I have my doubts about high school students going to the nurse for certain things, but perhaps I'm reacting too much based on my own recollections and not taking into account how kids have changed:
Without discussion, the Milwaukee School Board voted 7-0 Thursday night to make condoms available at many of the city's high schools, paving the way to make Milwaukee Public Schools one of the relatively few districts in the nation to provide contraception to students.
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The condoms will be available free of charge, but only to students in high schools that have school nurses and only after students request them at the nurse's office, according to a fact sheet circulated by the school district. Up to two condoms will be distributed at a time.
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The district noted that its sex education policy takes an abstinence-based approach to reducing the risk of communicable diseases.
Don't have sex! And here's a condom! I, uh, well, OK. No mixed message there, no siree.
Don't drive your car recklessly. And here's your seatbelt.
I don't see the contradiction.
If the first doesn't work, let's hope the second does.
I don't let people smoke in my house, but I still have it insured against fire.
Regardless of approach(es), the important thing is that kids not have kids.