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Tailing the Komets

Komets still have a chance

And a good one. Michel Robinson is going to miss the next two games what an ankle injury, one that is serious enough to require an MRI on Monday. Usual back-up goaltender Ronnie Vogel is on injured reserve with undisclosed injuries, meaning rookie Scott Dickie is starting. He faced 10 marshmellows on Sunday night, but the Komets never got close enough to test him.

This is the same Scott Dickie who played in Adirondack a few years ago. He got his amateur status back by sitting out a year and then played this year in college before joining the IceHogs. Sunday's game was his first this season with the IceHogs.

But it won't matter if the Komets don't get to the net.

Posted in: Komets


Sun, 04/23/2006 - 6:18pm

Screen, screen, screen, screen, and screen. Need bodies out front to pickup any loose change.

Tony E
Sun, 04/23/2006 - 7:03pm

Any other team, this situation I would tell you that the Pigs have the Komets roasted and done. But if there is one thing we have learned the last two years is that just when the Komets are down and almost out, that is when they seem to play the best.
Let's face it, at full strength the Komets were underdogs. Rockford had the superior record this season. Minus Chaulk, New, and Frawley (who had really improved) they are even more the underdog. I really would like to know why Chaulk was asked to stay home. That is a story that needs to come out.
I have not given up on them. I want to see what the first 10 minutes of game 3 sounds like.

Tony E
Sun, 04/23/2006 - 7:08pm

I would like to quickly add off topic that this weekend was another example of Hoosier Hospitality at it's finest. Everyone I met at the Schererville tournament could not have been nicer. Even the folks at the local restaurants and shops treated myself and my fellow umpires as though we were VIP. A nice reminder of why Indiana holds a special place for me.

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/23/2006 - 7:30pm

We should run him.....er....run at him. Who is his backup?

Sun, 04/23/2006 - 7:57pm

What does/can Rockford do in this situation? Was Vogel on their playoff roster?
Would this fall under the old IHL rule where a backup goalie not on the playoff roster can only play in the event of an injury?

Sun, 04/23/2006 - 8:01pm

Jeff, I think Rockford can then dress someone else from the roster and give him the goalie gear. I will look at the UHL rule book and see what it says.

Tony E
Sun, 04/23/2006 - 8:12pm

The UHL has a rule book??? Based on their recent track record I thought they just made them up as they went along.....

Hit Somebody!!!
Sun, 04/23/2006 - 8:31pm

Rumor has it...you are right Tony. That has been the way this year for sure.

Sun, 04/23/2006 - 8:43pm

As shocking as it might seem....the UHL does have a rule book. It is available on the league website. Rule 15(f) States: In a regular season or playoff game if both goalkeepers are incapacitated that team shall be entitled to dress and play any available goalkeeper who is eligible. This goalkeeper is eligible to sit on the player bench, in uniform. The rule continues by stating that if both goalies are injured, the third goalie is to be given time to get dressed, etc. I hope that this answers everyones questions.

Sun, 04/23/2006 - 11:27pm

But don't forget that Rockford already has put Dickie on their roster as their emergency goaltender. The Komets don't like to name an emergency in case they need one and then they can pick whomever the best available goaltender is.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 2:47am

Dickie is not an emergency goaltneder. The Hogs carried 3 on the playoff roster in case of an injury. Vogel is eligible to come off IR and will be Dickie's backup.

What ou should be concerned with is who your backup is. Frenchy wont be able to skate off the ice after Tuesday's game.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 10:46am

Very nice. Good threats. It's a game dumba$$!!! If winning the "Colonial Cup" is so important to you as a fan that you would want a goalie to get injured, then you deserve the crappy, small fan supported team of the Hogs.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 11:19am

First of all, Mike learn how to spell?????
Next, it's all SPIN SPIN SPIN, You go ahead and root for those hogs. I prefer to "SMELL THE BACON!! It's UHL Hockey, not Ultimate Fight Club.......A$$

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 11:52am

Anybody who would want Frenchy hurt is a jerk. All we have for back up is Kurk and he certainly didn't win us those 2 games last weekend. It came from the other guys keeping the puck away from him. They knew that he couldn't find it, let alone stop it. As far as the K's go, we're not done yet. We just need to regroup and get back to playing our best hockey. It's not over till the fat lady sings, and I'm not singin yet. GO KOMETS!!!!!!!!!

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 11:57am

Mike, you sure stirred up a hornets nest here. I appreciate the fact that you didn't like your golie getting run, but to think those piggies would need to take revenge is just wrong. Look at the situation, the piggies are up 2 games to none and they've scored 11 goals on him. Logically they would want him in net and not out of it. But I guess since you seem to like violence you just can't think straight.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:01pm

Could that be because the piggies only want to fight and try to be big men rather than play good hockey?? Oh that's right, we have no talent, so I guess they think they know what they're doing.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:02pm

I agree with ilovehockey; Kurk didn't even know where the puck was half of the time or how to control the rebounds; Frenchy is our best goalie and with a little help from the rest of the guys on the team we can win this Colonial Cup. As long as they keep Kurk on the bench and off of the ice. And to Mike if you think that you could do better than Frenchy then you best suit up or keep your mouth shut.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:06pm

I don't think it's best to be doggin Kurk right now. Yes he had a lot of help in front of him the last two games of the year. Yet he still made saves and won games. It sure hasn't sounded like to me there was a lot of help for Frenchy the past two games so either he of Kurk in net the K's would've lost. Kurk needs to know we'll be behind him if he needs to play.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:07pm

The only reason that Rockford has won these two games is because they go out on the ice for one thing and that is to be dirty; Truthfully they don't know how to play good hockey; they just know how to play dirty but we all know that is what pigs do best.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:10pm

The guys don't need to protect Frenchy as much b/c they know that he can handle it; that is why they protect the puck more with Kurk in net b/c they know that he wouldn't know what to do with it if he wasn't told ahead of time.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:13pm

I respect your point of view although I don't totally agree with it. Yes, Rockford is a physical team, yes we know they would come out and be phsycal. The problem is, people like Blake and Justin were saying that the K's had to go out and match their physical play. i think it took the K's out of there game and played right into the hands of Rockford.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:16pm

We came out just as physical as them on Friday and it still didn't get us anywhere. We just need to regroup today and during practice tomorrow and come out kicking butt tomorrow for the home crowd and sent them piggies back home where they belong.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:28pm

I don't remember saying they needed to be as physical as much as I remember the Komets themselves saying it over and over. Remember before the series started when I said a lot would depend on how the officials called the series? That wasn't because I thought the Ks could go toe-to-toe with them physically.

Interesting to me that that Rockford averages 10 more PIM per game in the regular season but has one more PP through two games. The Komets have to quit retaliating.

It would also help them tremendously if they could score first.

One thing the Komets do have to do physically is be willing to take a hit to make a play, especially upfront. The defensemen have been fine that way.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 12:31pm

Whatever happens the next 2 games, I hope that all Komet fans will come out and support our K's. They've had a rough start this year, but finished on a high note. We're very proud of them. I may not agree with everything that goes on, but I will always be a huge Komets supporter. Hopefully, we'll have a little Gary Glitter to help us root the boys on to 2 victories also.

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 2:08pm

haha! This played out just like game one and two. I stir the pot, you all retaliate with cheap one liners!

I do believe I am on the power play.

Man I love this game. :)

Tony E
Mon, 04/24/2006 - 2:16pm

As a wise sports announcer from Toronto once said about Illinois...."it ain't the armpit of the world but you can sure smell it from there!"

Tony E
Mon, 04/24/2006 - 2:17pm

Just kidding Mike I just had to get my cheap one liner in too. ;-)

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 4:18pm


Here is Jorde doing a dance with Watson

Hit Somebody!!!
Mon, 04/24/2006 - 7:41pm

Hey Mike...after we run Dickie boy, what do you have left? Put Big Snake in the pipes and we will run him too. You guys may be up 2-0, but you choked on the big one last year and will do it again. So don't get too confident yet. What until Enema Man gets a hold of you...he will squeeze the crap out of you...and you will still be full of Shat? Wow...Go Komets

Tue, 04/25/2006 - 11:37am

Great reasoning, FW wins it's last two games, but the goaltender had nothing to do with the wins. FW loses first two playoff games, and goaltender had nothing to do with loss. Really smart.
