Komets got some breaks because QC lost and Bloomington beat Evansville in a shootout.
Sun, 01/08/2012 - 1:00am
great game tonight!! Nick played well and so did the rest of the guys. lets do it again on Sunday
Sun, 01/08/2012 - 1:46am
What did whack job Larry leave the crease for?
Sun, 01/08/2012 - 11:31am
Very glad to see Schrock get two tonight. Also I'm very happy that Bennefield scored. With Auger out, scoring is going to have to come from other sources. Still, I'm not ready to concede that this team, as it is currently made up, doesn't need more help.
I don't mind the Komets using the IR to their advantage. The rules are out there for every team. I'm not sure I agree with this attitude of "take your choice, either go on the list or go home." The Komets seem to use the IR as a place to protect the rights to injured players as they give them time to heal, as a method to provide younger players a middle of the season rest, to place players who are in the "doghouse" without cutting them, and to have a place to put a player while evaluating a new player. As long as they meet salary cap and roster restrictions, I've got no problem with the "IR game" at all.
While I have no idea why Jerseygirl is so obsessed with Larry Sterling, it really isn't any of my business. She has the right to cheer as loud as she wishes. Still maybe she would do better without the venom she spits at Komet players. It must be something real personal, or else why would anyone do it? I guess I just cheer for the jersey and would be a Larry Sterling supporter if he ever wore a Komet sweater. He always seemed like an above average goalie for the level of hockey this league and the old IHL is and was.
At the end of the season "Annual Blog Awards" I'm sure I will win one for the "longest blogs without really saying anything" of the year category. Jerseygirl may win one for the "greatest devotion to an individual player" category, but she will not even be close to the " blogger who needs to take his medication and remember to wear his straight jacket" award winner. That is someone else entirely. Anybody want to guess who? In fact, what other categories should we plan for?
Sun, 01/08/2012 - 12:56pm
One that we shouldn't have is the Billy Elvis Wannabe Award.
Sun, 01/08/2012 - 1:12pm
Welp, only three more hours till doors open...it starting to fill up.
Sun, 01/08/2012 - 1:57pm
Are they lining up already for the bobbleheads?
Sun, 01/08/2012 - 1:59pm
Yep. We were here at noon and we are not even the firs in any of the five lines.
Komets got some breaks because QC lost and Bloomington beat Evansville in a shootout.
great game tonight!! Nick played well and so did the rest of the guys. lets do it again on Sunday
What did whack job Larry leave the crease for?
Very glad to see Schrock get two tonight. Also I'm very happy that Bennefield scored. With Auger out, scoring is going to have to come from other sources. Still, I'm not ready to concede that this team, as it is currently made up, doesn't need more help.
I don't mind the Komets using the IR to their advantage. The rules are out there for every team. I'm not sure I agree with this attitude of "take your choice, either go on the list or go home." The Komets seem to use the IR as a place to protect the rights to injured players as they give them time to heal, as a method to provide younger players a middle of the season rest, to place players who are in the "doghouse" without cutting them, and to have a place to put a player while evaluating a new player. As long as they meet salary cap and roster restrictions, I've got no problem with the "IR game" at all.
While I have no idea why Jerseygirl is so obsessed with Larry Sterling, it really isn't any of my business. She has the right to cheer as loud as she wishes. Still maybe she would do better without the venom she spits at Komet players. It must be something real personal, or else why would anyone do it? I guess I just cheer for the jersey and would be a Larry Sterling supporter if he ever wore a Komet sweater. He always seemed like an above average goalie for the level of hockey this league and the old IHL is and was.
At the end of the season "Annual Blog Awards" I'm sure I will win one for the "longest blogs without really saying anything" of the year category. Jerseygirl may win one for the "greatest devotion to an individual player" category, but she will not even be close to the " blogger who needs to take his medication and remember to wear his straight jacket" award winner. That is someone else entirely. Anybody want to guess who? In fact, what other categories should we plan for?
One that we shouldn't have is the Billy Elvis Wannabe Award.
Welp, only three more hours till doors open...it starting to fill up.
Are they lining up already for the bobbleheads?
Yep. We were here at noon and we are not even the firs in any of the five lines.
Or the first either...
One more hour...
99 bottles of beer on the wall...