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Tailing the Komets

Old and new

Here's a picture from Steve Linsenmayer of the old Komets' locker room in 2003 with Troy and Riley Neumeier featured:


Below is what the new one looks like thanks to Brian Tombaugh. You are essentially looking from the shower room next to the hot tub over the back-up goaltender's right shoulder from the door of the room. The door to the outside is behind the white post.


Posted in: Komets


Mon, 10/02/2006 - 7:38pm

Looks alot more professional. Not so dreary.

Mon, 10/02/2006 - 10:35pm

See the yellowish tinge to the picture of Troy? I can't tell you how much difference there is in the lighting. It's amazing.

Tue, 10/03/2006 - 5:55am

Is this a new locker room within the building or were the existing ones redesigned.

I can see what you mean by the lighting - it looks like the old ones had yellow paint on the walls. It's amazing how much white paint can do to brighten a room.

Thanks for the info about the uniforms. Any chance of a photo of the new regular uniforms before opening night?

Tue, 10/03/2006 - 5:57am

Is this a new locker room within the building or were the existing ones redesigned?

I can see what you mean by the lighting - it looks like the old ones had yellow paint on the walls. It's amazing how much white paint can do to brighten a room.

Thanks for the info about the uniforms. Any chance of a photo of the new regular uniforms before opening night?

Tue, 10/03/2006 - 1:48pm

Did I miss something? Where did Blake mention anything about the uniforms?
What about them?

Tue, 10/03/2006 - 2:22pm

No chance. They have to have something to surprise you with. Locker room is in the same area just new lockers, lights, showers, floor, paint, etc. The new uniforms were mentioned in today's story in the paper, Pat.
