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Opening Arguments


If only it were so:

The mainstream media and politicos from both parties were caught flat-footed by the push-back from average citizens. Each news-cycle brought a new theory for the protests: “astroturf,” angry “mobs,” distortions and misinformation, kooks and conspiracy nuts, and, inevitably (and perhaps most offensively) racism (MSNBC amazingly even cut the head off a black man holding a gun to make the point that white racist extremism was behind the entirety the protests).  The elites have convinced themselves that, once Congress is safely cocooned on Capitol Hill, and engaged in some Kennedy-esque legislating—a tweak here, a nip-and-tuck there—ObamaCare will be back on track and the Administration can continue its march to reshape America.

The elites are whistling past the graveyard. The ground has shifted. It could just be that deficits above 10% of GDP are the new $4 a gallon gas, i.e. the tipping point that awakens the silent majority and recalibrates political dynamics. Americans are setting aside parochial self-interest and reaching to reclaim the legacy of the Founders.

[. . .]

The founding fathers did not constitute a government to give them things. It's role was confined to protecting our natural rights. Rights we have inherently, not by grant of government.

 [. . .]

It is rare that a people rise up, shoulder-to-shoulder, and stand against the dictates of a ruling class. The media and most of the political elites at the federal, state and local levels have told us, “We know better than you.”

I'm afraid this is wishful thinking. This would be my dream come true, of course -- people finally realizing they've had enough and rising up to take back their government. But government did not become a monster while people were asleep. It became a monster because a majority of the American people wanted the things government gave them. It only rarely occurred to them -- maybe belatedly -- that


Fri, 09/11/2009 - 6:20pm

Big Government appears to be a nice new website. I see where the guys over at Power Line have added Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood blog to their blog list and tossed out Charles "Don't Call Me Chuck" Johnson's Little Green Footballs.

Since I am but one of a host of thousands of LGF readers who have been banned for questioning CJ's obsession with Darwinism and his penchant to lock readers out simply for disagreeing with him, I say "good riddance."

I am going to follow Big Government to see if it will sustain my interest. if you Libertarians can have hoped for limited government all these many years, perhaps a sustained grassroots movement can be incubated.

Hey! Us disenfranchised Conservatives need a viable political party to join.

Sat, 09/12/2009 - 11:34am

If there were any way to prove it, I'd bet my house you saw that bit about MSNBC while watching Fox News. I seriously doubt you watch MSNBC. I do, and I certainly saw the black man who was carrying a gun. There was no attempt to hide his color. Why are you conservatives so obsessed with race - so obsessed that all you can talk about is how you aren't obsessed with race, that Obama hates white people (Glenn Beck, of course) and so forth.

tim zank
Sat, 09/12/2009 - 6:18pm

MSNBC originally aired it with the dudes head cut out of the shot. I watch MSLSD. I saw it. When called on it, they re-aired it.

Get a clue.

Sun, 09/13/2009 - 10:02am

"Dudes" should have an apostrophe. Perhaps you know where clues can be obtained.

tim zank
Sun, 09/13/2009 - 7:52pm

Wow, since my mom (the English teacher) is no longer around, it's comforting to know you have my back, grammatically that is.
