Ok another challenge.
I recieved an email from an anonymous donor who wants
to match the next $100 that the blog donates.
So lets get this done...another 100 bucks...we can do
email me @Kmtshcky17@hotmail.com and I'll send you my
address...let's get er'
Mark and family
After all this, Mark, I'm expecting to see quite a few blisters in two weeks. Blake
you probably will since I'm probably rollerblading the walk...since I will miss my hockey game that night..i gotta get my skating in sometime...
Who runs the blog Mark or Blakes?
Komet Warrior- I can put up with your I love Puhalski comments, but now your going a little bit to far. Mark has a good cause with MDA and his son and he's encouraging anybody and everybody to help out.
KW, I run the blog. If you have a similar situation or charity, I'd be delighted to put it up. If you don't, then thank the Lord and add your prayers for those that do.
Thank you Blake...
Sorry MAN! No feathers need to be ruffled Blakes. I wasnt trying to be a smartalic in asking that question. I also want to know what you think about having more expansion teams in the east Blakes? What about having some in Ohio or Pennslyavanaia?
Good enough. I wouldn't have any trouble with Ohio, but Pennsylvania could be iffy. Elmira will be on an island for a long time.
Thanks Blakes.
If he gets to call you Blakes I get to call you THE BLAKESTER!!
Seriously one of the things I always tell people when I talk about Fort Wayne is that even though it is a big city, the community comes together in support of its people in times of need like a small town would. Kudos to everyone for helping not only Mark but the entire effort in general to help find a cure for this horrible illness.
Thanks Tony...you are absoultly correct. Fort Wayne does come together for people in theier time of need..
I am touched by the outpouring of support that I have recieved over the last 24 hours..and since we found out about Jonathans condition. With this money that is donated, it will go along ways toward finding a cure, in hopes that Jonathan won't have to worry anymore about this diaease...once again..Thank you so much..
I haven't recieve any more donation offers since I put this new challenge up..
Please people, this person really wants to match the next 100 bucks...lets get er done...
I have a suggestion for you. Contact the Komets and ask them to donate a signed stick or jersey or something. I will auction it off on Ebay for you (I will pay all associated fees) and advertise it through my customer base as a charity item. Perhaps Blake(s) paper will allow him to make mention of the auction in a column he writes. Even if not, word of mouth + my connections should get the thing bid up nicely.
Shoot we can just put it on the blog. We've averaged more than 1,000 people a day on here the last month.
Great idea Blakenator (ok I will stop lol)
If it goes that rout, give me a weeks notice and I will put the word out on my weekly email and post it on dealernet b2b.
Wait lol. Did you mean do the auction on the blog or post word of it? My post above was thinking you meant doing the auction on the blog.
Tony, the moniker "The Blakester" is already in use in our home. But it's a nickname for our 85 lb. Black Lab whose given name is Blake. And yes, the human Blake is aware of the K-9 version....they have'nt met each other yet.
Lol well "The Blakester" had better beware of "The Blakenmeister"!
But really I figured this whole thing out.
BLAKES referes to the multiple clones of Blake which allow him to be at work 24/7 while performing other little tasks of life such as eating, sleeping etc. So Komet Warrior was simply trying to make sure none of the Blakes felt left out while he was talking to them.
Geez I need to go to bed LOL. Staring at these freaking cards all night is making me tipsy.
Sleep? I've heard of it, I think.
I meant we could advertise it on the Blog.
Ok. Well if you guys set it up I will run the auction. If it can be shipped to me I will run the auction for 10 days, take care of the fees and shipping it to whoever wins it.
Mark you can write something about your son and the cause which can be included in the description. I have over 100 subscribers to my Ebay store and several hundred folks who buy from my other website. That combined with the fact that Komets Jerseys that have been on Ebay in the past have sold pretty well and those were not for charity.
If you think it would help, see what you can come up with and get ahold of me.
I am off to bed. Goodnight all
I'm on it Tony, I never thought of that...
btw..Blakeanator is in use at my house as well..except thats what we call my youngest son for some odd reason....
Ok lol you guys win.
Besides who am I to argue with such a masterpiece of profound appellation?
BLAKES it is! ;-)
By the way Mark, who is your sons favorite pro player or team? Just thinking I might toss something extra in the envelope.
Patrick Roy-Colorado Avalanche...
he loves goaltenders...he was a huge fan of Kevin St Pierre and Kevin Kurk this past year...
be sure to read your email, I sent you one..
I got a response from Rick Birely of the Komets
We have raised between this blog and other connections..$650-$700 dollars.
Tony E is gonna run an auction to auction off a few items that were donated by Rick Bireley from the Komets.
We really appreciate all the support we have gotten...I'll update the final numbers later this week..
Thanks alot everyone
Mark and Family
Folks this will be done on Ebay. I will launch them next Friday and they will run for 7 days. I will post the item numbers here. Please tell your friends. There is some cool stuff.
Be sure to let me know that you recieved the items...