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Tailing the Komets

Goodbye, Shaf

Posted in: Komets


Blake Sebring
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 3:41pm

It's a blowout so far, 5-1 Komets after 1. Syro already has a hat trick.

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 3:43pm

Let's hope the d doesn't look at the scoreboard...

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 3:45pm

How many points has the Shaf/Syro/Chaulk and PC/Leo/OC line had over the last 4 games?

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 5:00pm

5 to 3 d isnt lookn good

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 6:07pm

What a class act Shaf is!

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 6:17pm

Another highly competitive game. Beating up on Dayton and QC is pretty exciting.

Why don't the Komets bring Jerome Iginla in to take Shaf's spot? Calgary missed the playoffs... he's not doing anything. Maybe he's not the "pure scorer" that Hodgman is.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 6:59pm

Sounds like the Frankes are sweating Haun right now. You have any news Blake??? Sounds like they are even worried he might not be on the playoff roster and they will have to settle on playing Koenig as the back-up. This is bigger news to than Hodgman.

Haun has been the man this year. And we all know how the defense will make a mistake, like B-dub passing the puck directly in front of the net to the opposing player for a goal, and then Boucher loses his cool and gives up 2 or 3 goals more. This is a problem.

I saw Bobby Phillips with an Ice Bag after the game too. Any updates there? He is definitely needed on the blueline.

The Komets turned on the switch a couple of times tonight and blew the Ducks away, but in the playoffs, it needs to be 60 minutes of killer hockey, and some games 80 or 90 minutes of killer hockey.

I know they will be ready for the playoffs...but we need Haun and Phillips bigtime.

Blake Sebring
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:02pm

Tim told me he felt fine and he's day to day. I asked him if he'd play next week, and he said he plans to.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:07pm

That sounds better than what the guy that sits next to you said in his article.....it sounded much dire over there is all.

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:13pm

Warner is a sorry excuse for a hockey player.He hasn't helped this team for months now.Is there a reason that the Komets keep wasting a roster spot on him?I can't think of a more unreliable defenseman on the team.Please disagree with me,I could use a good laugh!

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:17pm

Wish I could give you a laugh, fleck and disagree but couldn't agree more!!

Blueline Baby
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:19pm

I will miss Shafranov so much on this team!! It was so nice having him here while we did. Best wishes to him and his family back home.

Five Minute Major
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:24pm

Sorry Fleck, I can't disagree either. I've developed a new drinking game... whenever Warner does something that makes you want to facepalm, do a shot. I normally try to be as positive as possible but sometimes you just gotta say enough is enough.
I was thinking the same thing, BLB... really gonna miss that guy! I still have his goal song running through my head.
Couple random observations from the game...
QC's Perrault looks a bit like PC from a distance...
It's odd leaving a game and having it be daylight...
Loved the sign, Janice! At least I assumed it was you who made it. :)

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:24pm

i dont know "fleck" its a tough toss up between him and bertram. I think they both are a waste of a spot but at least when warner decides to hit the net with his shot it may go in

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:27pm

Here is something from a Muskegon fan that will upset alot of people:

"I hope Muskegon wins the Cup for the one reason Jeff Patulski stated on 'Jacks Jam. They'll take it out on a fishing charter and accidently send it overboard to the depths of Lake Michigan.

I believe they may do it, too. The old Colonial Cup was tossed from a former Fury players roof into his swimming pool. And on another occasion that same Colonial Cup was dropped into Muskegon Lake on a fishing trip."

There is reason enough that the Komets need to do whatever it takes to win the Turner Kup. Keep it away from the Hillbillies in Muskegon. Slumber Cracks.

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:48pm

Thanks Five, it was me, but I wont take all the credit though. Hoss sent me a message at 8:30am this morning and got the ball rolling. We will miss you Shaf.

Blueline Baby
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 7:51pm

Slumber Cracks? LOL....hysterical, Hit!! And seriously, we may need Icy to install a tracking device on that Kup. And hope it does not break off when it is lifted. By Captain Dupuis...again!

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:09pm

Anyone who heard Chase's interview with Leo tonight please let us know what Chase said about the new Komet player and who he is...........

Blake Sebring
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:22pm

Burgee, please give Hit Somebody one of the yellow pills.

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:24pm

I will miss you SHAFY!!!

Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:33pm

All out a yellers!

Puck Bunny
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:36pm

its not a "new" komet player, Hit .. its a former player ... HODGIE ! HODGIE ! HODGIE !

Blake Sebring
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:41pm

Are we sure it's not Rick Varone?

I'm wondering if we shouldn't all slow down a bit here. There's an old saying, they aren't here until they are here, and Toronto's ECHL affiliate, Reading, is still in the playoffs. They might have something to say about all of this tomorrow. Seriously.

Puck Bunny
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:47pm

hahaha ... good one Blake ... I guess we'll all find out pretty soon!

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:49pm

I specifically saw Blake say "only if it were true". Either Bob didn't say it, or Hodgie isn't coming. What did you mean Blake? Seriously, all laughing aside. If Bob said what I was told he said, and what I have read on another site that he said, did Bob make it up, did he speak too soon, or are we all idiots again?

I know they probably have to run this thru the league office...LOL.....that would be like me calling on my cellphone to my wife's cellphone and working out a deal with myself as I trade phone's back and forth.

"Yes this is the FW Komets, can you please put the President of the IHL on the phone please....yes this is he, I just wanted to let you know that we are signing Hodgman.......ok, let me make sure that will be OK........yes, take your time.......ok, I think it will be ok, done deal.......thank you" As he speaks to himself in the mirror.

Ok I was joking there. Alot.

But it has pretty much been talked about by several parties right down to the PR of the team in Bob Chase who last night said a "big" announcment was coming today or monday, and he announced it during his interview with Leo.

I am sure the deal must become official with the IHL and also with Toronto. But people are saying Hodgie's equipment is all ready here. Hmmmmmm???

I doubt he is coming. LOL

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:51pm

Ok, I get it, my typing of that novel was too slow, and I see your response.

But why did Bob speak so soon?

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:54pm

What if Kalamazoo gets beat by Reading....maybe Matt Curadeau comes in.....if Kalamazoo wins....we get Hodgman. Either way, good player we get.

Kalamazoo running the Komets player moves....dang it.

Puck Bunny
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 8:57pm

it sure didn't take you too long Hit to get off of the Aquino bus!!

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 9:02pm

That was just wishful thinking. I never heard that he was coming....I was just giving my vote for it.

Anything it takes to keep the Kup from the HillJacks.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/11/2010 - 9:29pm

Superfan said: "There
