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Tailing the Komets

First intermission

That looked more like the Komets. A couple of things are different from the first two games. They are going to the net a lot harder, and seem to have found a hole top shelf gloveside on Scott Dickie. They are also skating much, much harder, trying to force the action by keeping the IceHogs penned in their own zone. The Komets are trying to cycle more on the Rockford zone, something they did very rarely in the second game.

Eddie Campbell looks great. He blocked a  Billy Tibbetts shot that would have probably ended up as a goal during the first two games. Campbell is teamed with former partner Guy Dupuis and they look great together.

I wonder if one reason why the Komets aren't protesting too much on Dickie starting is because they like him in goal. Who knows? They sure won't say that.

Posted in: Komets


Tony E
Tue, 04/25/2006 - 4:51pm

So what do you folks think about
Big Snake now? Still want him on your team?? How stupid and immature can you get?

Tue, 04/25/2006 - 6:56pm

Boy, the Komets willed thier way to the win, the hung on in the 3rd...

Tue, 04/25/2006 - 7:18pm

Overall, a nice win....just keep putting the pressure on their goalie...he looked a bit shaky at times...it showed that he can lose his confidence. Things are starting to go our way....it's up to us to take advantage of that.

Tony E
Tue, 04/25/2006 - 7:24pm

Oh boy! Let me clarify my comment above. I was not calling anyone here stupid or immature. I posted that shortly after he got kicked out for not being able to keep his big mouth shut. I hope everyone here knows me well enough to know I would not talk like that about anyone here.

Hit Somebody!!!
Tue, 04/25/2006 - 7:38pm

You sounded like Scoops there for a minute Tony? Nice retraction though. Very political.

Tue, 04/25/2006 - 7:40pm

No prob Tony, to me it sounded as if you were talking about Big Snake. By the way, what exactly did he do? I turned my head for a second to talk to the people behind me, and next thing I know the crowd is screaming.

Tue, 04/25/2006 - 7:43pm

Play was dead and he skated up behind Galbraith and smacked him in the back of the head. Then he shoved a linesman away to try to continue the festivities.

Tue, 04/25/2006 - 8:22pm

If Big Snake doesn't get suspended for Thursday....then Martinson should bench him. Of course, that's not likely to occur...since Martinson needs him on the ice. It looked like Johnson got bent out of shape after Miller assisted on the 4th goal....getting in Miller's face. What a bunch of whiners! I think I'll bring some cheese to go with the "whine" on Thursday!

Tue, 04/25/2006 - 10:05pm

Well the best thing that the pigs can do is squeel, and boy did they do plenty of that! Big Snake is a joke, he keeps this up he'll be the best player for the Komets. What a loser, he could be a great player, tough, scores plenty, but he doesn't know how to control his temper. I guess that's why he'll stay in the UHL and not move up. Frenchy played a good game, not a 'he has no business making those saves' type of game but still played solid. Is it just me or do the Komets look better playing on the MC rink size better than the Rockford rink? Keep it up Komets, we win Thursday the momentum of this series will be with us.

Tue, 04/25/2006 - 11:18pm

Excellent point on Frenchy, DNL. In the third period he played well enough to keep his team in front.

Wed, 04/26/2006 - 7:56am

So a rookie made a mistake and let his emotions get the best of him. Who do you think has more of a future in hockey, Big Snake or any of our rookies?

Of course, in the unlikely event a player like that would ever play for the Komets, Puhalski would bench him and, eventually, ruin him. Like he did Kotyluk.

Wed, 04/26/2006 - 7:58am

Maybe we ought to put STOP signs on players backs like the kids do. Or make them all wear skirts.

Since when is playing with emotion a bad thing? Remember the famous Andre Ray temper. His emotions got away from him sometimes.

Does anyone know where he is? Maybe we could ask him about it.

Tony E
Wed, 04/26/2006 - 8:10am

Skate people will keep giving him chances to a point. I have no tolerance for abusing an official, I don't care how bad the call is.
The thing is, if you understand anything about the backround where this guy came from, there is a very good chance his anger is not going to go away. If you want me to elaborate I will be happy to but there is a reason that Jordan Tootoo has had problems in the NHL and why it took so long for an Inuit to make it to the NHL in the first place.

Tony E
Wed, 04/26/2006 - 8:12am

Oh and yes Andre Roy skated about 4 minutes a game for Pittsburgh this year along with

Wed, 04/26/2006 - 8:22am

A rookie makes a mistake? It's been like that with Big Joke all year long. And don't compare him to Galbraith. If Galbraith knocked someone in the back of the head before a faceoff then knocks the ref (especially in the middle of a game, little alone the playoffs) we'd all be asking for Lance's head on here. Lance can get dirty and his mouth has gotten him in trouble in the past, but he is no Big Snake.

Tony E
Wed, 04/26/2006 - 8:25am

One of the most interesting things about
Big Snake is that he is half Cree and half
Blackfoot. Those two Bands (you do not call them tribes in Canada) were bitter enemies for many many years.

Wed, 04/26/2006 - 8:46am

People here would cheer for Big Snake in a Komets uniform just as they did Andy Bezeau. Both are/were known for doing some rediculous things and having a temper. After awhile I am sure people would grow tired of it just as they did with Andy.

Tony E
Wed, 04/26/2006 - 9:04am

Scoops I agree but with one difference. With Andy, the Komets were not counting on him to be on the ice in the last minutes of a 5-4 game because he could score. Andy fought and he talked. That is all he did. He was not going to see the ice in a close game late. The same could be said for Andre Roy, Worlton or any other former Komet "goon".
Rockford needed Big Snake on the ice last night in the 3rd. He might have made a difference. Instead he was soaking his feet. I would rather have a 20 goal scorer who I knew could keep his wits about him than a 30 goal scorer who could get himself and the team in trouble by taking stupid penalties in critical situations.

Wed, 04/26/2006 - 9:08am

No argument here....
