The Rush got a power-play goal early in the second period. Komets played better in the second, but not well enough. Nick Boucher has been strong in nets, but Danny Battochio has been better, and so has his defense. Komets are now throwing as many checks as they need to slow down the Rush, and a lot of times they are getting ou
The lines were:
Thomas, Drouin and O'Connor
Patrosso, Curadeau and Naurato
Schrock, Ward and Fletcher
Legault was extra
Warner and DeAngelis
Dupuis and Cescon
Phillips and Mironovic
Guy needs to retire
Too slow...too old to compete with a younger faster team.
The Schrock, Ward, and Fletcher line should be a lot of fun this year as soon as they gel! A few guys showed their age, I thought the ref made some tough calls on us in the first but than let them play a little more in the second and third. The final score looked bad, but for the most part I think we will be alright.
I sure hope all the boo birds that yelled there were never coming back stick to their word!
Cescon K's best player=sad deal :(
sad day for komet nation.
Did our veterans play tonight???
what veterans? lol! prediction guy will lead league in minor pentalies.frankes should know better than to put all their eggs in one basket