martin Gascon and Pascal Morency and David Hukalo, Kelly Miller and K.J. Voorhees with David Besner extra. I wonder if there's any UHL team with that much depth up front. We'll find out Friday.

The defensive pairings right now are Mario Larocque and Guy Dupuis, Mike Dombkiewicz and A.J. Bozoian, Kevin Hansen and Arthur Kiyaga with Jonas Gabrielsen extra. Goaltenders are Kevin St. Pierre and Dan McWhinney.

Now the flu may mess all of this up.

4.  A couple of the promotions for this season caught my eye, especially for  the  kids. They will have a chance to ride along on Icy's  four-wheeler (is that Eagle Rider?) by signing up at Windows, Doors and More in Northcrest, and Clancy's Classic Cafe is  sponsoring "Take a  Komet to school.'' How cool is that? There's more information on both at komets.com.

No, sorry, there's not a Take a Komet to work promotion. Yet. 

And I hear the Scoop Guys are going to have even more incentive to hit me in the press box. This year they're going to be tossing something fans can redeem in the building for some goodies.

C'mon guys, show me what you've got.

Posted in: Komets


Wed, 10/11/2006 - 4:07pm

Blake, if you have a chance....could you please let me know what kind of traffic / road construction problems you encounter? I have to take the wife to the Western Suburbs of Chicago this weekend. We take US 30 to Toll Road and then use I 80/294 (The Tri-State) FYI: I heard that a stretch of US 30 between SR 5 and SR 13 is down to one lane. Have a safe trip!

Tony E
Wed, 10/11/2006 - 4:43pm

Blake have a safe trip. The weather as you know is going to be nasty. Please be careful.

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 10/11/2006 - 5:09pm

I am either seeing things or did I read 4 lines and 6 defensemen...plus 2 goalies? Let me count them on my fingers and toes right quick.....ummmm...hmmmm....ok....that makes 22? Is this possible? I thought it was basically 9 forwards, 6 d-men, 2 goalies and 1 extra skater? Right?

My mind is spinning...someone help me!!!

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 5:30pm

I too would like to hear how the drive goes!

See you there Blake! LETS GO KOMETS!

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 5:39pm

The K's have to cut 4 players by game-time friday.

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 5:46pm

Not a good time for all of the guys to be getting sick. Hopefully coach will make Goneau, Richardson, and the other two players stay home and get well b/c we don't want the whole entire team sick at once.

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 5:50pm

or they will have to place the extra players on IR

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 10/11/2006 - 5:51pm

Kevin, no they don't...they can protect the extra players so to speak by putting them on the inactive list or injured reserve list. They can keep all the guys they have and the extras don't even go towards the salary cap.

Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 10/11/2006 - 5:52pm

you were 1 minute faster than my answer

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 8:46pm

You ask I deliver. I called a buddy who lives in Warsaw and he said there's some work on 30 between Columbia City and Warsaw and that it might slow you down for five minutes if you hit it at the wrong time, rush hours. Other than that, it's no big deal. I also checked the state police site and there's nothing there from there to Valpo. There's the usual stuff on I-80 at this time of year in Chicago.

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 9:30pm

I hope the Komets try to keep Goneau and Richardson healthy and away from the other players. It will be tough, although, to go up against Rockford with our first line pretty much wiped out. Hopefully it's a full team again by home opener.

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 10:15pm

Thanks for the update, Blake. We're hoping to be on the road by 10, maybe 11AM. Sounds like what I heard about that stretch of US 30 was overhyped! Hopefully the weather will cooperate. I hope the guys can get well soon....that flu bug can be real nasty! Again, have a safe trip.
