Imagine looking at Rosanne Barr naked. Knew I shouldn't have drank so much last night. This was a heckova picture to wake up to today. Thank goodness for the cutie on the left to take the edge off. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ugliest people always have the most beautiful children.
I thought Hit said he was going to dress up? Looks the same to me!
You were drinking while on another "assignment??" Tsk Tsk Tsk
Highly doubtful. Maybe I should have said looking at that picture I wish I had been.
Hit....when you have to wash your body with a paint roller, it is probably time to back away from the buffet.... ;-)
Seriously... had I known you were going to do that, I might have driven down to see it live LOL.
Congrats to Jake Ortmeyer for being called up to the San Antonio Rampage of the AHL to a PTO.
That is one sexy man...yeah baby!!!!
Dead Sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heather if you were not attracted to Hit surely must be now!
Ugly people having cute children is a myth... that was a horrible thing to say you should be ashamed
Before it was like yeah maybe but now oh my god I gotta have a piece of that
Either Way....I had fun...the crowd loved it...I had thousands come up to me after the parade to tell me they enjoyed that, even had some take pictures of me. My goal in life is to make people laugh and smile. I think I did that well last night. Bottom line...I enjoyed it. 8000 strong did too. I think?
If nothing else that picture proves Hit has forgotten more about hot air.........
I want to see the full motion video of you walking around in that thing!
The crowd loved it no need to worry about that.
And yes...My daughter is beautiful. Even from ugly people like myself. Wait a Minute!!!! Not everyone thinks I am ugly...just ask around. LOL
For the record I think that is the sexiest man I've ever there any way I can get his number lol
She means out of costume too boys!!!!
I'm keeping my mouth shut now for the sake of keeping this PG rated
no comments from Tony he actually doing something constructive lol just kidding
He is chewing bubble gumm out of 1984 Topps Wax Packs....LOL
Sad thing is that is probably true LOL
LOL actually I did gum from a 75 pack last year on a dare.
No right now I am playing with some Morgan dollars and letting you two entertain me LOL
We'll be here all week...don't forget to tip the bartender LOL
LOL. Good! My freaking website is acting up today and it is driving me nuts. I need the laughs
Just keep the picture nearby to entertain you.
I'll make sure to dream about that sexy man LOL