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Tailing the Komets

Not a happy coach

Here's some of what he said:

``Not pleased. We never got a shot in the first 10 minutes.

``I saw effort and intensity and caring from certain guys. But every five man unit had somebody out there going through the motions hoping that I wouldn't notice. Their objective wasn't to win but to just get through it tonight. That ticks me off.

On McWhinney: ``I'm sure he had a few he'd like to have back but we just didn't play
well in front of him. Except for one that I can think of, the rest were second-chance goals. Up until this point we've done a pretty good job of collapsing around the net hard so we're not giving up second chances and tonight we gave them all up. We had passengers and for the most part they took it to us.

``We had moments and spurts but they drove the net a lot harder and forechecked our D a lot harder than we forechecked there's. We didn't have enough guys paying the price.

As for this weekend: ``I'm looking for a turnaround so I never see that kind of stuff again that I saw tonght. If you start to see it on a regular basis then that means you have to change personnel.''

Posted in: Komets


Thu, 11/16/2006 - 3:35am

That pretty much sums up what I saw...extremely disappointed with the effort overall...

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 5:58am

Former Komet goaltender Zach Sikich to play for Quad City.

Tony E
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 7:28am

Well...you have a coach who will not settle for mediocre play, not even for one game. That is a philosophy that drives some of the great coaches.

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 7:46am

I kind of hate to bring this up because I know it will stir the pot, but didn't the former coach also not settle for mediocre play???

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 8:12am

Greg, Greg, Greg... LOL. Hasn't it already been established though, that the former coach was too hard on players? Maybe he needed to coddle them some more.

Tony E
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 8:29am

Greg there are different ways of "not settling". I think this coach will take a productive path to correcting mediocrity.

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 8:38am

But that was said is "...does not settle for medicore play." Nothign was said on how Bingham intends to address the situation. My point was that I didn't beleive Puhalski settled for it either.

Jungle Monkey
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 9:35am

Can we drop the whole Puhalski discussion already? It makes me want to puke. Hit's going show up and battle with Scoops... blah, blah, blah... It's like watching Sex in the City reruns.. (insert puking emotiocon here)..

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 10:16am

It's all because their minds were on Elmira. Too big, too bad, too tough. We got nothing to counter that. No heavyweight to scare people. Don't be surprised if the K's just cancel Friday's game against the Jackels. I am scared just thinking about it.

Jungle Monkey
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 10:18am

See what I mean... c'mon Hit, defend yourself..

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 10:56am

I don't put much stock in the loss as there will probably be another 20 or so coming this season.
I just get a kick out bring Pulhulski back into the discussion and then other clammoring for fights because of the outcome. I didn't attend the game but based on what I listened to and from what the coach said....their heads just were not in Rockford. As much as it is disappointing...it happens.
Now..I cannot wait until Friday and Saturday. Do we run and hide at the first sight of JF Soucey taking warmups or do we blow them out of the water in all facets of the game? And Saturday....whether we win or lose the Puhulski fan club will be out in full force on this blog giving us all some great reading material.

Jungle Monkey
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 11:00am

I thought I read that Soucey had left the Jax to go to the goon league..

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 11:10am

Soucey's listed with Elimra. Played 11 g, 81 Pim's

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 11:10am

I'd be more worried about Tidball.

Jungle Monkey
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 11:38am


Not that you can believe everything from ITB... but it looks like Soucey is out.

Tony E
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 11:47am

Greg I never meant it as a comparison to Coach Puhalski. I have no record of bagging on him and never will. I meant it as a general statement regarding coach
Bingham and his coaching style.

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 12:02pm

I know you didn't Tony, my point was that you first said that Bingham wasn't going to stand for mediocre play and I just wanted to stir the pot by saying that Puhalski didn't either. Had you added hta Bingham will find a more productive way I probably (but not likely ;-)) would not have said anything.

Tony E
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 3:54pm

Lol Greg you are a troublemaker.
I guess my philosophy on the whole coach thing is that you don't have to rip Coach P in order to compliment Coach B. Let's face it, it is not fair to compare them anyway. First of all, Coach B has a tough uphill road to duplicate the success that Coach P had. I mean no losing seasons, one cup and 1 finals appearance in 6 seasons is a record that is not easily duplicated.
Even if he does duplicate or surpass those numbers it does not diminish what Coach P did before him. Two different coaches with two different styles. Both worked and continue to work. Was it time for a change? Sure, I can listen to that all day. Was it because Coach P did not know how to coach anymore? Of course not. Players and fans will only listen to and watch the same system for so long. Scotty Bowman moved several times just like most great coaches.
I just don't see a logical reason to boo a coach that brought nothing but winning seasons to a city for six years. You don't like his style? Fine I can accept that. But when the 3rd period buzzer went off, most of the time the home team was the one on the ice celebrating. To me, that deserves a thank you and a wish of good luck...then maybe a boo because he is now the opposition. The final thought. Coach Bingham deserves to be judged based on his own merrit and accomplishments. To compare him to his predecesor is not fair to either man.
I now leave the soapbox to go watch the Leafs beat the Bruins.

Tony E
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 3:55pm

Greg.. When I started my post saying "you" I was talking about the general population, not you personally.

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 4:30pm

I agree with you 100% about coaching situation Tony. 100%.

Oh, and Go Leafs Go.

Thu, 11/16/2006 - 4:53pm

I'd rather get a game like last night out of the way in November instead of March or April. I'm sure that if they win on Friday and Saturday, last night's loss will be just a distant memory.

Hit Somebody!!!
Thu, 11/16/2006 - 6:50pm

I have nothing at all to say about "Nothing At All."

I just hope the MC allows me to bring in my huge statement that will surely get laughs. Don't roll your eyes at me you guys, just laugh and enjoy yourselves. LOL

Fri, 11/17/2006 - 12:00am

Hit, what section should we be looking at? I don't want to miss out on the laughs like I did when you wore your Halloween outfit (beer run!) I'm in 206 so I usually get a good view of everything.

Hit Somebody!!!
Fri, 11/17/2006 - 10:21pm

