Got an email from Nick Boucher in Australia tonight:
Hi Blake,
Was hoping you might be able to do a favor for me. Basically, my team here in OZ is on a really tight budget and to help with the expenses of sending me home, we came up with the idea of selling game worn Nick Boucher jerseys to help with the expenses of the flight. I was wondering if you might be able to put something on the blog about this?
There are pro weight jerseys, just like the Komets wear-not cheap mesh. The have pro twill numbering and name bars-they are the same quality jerseys that we wear here in Fort Wayne. There are 2 red away jerseys and 2 white home jerseys available, but if there is more demand, then a limited number more will be made. I wear them for 1 game each.....The cost is $130 US shipped right to your door. A cheap way to get a high quality game worn jersey.
Have them email this address. The team uses paypal for payment.
Hi everyone, just like Blake put on the blog, my team is hoping to raise some extra funds through these game worn jerseys. We came up with this idea a few weeks ago, and have been using these jerseys ever since. There are actually 3 red and 2 white that were made in total. That is the number we need to sell to raise the required funds for my travel. If there are more requests, we can have them made in a week. Each jersey is a game used, pro weight goalie cut jersey. I will sign them if the buyer asks for them to be signed. Or, if you prefer, come and find me next season to get them signed!!
Cheers, and I will see you all in a couple months! Go Komets! Email myself, or Brett Stirling Bond (my teammate and jack of all trades for the Sydney Bears)
Regards, Nick Boucher
Can you get one for Blake with the #9 on the back......
LMAO......kidding Superfan.
I am tempted to buy one of these.
Why number 9?! And just to clear a few things up, these are NOT replica jerseys. They are authentics.
Blake is a Super Fan of #9.
I'm thinking about a "red" one what size are they?
Blake e-mail me with information, I'm getting a "unsafe" Thanks
Hi again, just to specify, they are 3XL goalie cuts. They would be about a 56G in Reebok/CCM/AK sizing. They needed to be big enough for me to actually wear in games. They are great jerseys, I am keen on keeping one for myself, hence there only being 3 reds and 2 whites available as opposed to 3 of each color. Most pro weight jerseys with all the customizations are pretty expensive, but our team has a relationship with the manufacturer (not sure how) that gives us insiders cost on these, thus the fact they are only $130 US. Try to find an authentic pro weight jersey for that price......good luck ;-) I think it's a pretty good value.....
Come on Fort Wayne, open up the pocket books, we gotta get Boucher home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm poor, otherwise I'd buy two.
Thanks so far......looks like we have the 2 whites sold and one red........all pending paypal. Still waiting for Burgee to come outta the woodworks and grab one of the reds :-)
Where is "Big Bucks" Burgee?
I've emailed Brett a few times, and he did juggle a lot of extra jobs. He seemed like a pretty good guy.
Bouch may not want to leave Australia.... That place is awesome! :)
Gotta pay the first of the month bills, then will see if I can nab one...
Looks like we have one red one left.........We have 4 regular season games plus a possible of 2 playoff games left, so the Bears might have a few more more for me to wear in the last few games if is continued interest....
Just put the order in for the last red one! Hope I get it!
I hope you're having a great time in Australia! That is an interesting part of the world. Good Luck with the rest of your season, and have a safe trip back to Fort Wayne.
What I really want to know Bouch is do they play The Tragically Hip for you in warmups? Hope you are having a great time and looking forward to this season.
Larry the PA guy
I wanted a "red" jersey, but I need some help getting past "sever info." :(
Hi Guys,
There are still a few of Nick's jersey's left, but you better be quick as they selling out fast.
Its great to see how passionate Komets fans are, I wish he had some fans like that down here in Australia.
It's been a pleasure having Nick play for us this season, we would love him to come down for 1 more season and bring some more Komets with him.
Bears Management
Hi Nick. Am sure you enjoyed the downunder. We are all looking forward to your return here! By the way did you have any vegimite sandwiches ?? Have a safe trip back.
Men At Work.....good one.
Hi everyone.......I just wanted to pop on and thank everyone for an overwhelming response. I was a little worried when we cooked this whole idea up as a fundraiser that by bringing in jerseys before actually having any interested parties in buying them that we (the Sydney Bears) were putting the cart before the horse, and might get stuck with a bunch of game worn jerseys that would sit unsold. This reminded me why guys love playing in The Fort; the supportive and passionate fans. Larry (Komets PA) sometimes we don't even have warm up music, LOL, and surely no Tragically Hip. Tim, I've tried Vegemite and I almost gagged. It's just not my cup of tea......too bitter tasting to be putting it on toast! So thanks again everyone! I think 8 have been sold so that means they had to bring in more!
Cheers; Nick
Man....Nick, even at Canlan's rink here in the Fort, the awesome redheaded hockey scorekeeper chick they have there for their youth squirt games can get some pretty kick butt music played for guys need redheaded hockey chicks down there in Aussie land. Because we rock. Work on glad you'll be back here. My little d-man who's turning into a forward every day is so excited to see you on the ice. Oh yeah, and he wants the chance to try to shoot on you as well....I told him it's probably not gonna happen until he's 18 and signs a contract, but hey....ya never know....
Thanks everyone supporting this funding initiative!
Given this success, the Sydney Bears are now considering to kidnap you Nick and ask the Fort Wayne fans for a hefty amount of ransom money!
I've tried vegemite as well. Nick is spot on there, though I remember it being more salty that bitter. Why anyone would make a sandwich out of that stuff is beyond me!
Because Aussies take pride in thier fighting abilities and fighting the urge to throw up after eating that 'stuff' is probably the toughest thing they have to
wow, i think it's kinda cool nick and bear's management wrote on the wall!! that makes us practically famous right?!?!?
i think it would be funny if players would write on the blog :)
breslyn.....they just don't know who they are.
Paid for my white jersey. I'm very excited. Any idea how long it wil take them to arrive, what with customs and all?
Ron: They told me 10 days for shipping; but that probably depends on if you got one of the first 6 offered or one of the ones they ordered that Nick will wear for upcoming games to meet demands...
They told me one way or the other, well before the K's start playing...
We did our part to get him home...LOL
Anyone want to make the Sidney Bears our "Sister City" Hockey Buddies? It might be kind of cool! Just an idea.