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News-Sentinel.com Your Town. Your Voice.
Tailing the Komets

Talk amongst yourselves

Because I'm going to be out of town for a few days, I was wondering if you guys would help me understand something. I'm not trying to cut anybody down, but I'm trying to understand. Why do you think there are so many Komets fans with negative attitudes? Anybody got any theories? Is it a vocal minority? Are things really that bad? Any thoughts?

Posted in: Komets


Tue, 01/03/2006 - 6:14pm

It's probably more the case that people with positive attitudes don't feel the need to speak up so often.

You scratch an itch...no itch, no scratch.

Tue, 01/03/2006 - 7:10pm

It's probably because the Komets have been losing. If they were winnning no one would complain...well they wouldn't complain as much.

Tue, 01/03/2006 - 7:32pm

Komet fans are the most spoiled fans in the league. Beleive it or not, i mean that in a good way. We are so used to having competetive, winning teams. This year's team is off to a less than satisfying start and the roster changes, involving fan favorites, has only exacerbated the hostility in some "fans". It's a long season, so, we can only keep cheering on the Orange & Black all season long. They NEED our full support.

Tue, 01/03/2006 - 7:46pm

I admit, I am 50% negative in my comments, and 50% positive in my comments. Isn't our record about .500? So I guess it is par for the course. Negative or positive, this forum gives us all a chance to vent our frustrations; being Komet fans, we all have the chance to second guess the coach, the players, the management, and the writers sometimes too. All in all what is the harm? I read this site daily. I subscribe to the newspapers. I am a season ticket holder. I buy Komet's merchandise. I bleed orange and black, no matter what. I will say good job when it needs to be said, and I will also say bad job when that needs to be said as well. Isn't that why you have this forum is for us fans, season ticket holders, diehards, to voice our opinions. So what if we like to bitch and whine a little bit, or a whole lot. We want the Komets to win. This town has passion for the team. I would hate to be in a town with a team like the Vipers or the Generals where nobody cares about the team and no one goes to the games. Does anyone want to go to a half-empty McMillen Ice Arena to watch a crappy team like those. Maybe we just care more.

Tue, 01/03/2006 - 7:51pm

I agree with the no itch - no scratch theory. Also this is a press site; bad news and controversy sell more papers than good news.


Tue, 01/03/2006 - 8:09pm

i agree with hustle, my comments arent negative to be nasty, but hopefully are contructive criticisim(sp). there are too many people who think that just because someone puts on the orange and black that they are instantly gods that dont make mistakes! we very rarely see the media question any moves by the frankes so we try to ask the questions that the media doesnt and thats not being nasty towards blake or justin. its just one persons opinion. iplayed hockey thru college and have gone to komet games since around 1958, being a season ticket holder for over 30 yrs. so i bleeed orange and black also, so if i get on rob guinn for not hitting or the frankes for not going after a sniper, its not hate, its to hopefully get them to improve so we all can enjoy winning. we could go undefeated for a whole year and i would still find something to express an opinion on. i know the game too well and sometimes get very frustrated and i woule even cricize my favorite player if i felt he wasnt giving his all... go k"

Tue, 01/03/2006 - 8:25pm

Howard Johnson (Chuckitt) is right! What movie is that from? One of the best ever made. Go Komets!!! and Hustle.

Tue, 01/03/2006 - 8:31pm

personally a komet player...not naming names...said to me the one day when we asked what his favorite place to play was and he said that it used to be fort wayne. we asked him why. he said that when the team is winning and you are playing well they are 100% behind you cheering you on but on the other hand when you are losing and off your game they have nothing but 100% negative. i agree with him and yes i'm guilty of it but i think it's just we are so passionate about this sport and this hockey club. we have to remember these players are just regular guys. it would be a different story if they were getting paid the big bucks like the NHL.

Tue, 01/03/2006 - 9:28pm

For awhile, I was disgusted with some of the fans. I know that it just shows their passion for the game, but, come on, some of the comments are downright ridiculous. Complaining about Guinn, when he's actually one of the few consistent players? Complaining about the length of the game, when it's been 3 periods long since forever? Complaining about Jorde, just because (GOD FORBID) he gets a promotion of sorts to the AHL and he isn't with the K's anymore? Complaining about Mark Smith quitting the K's to play in Norway, when we should all be wishing him luck and hoping he does well? What kind of an attitude is that?! It's rather selfish and "spoiled." Thomas was absolutely right with calling Komets fans spoiled. But, hey, we all have our complaints, right? But like Lisa said, the players are normal guys, too, and they make mistakes, so give them a break once and awhile.

And, let's face it: when the Komets are losing, it gives the fans more to debate about and discuss. When they're winning, there's really not much to say besides the obvious "such-and-such played well last night" and of course "go komets!" Burgee's post about the blog comments only solidifies my point.

In response to chuckitt, it's one thing when you make a "constructive criticism" about a player, coach, etc. But when it's ALL people talk about for weeks on end, constantly complaining? It's just gets old. And some of the comments about Guinn are DEFINITELY NOT constructive. In fact, they're downright rude and immature. Being such a fan of the guy, I just wish they'd get off his back because, let's face it: if he's played his way for THIS long, do you REALLY think he's gonna change? So can we just lay off Guinn for awhile? He's an alternate captain for a reason, folks, so show a little respect. He may not be a very physical player, but at least he's consistent!

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 3:42am

What a perfect question to keep your blog active in your absence. Now we are gonna see those "negative" fans entries defending themselves, and the "positive" fans piling on the "negative" fans for thier past comments....this is great. I'm not jumping on Guinn; but I think it would be silly to sign a scoring veteran and then sit a vet each nite...feels like they would be defeating the purpose of the signing. So my pick of the current vets to either sit, traded, or be waived would have to be Guinn. Of the other vets who would you pick??? With the way St. Pierre is playing he can more than make up for a rookie d-mans mistakes...I believe. So negative or not I believe these blogs have been an excellent idea and a great way For Komet fans to express themselves. Thanks

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 4:09am

i'm getting tired of people always jumping down on jorde's throat. it seems like they didn't even give him a chance when he got traded for danny. i don't really see where he's all that bad. he has to be good somewhat if the AHL called him up again. at least for this weekend i won't have to hear people yeahing at him during the game. i think they are still upset about the trade. i want to say to them get over it!

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 5:32am

I like Jorde. He was the right man for the job and has helped Dupuis find his game. Sure I miss Danny, but it was the right choice at the time.

I think now that we have a place to voice our opinions, we are seeing more of the negative. You do have more of an opinion on why a team is losing than on why they are winning. I know I check the blogs several times a day. Especially since there has been a lot to talk about. I really don't talk too negatively about the players. Everyone has an off night once in awhile and there isn't anyone on the team that I don't like. They all contribute in their own way. Sure I may get on them a little bit, but it is only out of love.

I live, eat and breath hockey, mostly Komet hockey. I am there almost every home game (it has to be something real special like a vacation or work commitment for me not to be there) plus usually half of the road games each season. The year the Komets didn't make the playoffs, I was one of the only Komet fans that went out to Moline to see the last game of the season. To me it really doesn't matter if they win or lose just as long as the play their best.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 6:39am

Excellent topic. I'm not sure what the answer is, but I was saying to someone the other day that I couldn't understand why so many players like playing in the Fort when the fans are so negative. I know the section I sit in, I talk to about 9-10 people, and I'd hate to think the majority of Komets fans were like them. If we're losing, they complain how much we suck...if we win, we don't win 'well enough' (they complained about the team during the 5-0 shutout of Roanoake). God forbid we fall behind 1-0 early in the first...suddenly, it's "well, we're done...we're not going to make the playoffs...why did I bother to come to the game, yadda yadda yadda". Some of them were predicting early tee times after the first loss of the season! And after awhile, it starts to rub off and puts me in a negative mood, which I *hate*. You just can't make some people happy, and unfortunately it seems a lot of those people live in Fort Wayne.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:01am

The 3 topics that got virtually no responses were not topics that warranted an opinion.

Some people who have gotten on Jorde, Guinn, and so on have kind of worn me out. Its a bit much and a bit old.
The people who have whined and bitched about the trades have also ran their course. Would I deal Luciuk for Virag? Yes. Would I deal Stewart for Jorde? Tough call but concidering our situation at the time it was the right thing to do. The only trade I did not care for was the trade we made with Roanoke. That was just flat out stupid from a fans perspective.

Whats with all the poo-pooing? Pretty simple. We have been spoiled for years. Always put out a good product that mixed offense with good defense and always had some toughness that was used. We traded some fan favorites which personally are no big loss to me. We struggled mightily out of the gate and watching them play at times was painful. Our leading scorer bails for Europe. And for once we really seem to be struggling to catch the teams ahead of us. I would say those are a few good reason for the unrest. In years past, it was Quad City. We built to beat the Mallards. Now we have 4 or 5 really loaded teams in the UHL and quite frankly I don't think we have what it takes to oversome that hurdle. All depends on what we do to fill Mark Smith's void.
This team is not as physical and offensively gifted as team we have had before. Its just not. And without a doubt they do not do dirty work consistantly. Working in the corners, screening the goalie, hitting, forechecking, and being downright mean at times. Spurts and glimpses is mainly what we get consistantly. This team more than anything else must rely on the bounces and little things to be sucessful. Sorry, those are the facts. Look at our past team's rosters. Look at our championship team. This team is nowhere near what had before. Can we beat the upper teams? Sure. But we need to do all the little things because we are not going to beat them based on talent alone. Heart and grit will beat talent any day of the week.

Whomever the Komet player was who complained about the fans boo-ing...please. Name me a city that does not boo or get on the guys for not playing hard or playing well. While some are idiots (and I sit by plenty) and think the game is easy, that is just what fans do sometimes. You need a little thicker skin in order to survive in professional sports.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 9:19am

Why do I have feeling that I when I get around to heading over to ITB for the day that I'll see a similar thread?

I think the main points have already been hit on: passion and voice. Most people don't/didn't know about ITB where there's often fervent, and plentiful Komet Konversation. Now with Ice Chips and Tailing, there's more areas for people to comment; and since no registration is necessary you are going to get all kinds of input.

I, too, simply don't get the all-negative-all-the-time Ks so-called 'fans'. These also seem to be the same people who also are on the fire Puhalaski bandwagon.

Did it hurt when Danny left? Sure, but only because he was a fan favorite. Was it the right move? Well, jury is still out on that--I'm one of the people who think Jorde didn't show us much and I didn't think he brought much to the team, but I'm an offensive minded player so I don't "see" d-men as much.

Did it hurt when Virag left? Not as much...you may have noticed that the comments and input around the Virag trade were virtually non-existant when compared to Danny's leaving; was that because we all know that Luciuk is an equal caliber or better player? Or, more likely, was it because Dusty wasn't as big of a fan favorite even with all his past success.

I think you'll find that that more negative fans are the ones that have seen the team for longer--especially those from the early 90s. Just my opinion, but it seems like "newer" Ks fans (such as myself--didn't start REALLY following the team until 2002) are a lot more willing to accept a .500 team the the old die-hards.

Make no mistake about it, I bleed orange and black too, and I love this team, and Hockey, and the fact that Fort Wayne has such a great support structure. Are there faults and problems? Sure; but nothing is perfect right?

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 9:43am

To lay this to rest, I for one didn't ride Jorde because we got rid of Stewart. I wanted the guy to come in and do good things. I may have over hyped him in my mind because of his size and speed, but the more I watched him I realized he really wasn't doing that well for the K's. He goes out of his way to avoid contact and contrary what some people think he is not that great at playing the angles. Stewart was gone and there was nothing I could about that, I tried giving Jorde a chance but he did nothing, and you have to ride a guy that isn't that great. Now he is gone and I have nothing more to say about him.


Wed, 01/04/2006 - 9:57am

Come on. Let's get serious here. What a bunch of freaking babies. Thank God none of you people live in Philadelphia or Detroit. You would be in the fetal position most of your lives. Everyone on here bleeds orange and black. Any negative comments made are simply observations on what has gone wrong and what we need to do to improve. It happens every year. This year there is a forum for us to express it to everyone who wants to read it as opposed to just our friends and fellow fans sitting near us. There are plenty of idiots who don't know squat about hockey that sit at games and yell stupid things. Personally, I find it much more offensive when we are losing badly, Larry announces 1 minutes remaining in the third period and everyone starts cheering. Thats gotta make the players feel really great about the 60 minutes of their life they just spent playing in front of us. People were upset about Stewart because we did not get equal value for him. People were not upset about Virag because we actually probably took a step up in talent. The ripping on Jorde didn't start because he got called up by the AHL. (First I have heard of that by the way) It has been going on since about his 5th game here when people began to realize that we had been had. Anybody remember Malykhins last year here when the two girls went all the way around the arena with a huge sign that said we love you Igor and then asked everyone that they could to sign it with sarcastic comments? I do. My point is that this is the appropriate place to air grievances with the team. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 11:32am

Wow. I thought I'd check the blog today and see maybe five comments. This really is interesting stuff. I'm beginning to wonder if it's just a sports fans in general type of thing.

Thanks for the very thoughtful discussion. Anybody got any other thoughts?

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 12:11pm

I think we all have a passion for the Komets and that we all want them to win every game, shut out every opponent, and win every fiight. I think deep down even I want that. I'll admit riding Jorde isn't constructive critizim, it's beacuse I don't think he's played as he was billed to be. If I had been told he was a stay at home defenseman then I would not of had a problem that he doesn't hit. Remember Schmidt. Jorde was billed as a over 6 foot 225 pound PHYSICAL defenseman, and for the longest time we haven't seen that.

This forum is for opinions and I try to respect everyone's opinion even if I don't agree with it.

Yes I believe that if we had a better record we would not be hearing all the complaint and yet in other forums I still see those who have a bone to pick about something wrong with the team.

Charlie I
Wed, 01/04/2006 - 7:06pm

I have a question for Laurie. I have been reading things you have been saying and would like to know how many games you goto a year and another question is did you use to work 3rd shift at Kohls? I will finish my comments after an awnser.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:05pm

Hi Charlie! I have been to all but one game this season, along with both of the away Kalamazoo games in the regular season. Last year, I went to almost all of the games as well, save for a few early on in the season, but I did attend every playoff game last year. I've been going to Komets games all my life, off and on, including both the 1993 and 2003 playoffs and Cup winning games. I basically grew up with the Komets and I'm 20 years old now.

Nope, never worked at Kohl's in my life... though my brother did for a few months, but anyway... LOL

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.

Wed, 01/04/2006 - 8:07pm

Where can we get our Rob Guinn and Ryan Jorde jerseys at? Do they make the Jerseys in pink? Those guys are just the cutest most sweet little players I've ever seen out there on the ice. They play the game so polite and nice. They consistently stand in one place so that we can see how handsome they are. They are so dreamy. I love those guys. They will make us so proud when they are in the ALL-STAR Game. Jorde is definitely going to stay in the AHL and will be an ALL-STAR there for sure. You big bully guys need to stop picking on our favorite players. They can't even go out on the ice anymore because they are afraid someone may yell at them and ask them to hustle and dare I say, "Hit somebody." What is wrong with you people? The coach is the only person who treats them with love and respect. He hardly ever says anything to them. What kind of sport allows such brutality anyway. Those guys just need a hug every now and again. Try and whisper nice things at them when they are standing out there. Offer them a chair to sit on in front of the net so they can rest and enjoy the game a little. Buy them an Iced Tea. Invite them to a tupperware party. Why can't they play the Barney the Dinosaur song "I love you, you love me song" after each goal? Everyone is so interested in being rude to our guests at the MC. Can't we all just get along. Join the fan club, take a stand. Make hockey a sport that is more uplifting in Fort Wayne. Lets not even keep score. Let everyone feel like they are winners. No losers anymore. No more vulgar "Welcome to the Jungle." Be positive people, how about "Let me call you sweetheart?" It is such a lovely song to skate to. Skate pretty out there boys.
