He told me today that he met again with the Frankes and he was encouraged. ``They told me what they want from me, and I told them what I need from them,'' he said. ``Now we're talking numbers.''
A decision will probably be made by Tuesday.
In other news, Hit, what's the deal? I leave you in charge and you take down the whole system! 97, hours Hit Somebody forced the system to crash with his numbers game!
Oh, well, I'm going back to counting 99 bottles of beer on the bar. Blake
I wondered what happened....I could read comments, but couldn't post...said system was down for maintenance! Blake, enjoy your vacation....the wife is asking if you're doing anything special or just taking it easy. Also, she wanted to know when you'll return, but I told her that is a state secret! Enjoy, my friend
On Frenchy, well... I reserve comment until we see what the numbers are and what his place on the team would be and of course how he performs. All I will say for now is I hope he is in ADDITION to Reiter and not in place of him.
I thought the news just said noon tomorrow...boy I'm deaf..or just tired..
have a good vacation blake...
yeah...hit broke the blog...
what noon tomorrow? you mean we'll have an announcement then? HOPEFULLY!
yeah, i thought the news said we would have a frenchy announcement by noon tomorrow..oh well..we've waited forever for some news..might as well keep waiting
noon on friday...yet, Blake has Tuesday...im so confused..would someone give me a date already...
You're Welcome.....
I think I asked the question yesterday...what is the over/under the Frankes could actually make a decision on Wednesday? Well the overs win it.
9......the number of players the Komets should have signed by July 31st.
10.......Komet Warriors IQ....MAN!!!!
Sure is lonely since JR got sent back to the minors...that sucks.
11 age of Hit Somebody. LOL. Couldn't resist. Frenchy told me by Tuesday, which is also the same day as the new coach will have a press conference. Coincidence? I highly doubt it.
12......number of hairs left on Blake's head.....LOL
13.....number of women that are in line at the bar to help buy Blakes 99 beers tonight. You go on with your bad self.....
Some vacation. Blake didn't you make it clear to the Komets that for 2 weeks they were not allowed to do anything??
14 the number of beers blake has consumed tonight...
15..... Number of times a Frenchy announcement will be delayed.
Warrior Hockey Update #1: Kevin St. Piere has reached a contract with the KOMETS! it will be announced soon!!!!:)
I don't blame hit. I have a sneakin suspicion JD got a look at ILH comments about him and crashed the system to get rid of them, darn that ILH.
This appears to be a summer where the Komets organization is going to string us along making decisions, now we have to wait til the 18th for word on Frenchy, come on. I can sort of understand why St. Pierre needs to think it over, the Frankes originaly said that he wasn't in their plans for next year, if he's as good as most people seem to think, shouldn't he have other offers by now, if he really wants to play in the Fort then why the hassle to think about it? Just my thoughts.
I also say if he's signed, the Komets can kiss off a quality back up.
Maybe there was no indecision on the Franke's part. Maybe Pulhalski made the decision that Frenchy wasn't wanted any longer and after Pulahlski left, both Marks and Bingham told the Frankes that they have to be crazy to dump one of the top goalies at the AA level.
MAN! Your not komet warrior, MAN. Got it MAN?
the system stopped when i posted a thing about the FBI calls with Galante and Brosal. Its an FBI/UHL/Galante conspiracy.
Don't tell me KW Actually has a fan club and wants to emulate him.
We're done for.
just checkin to see if they shut it down again...
Saw where Kevin Watters was signed by Corpus Christi of the CHL. One draft pick not available.
I don't think they are stringing us along. There are alot of players available and it has been a long time since there has been this much roster turnover. That combined with the fact that they have to consider every decision against the hard cap/
I guess my minor little rant is because the Frankes seem to be in a rutt. I know I should be patient(sp), but I think all the teams have at least one or two players signed and the Komets are dealing with an issue they've been dealing with for two months. Make a decision and move on. We've already lost one of our dispersal draft picks, and it's possible he would not have fit in with Bingham's system, but we don't even know if he was contacted.
This thing having problems again or is everybody asleep?
im awake...
I was just wondering if everyone thinks this blogis still busted.