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Tailing the Komets

If you can't make it to Muskegon

WANE's Ross Kinsey and I will be doing some reports tonight on Channel 15 news at 5 and 6 p.m., and possibly 11 p.m. I'll also be on with Bob on WOWO sometime tonight. He's more excited than a 5-year-old at Christmas.

Here are some options for you tonight if you weren't able to make it.

You can listen to the game here; or watch it here on the B2 network. That costs $8, and you'll get to listen to Muskegon's Terry Ficorelli.

Randy Marcom and Otto Boschet from the Game of the Week crew are on their way up here to tape the game for broadcast on Comcast Ch 55 and Verizon Ch. 25 at 9 p.m., Friday and 7 a.m., Saturday.

Chad Ryan and I will have some reports after the game. A lot depends on how well Muskegon's folks can help me with the internet connection, but Chad will have video for you late tonight. We'll also have pictures, but I guarantee you, his will be a lot better than mine. LOL.

If the Komets win, they are planning on staying here to celebrate for a while, so I would guess 2-3 hours after the game ends is when they'd start heading home and then it's 3 1/2 hours to Fort Wayne if you want to meet them. I'll try to blog afterward when they leave from here.

We're heading to the rink. Hope everybody has a save drive up here. Whether the Komets win or not, we've got a lot of special stuff scheduled for tomorrow's News-Sentinel.

Posted in: Komets


Wed, 05/06/2009 - 1:47pm

If we win, take a sip out of the Kup for me, Blake!

I'll be watching it on B-2 but wishing I were there. I'm looking forward to your coverage. Have a safe trip. Go K's!!!

Wed, 05/06/2009 - 1:52pm

"Get" to listen to Ficorelli? Are you kidding me? That is like torture.

Just turn the sound down on the B2 network player and open up the WOWO.com player. Then right click near the bottom (near the play and stop buttons) and go to options. Under Network Buffering click the button next to Buffer and increase the buffer size. It will be different for everyone, but it was about 33 seconds for me last night. Click ok and then hit the stop button and then the play button. It will take a few seconds to start up again. Play around with it until it is close to the video.
