He said he hasn't made up his mind yet, and that both candidates interviewed very well. An announcement will be made Thursday.
There's a lot to think about: Will one of them be here longer than the other would? Which form of recruiting is better, attracting players or attracting NHL affiliations? What about personality style? Which would communicate better with the fans? How about players from last year?
I think he realizes there's no wrong choice in this, but there is the potential for a great choice. There aren't too many times in life where you can have an opportunity like that.
Franke said the team also has a meeting set up with Kevin St. Pierre for this week, but there's no other news on players.
Blake, This is going to be a very difficult choice for David and Michael to make. This is a choice that will have effects on the team for many years to come. Personally, I would want to make sure that I choose wisely if I were in their position. But, like you said....how often does an opportunity like this come around? I can't wait until Thursday.
A meeting with Frenchy? What does that mean?
Are they looking for NHL affiliations??
Don't know, maybe the door is open a crack, and it probably depends if Marks gets the job.
Why would they bring back Frenchy now...That chapter has been closed. Or could it be open since Chaulk is not coming back and that open some money up to throw Frenchy's way? Either way it is time to move forward and let Frenchy move on he may have one maybe two years left playing and it is time to look for the next Frenchy...IMO...
David they drafted a good young goaltender in the waiver draft. Maybe they think Frenchy can mentor him for a year? Teams in this league do not have goalie coaches. So having a quality veteran goalie around might be good for Reiter?
If thats the case it looks pretty half-assed. We don't want you, oh wait yes we do. Maybe. Well.. We're not sure.
maybe it was chief that didnt want him? or maybe the frankes listened to the bloggers and they realized that they acted in haste? only time will tell!!
The argument for Frenchy this past year was..."He has to play every game that he wants to because he earned that right and he plays much better when he is in the groove." So we bring back Frenchy to let him play 85% of the games again and let another decent back-up sit and rot the whole season? I don't understand this at all. Let's aim for the moon with that position and bring in some new blood. Michel Robinson, Chad Alban, etc. Frenchy is injury prone as it is and this may be a chance to find some good young talent. Let's be bold in our moves this year just like K-zoo was last season. Maybe there is a Joel Martin out there to be discovered?
Well, maybe it was French who saw that the grass wasn't greener on the other side?
We don't know who initiated the meeting or why. There could be many reasons. Maybe Kevin went out looking to see if someone would pay him what he made last year (assume he would be asked to take a cut too) and found out that he couldn't get what he wanted. I would not have a problem with him being here at the right price point and with the understanding that the starting job is not simply going to be handed to him. Besides, contracts are not guaranteed. Sign him, if something else better falls into your lap cut/trade him. Right now you have rights to one goalie and nobody signed. Talking doesn't hurt.
I say...I like the Frenchy of old...I really like him, but he is getting older...injury prone and it is time for a fresh look in that position. He really looked below average in the playoffs...I know the defense was piss poor all year...but he didn't resemble the Frenchy from 2-3 years ago either. If this team is looking for change like they said, and to get younger as well...why in the Heck would they even consider this after cutting him loose 4 weeks ago?
Bring Chaulker back...get us 2 talented...YOUNG....goalies, please.
By cutting him they made it clear they would not pay him what he made last year (or what that contract called for him to make this year) That left him free to go get his best offer.
Is anyone concerned about the injury Chaulk had? Did we ever find out what the true extent of it was? Are we confident he will have the same speed and agility he had before?
From that standpoint both are risks.
Having two young goalies at this level can also be a risk. Without a goaltending coach they have to rely on what they can get from their private instructors (if they have one) and their personal experience. Having a veteran to work with someone like Reiter will only make him better. Chad Alban is an interesting idea. He played overseas last year. Who knows if he would be interested in coming back to the states or not. He is from Kzoo so the proximity to Fort Wayne might be a selling point. He is roughly the same age as Frenchy and certainly has the experience. My only worry with him is that he has very little playoff experience.
Lets just get a coached signed so we can start to see what this team is gonna look like next year. Someone keep an eye on the real estate market and tell us if Fenchy or Chaulks homes are takin off the market...lol That might be or best source for signings.....
Both of you are right. Watch out though...either Komet Warrior has a new girlfriend on here....or he has changed his name to Charlene....MAN!
I agree about the coach. Granted the coaches job is to coach the players management gives him, it goes a long way to getting a new regime off to a good start if the coach has some comfort level. This is especially true with veterans who might not be adaptive to a change in routine and coaching philosophy.
Who is Charlene??
Ooops...Charlene has been posting similiar comments over on Cohn's site. MAN!
ahhhhh. lol ok. Well, I think I cause enough grief over here. I will let you take care of that situation lol.
Goodnight all.
It was the coach who didn't want Kevin. The Franke's wanted him to play this upcoming season.
Imagine that...GQ running off another player lol....maybe it was true about players not wanting to play for him..
I have no problem with Frenchy returning. He's a great guy, and a great goaltender. It would cool to see him return next season...
Blake, it would be interesting to know who initiated(sp) the meeting, was it the Frankes or was it St. Pierre?
Im new to this blog. Could someone post Cohn's site for me ?
Very interesting about the meeting with Frenchie. We would absolutely love to see him back. We never wanted him gone in the first place. Anxiously awaiting those results. It would put one thing back to the right angle. Frenchie is a proven winner. Now get him some defense.
Frenchy deserves to be back here next year. I posted soemthing along the lines a few weeks back that it was Chief and not the Frankes that didn't want Frenchy back and people jumped me for it..... Crow tastes good for you know, doesn't it???
We're getting a little ahead of ourselves aren't we? It's just a meeting after all and as of right now we don't even have a coach to decided if he wants St. Pierre back.
We're just being hopeful Greg. It would be one bright spot in a chaotic mess.
I see a lot of bright spots. I've been fairly excited about this off season so far.
In related news.... Michelle Robinson is off to Europe...
I think that's going to happen a lot. Have you seen some of the players going to the LHAN?
Why does Frenchy "deserve" to be back here next year? I think the sense of entitlement some of the players who have been here for a few years had last year contributed to the lackluster play. How come nobody is standing on a soapbox for Neumy?
Has anyone talked to Tommy Lawson yet? Or are we to assume that he won't fit in the cap either? Im gonna have to wonder how some of the teams can field teams under the same cap if Kzoo, Muskegon, and Rockford can bring back their core players.