Coaching candidate interviews are this week. There are only two candidates, Pat Bingham and John Marks. So here's the deal: What would you ask one of these coaches in the interview?
Coaching candidate interviews are this week. There are only two candidates, Pat Bingham and John Marks. So here's the deal: What would you ask one of these coaches in the interview?
Would you be willing to pose for a life-size picture so we can make a card-board cut-out of you to put behind the bench?
My questions would be....
1.Will you keep a line combination together for more than 1 game...
2.Will you let players play to thier abilities...
3.What can you do to restore the "Jungle" on the ice and in the stands...
Would you be willing to take part in a weekly guest blog appearance with The Super Fan to interact with the a-holes on "Tailing the Komets?"
Will you switch lines every 20 seconds like the last coach known as the Chief did?
4. Are you willing to play players over 5'8"
Will the players have to call you Chief?
Are you willing to have training camp last until February this season so we can look at at least 60 players before we decide on a team?
If you do make them call you "chief" will you were a war bonnet during games...
LOL JR.....
this is fun...
Will you put Jeff Worlton on the roster and sit him in the stands for 3/4 of the games, and dress him on nights in which you intend on making him stay on the bench?
See, I knew I was asking for trouble. The inmates are running the asylum.
Just having fun....You have to admit...we do entertain you!
Been working the 6pm to 6am shift for the last few days....getting a lil loopy...
Do you have systems that are designed to suck every ounce of talent out of the players and turn them into carbon-copy robots on the ice that don't check, don't hustle, and don't care?
Last years team didn't play on Sundays, do you plan on scheduling Sunday games this year...or will you stick to the Bar Tour on Satuday nights and Sunday Mornings and cancel the Sunday games this year?
Will you have a boring style of play that make season ticket holders just shrug thier shoulders and say oh well if they have to miss a game for work knowing that they wont miss much...when in years past that same season ticket holder would have worked 24 hrs straight to make sure not to miss the game...
Man Hit we may get killed tomorrow for though.......
Everyone else is thinking the same things...we are just saying them is all.
What will you do to help market the team? What kind of qualities do you seek in a player that you'll recommend for management to sign? The fans and season ticket holders are wanting a much more physical team....what can they (and management) expect regarding the quality of the on ice product?
Do you plan on bringing in tough guys next year like Ryan Jorde who like to give interviews talking about how tough and feared they are....but really like to hide behind the net instead of taking the body and playing physical?
Ouch....sorry about that one.
What will you do to get the most out of the weaker links on the team? Will you weigh your top 2 lines with the most talent or spread it out evenly?
Do you prefer defence that stays home or do you like your D-men to carry the puck?
Does character matter or will you take the most talented player even if they may have character/discipline issues?
Do you react and adjust to what your opponents are doing or do you attempt to push to make your opponents adjust to you?
Do you prefer younger players or veterans? Will you put young players on the ice in pressure situations?
Oh one more...
Assistant coach, what responsibilities will you delegate to him? Do you prefer a strict bench assistant or a player assistant?
Do you like Enema Man?
Thats a crappy question!!!!!!
Sorry couldnt resist......
See Blake, we're not afraid to ask the difficult questions! And Hit just asked the question that could make or break ANY job interview! LOL! LOL!
Will you show as much energy on the bench as you show in practice?
will you throw sticks on the ice and water bottles ever?
LOL What great comments. I agree with them all. Reading my mind.
As long as you guys are having fun.