Flint fans filled 106, Hoberg is calling toooooooooo many pealtieS
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 6:26pm
Suprise...suprise....Hoberg wants to be the star of the game just like in Port Huron......I am pulling for Flint but some of the calls against Musky have been very very suspect.......let the players decide the game! I can't believe that the league can't see this....
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 6:27pm
LOL! Bouchard holds Bogas's stick and then falls down and Hoberg buys it! Unbelievable! Poor poor poor officiating...
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 6:28pm
Are the K's watching this on B2? Just curious.
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 6:40pm
Hoberg still stinks
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 6:44pm
Now you know why I lost my voice yelling at him the 2nd period on Saturday night in Port Huron...Hes Horrible!
Chad Ryan
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 6:55pm
The report was Flint was up 4-2 after two periods. Is that still the case, and how much time is left now?
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 6:58pm
boston 3-1 over Flyers 3rd
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:04pm
4 - 2 flint 16:16 left in the 3rd.
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:12pm
If Flint wins game one is Saturday in Fort Wayne. Muskegon wins its obviously in Muskegon.
confirmed by flint radio guy
Enough Already
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:33pm
So is anyone else more worried about playing Flint than Musky? They have played excellent against us all year, are quiet, physical, and confident coming in and Nolan has stoned us all year. Flint will be a bunch of scrappers and give it to us every night. Muskegon is an offensive star team. I think we could control them like we did PH. Just IMO, i dont have as good of a feeling playing Flint.
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:37pm
Empty net goal 5-2 Final Flint wins!
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:41pm
See you saturday Flint!
Congrats on making it this far
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:42pm
The die is cast, may the games begin........
Blueline Baby
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:47pm
Oh man....I'll be gone Saturday! Well, let the text overcharges begin along with the series! LOL....
Joshua Franklin
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:56pm
Janice, you lost your voice in the 2nd period last Saturday? I was gone by the 1st intermission. lol
I've been saying that Flint scares me more than Musky-gone did. Had they had goaltending all season, who knows where they'd have finished. Very dangerous team. Coming back from a 3-1 against Musky-gone proves it.
I know, I know. The K's did it also. Flint still scares me.
However, as long as the Komets play defensively as they did Monday, they'll be the three-time champeens.
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 7:57pm
Please God--help us beat Flint in the next 4-5 games--this will be a tougher match for us but our guys are ready--will be rested--and can get the job done!
Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 9:28pm
You would think this new success would fire up the Flint faithful and they would be running in droves to Perani to get their tickets and merchandise to support their Generals......and that this would have some serious carry-over for whoever is thinking of buying the Generals for next year, if they do decide to do it.
The Frankes and the IHL couldn't have asked for anything better for the league than this scenario.
Is it in the leagues best interest for Flint to win the cup, or is still ok for the Komets to win and get the 3-Peat???
I know we have had this discussion several times in the past about how it is so bad that the Komets win and it hurts the IHL when they do, or so some have said. I would think that the Komets winning helps the leagues bottomline overall. We have more fans interested here in the Komets and the IHL than any other city. And we fans will buy more tickets and more merchandise, period.
None of this should matter.
Let's win the Kup and beat the Generals, who gives a rats patooty about the Gens.....I sure don't.
Go Komets!!! Sweep 'em.
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 9:35pm
Hits a killer, let's kill em, put the foil on.
Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 9:45pm
Everyone has fallen in love with the Flint Wayne Generals....
Not me, lets wipe all that mooshey crap out of our minds, and lets stick this series up their butts. It is playoff, finals hockey. I hope Bertram and company continue the physical play and they stick-it to the Generals. I hope the Komets come out and punish them.
And this is coming from the guy who said 3 months ago when the Gens were out 17 or 18 points of a playoff spot..."If Flint makes the playoffs, i will buy and wear a Flint Generals jersey next season....." I did buy one. And will wear it, whenever it gets here.....
I'm not bitter or anything....
Smoke their butts Komets.
Brendan Savage
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 12:57am
I met Burgee Tuesday!
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 1:04am
Good, maybe you can sit with him in the stands because you're not welcome in the press box ;)
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 6:30am
Brendan--If you bring the pills Burgee will buy the Foo Foo's. I'll donate the Suntan oil. (Burgee has been known to drink that also)
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 7:49am
Schebig-Loves-Bouchard still carries fuzzy pink handcuffs from his days on the force where he used to arrest and frisk sun tanned foo foo drinkers.
Schebig was Foo Foo fighting.......
Used pink hanfdcuffs quick as lightning
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 8:10am
Burgee--I give up you win! "Foo Foo Fight" that is very good.
About loving Bouchard not hardly, I just hope his career is over. I am most happy his name will not be on the Turner Cup this year.
Flint fans filled 106, Hoberg is calling toooooooooo many pealtieS
Suprise...suprise....Hoberg wants to be the star of the game just like in Port Huron......I am pulling for Flint but some of the calls against Musky have been very very suspect.......let the players decide the game! I can't believe that the league can't see this....
LOL! Bouchard holds Bogas's stick and then falls down and Hoberg buys it! Unbelievable! Poor poor poor officiating...
Are the K's watching this on B2? Just curious.
Hoberg still stinks
Now you know why I lost my voice yelling at him the 2nd period on Saturday night in Port Huron...Hes Horrible!
The report was Flint was up 4-2 after two periods. Is that still the case, and how much time is left now?
boston 3-1 over Flyers 3rd
4 - 2 flint 16:16 left in the 3rd.
If Flint wins game one is Saturday in Fort Wayne. Muskegon wins its obviously in Muskegon.
confirmed by flint radio guy
So is anyone else more worried about playing Flint than Musky? They have played excellent against us all year, are quiet, physical, and confident coming in and Nolan has stoned us all year. Flint will be a bunch of scrappers and give it to us every night. Muskegon is an offensive star team. I think we could control them like we did PH. Just IMO, i dont have as good of a feeling playing Flint.
Empty net goal 5-2 Final Flint wins!
See you saturday Flint!
Congrats on making it this far
The die is cast, may the games begin........
Oh man....I'll be gone Saturday! Well, let the text overcharges begin along with the series! LOL....
Janice, you lost your voice in the 2nd period last Saturday? I was gone by the 1st intermission. lol
I've been saying that Flint scares me more than Musky-gone did. Had they had goaltending all season, who knows where they'd have finished. Very dangerous team. Coming back from a 3-1 against Musky-gone proves it.
I know, I know. The K's did it also. Flint still scares me.
However, as long as the Komets play defensively as they did Monday, they'll be the three-time champeens.
Please God--help us beat Flint in the next 4-5 games--this will be a tougher match for us but our guys are ready--will be rested--and can get the job done!
You would think this new success would fire up the Flint faithful and they would be running in droves to Perani to get their tickets and merchandise to support their Generals......and that this would have some serious carry-over for whoever is thinking of buying the Generals for next year, if they do decide to do it.
The Frankes and the IHL couldn't have asked for anything better for the league than this scenario.
Is it in the leagues best interest for Flint to win the cup, or is still ok for the Komets to win and get the 3-Peat???
I know we have had this discussion several times in the past about how it is so bad that the Komets win and it hurts the IHL when they do, or so some have said. I would think that the Komets winning helps the leagues bottomline overall. We have more fans interested here in the Komets and the IHL than any other city. And we fans will buy more tickets and more merchandise, period.
None of this should matter.
Let's win the Kup and beat the Generals, who gives a rats patooty about the Gens.....I sure don't.
Go Komets!!! Sweep 'em.
Hits a killer, let's kill em, put the foil on.
Everyone has fallen in love with the Flint Wayne Generals....
Not me, lets wipe all that mooshey crap out of our minds, and lets stick this series up their butts. It is playoff, finals hockey. I hope Bertram and company continue the physical play and they stick-it to the Generals. I hope the Komets come out and punish them.
And this is coming from the guy who said 3 months ago when the Gens were out 17 or 18 points of a playoff spot..."If Flint makes the playoffs, i will buy and wear a Flint Generals jersey next season....." I did buy one. And will wear it, whenever it gets here.....
I'm not bitter or anything....
Smoke their butts Komets.
I met Burgee Tuesday!
Good, maybe you can sit with him in the stands because you're not welcome in the press box ;)
Brendan--If you bring the pills Burgee will buy the Foo Foo's. I'll donate the Suntan oil. (Burgee has been known to drink that also)
Schebig-Loves-Bouchard still carries fuzzy pink handcuffs from his days on the force where he used to arrest and frisk sun tanned foo foo drinkers.
Schebig was Foo Foo fighting.......
Used pink hanfdcuffs quick as lightning
Burgee--I give up you win! "Foo Foo Fight" that is very good.
About loving Bouchard not hardly, I just hope his career is over. I am most happy his name will not be on the Turner Cup this year.