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Tailing the Komets

Tentative playoff dates

Here's what they are talking about:

If the Komets finish second, Game 1 in FW, Thursday, April 22; Game 2 in PH Friday or Saturday and Game 3 in FW Sunday. It'll be a 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 format.

If Port Huron finishes second, it'll be a 2-2-1-1-1 format, opening Friday and Saturday in PH, followed by maybe Thursday, Friday in Fort Wayne. Or they could play Sunday, April 25 in Fort Wayne.

Again, this is all VERY tentative.

May opens up a lot of scheduling possibilities for the Komets if they can get to the Turner Cup Finals.

Posted in: Komets


Tue, 04/06/2010 - 3:11pm

So the advantage goes to PH no matter how they finish. If the K's finish second PH does not have to play back to back games (1/2) in FW. If they finish second they get games 1 and 2 in their barn. Here is my question could the K's play a Saturday afternoon game at 1:30, GM 1, and Play Game 2Sunday Evening at 7:00. I know the FireHawks play Saturday evening, but I wonder if they could get it turn around. Yes PH would have a 2 night stay in FW but that is the play-off's. Or Why couldn't the K's play Wed/Thursday for GM 1/2? Just a thought I know the bottom line is always the concern, but I bet they would draw just as well. Maybe not the 8,000 for a weekend game. I wonder what the players would want? The non-traditional format or the traditional format. Home field advantage now days doesn't carry the weight it once did...

Blake Sebring
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 3:41pm

It wouldn't be worth it. You couldn't get the building turned around quick enough, and what if the Komets went several OTs? The players would rather keep to their normal routines. They also wouldn't even come close to a normal attendance, especially if it was a nice day.

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 3:44pm

Just a thought..It is what it is when it comes to this issue...

Blake Sebring
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 4:10pm

Exactly. Another thing, the players don't care where they play if Nick is in goal against the IceHawks. They have total confidence in him, as they should.

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 4:33pm

I think the K's play a better game on the road anyways... No worries!

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 6:27pm

thursday the 23rd? do you mean the 22nd? or Friday?

Blake Sebring
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 6:32pm

Thursday the 22nd. Thanks, I'll fix it.

Frozen Water
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 7:16pm

The K's play well on the road, the only bad thing about it is the drive to watch them. Other than that, I don't really worry about not being here. That differs team to team, of course. I have no confidence in going into Flint at this point in the season if that was to happen. Muskegon seems to be hit and miss. Hopefully I didn't say anything wrong in this post. I wouldn't want it to be closed so someone can make sure he gets the last word and the "right" opinion.

Hit Somebody!!!
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 7:27pm

Frozen.....watch it MAN. LOL

At least you didn't post the crap that Mr. Feel Sorry For Me posted to start the blow-up in the other thread. Funny how he came onto the blog looking to stir things up in that manner, and now we should all give him and his friends a big hug....LOL Whatever. I wish Shutterbug could share her story from the PH game.....No one would hug this guy and feel sorry for him.

I hope we can enjoy us some good hockey the next several weeks to end this IHL season that has been once again tarnished by rumor and uncertainty. I think this season has been very exhausting with all the drama and soap opera-like garbage with teams folding and what not. The IHL has had its good moments at times, but mostly, the uncertainty and negative light that shines on it, well, it takes alot away from the hockey itself in a way.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to throw all the uncertainty away and just concentrate on top-notch hockey and fun of the game with teams that can stay affloat without one team fitting the bill all the time.

Cheers to hoping for good hockey down the stretch. Go Komets!!!

Frozen Water
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 8:25pm

Sorry, Hit. You're right and I'll stop. You have to at least see the irony in an American journalist shutting down someone's ability to write their opinion though, right? ;) I don't think the PH people are the only ones in need of a hug...

I agree, it would be awesome if it was all about just the hockey. I don't think we'll ever see that situation in minor league hockey though. The NHL doesn't even totally have that I wouldn't say. Go back a few years and look how close it was to being shut down altogether. Sometimes I wish I'd have been alive back in the day before free agency in baseball and football, before advertising controlled sports, and before egos and the dollar became more important than playing for a team your entire career. The only people I can say I've seen who have played entire careers for one team were Reggie Miller, Cal Ripken, Jr., and Peyton Manning (so far, and God help me if he ever leaves). I love studying history and sometimes when I read about "the old days" it really makes me regret missing them.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable night at the game tomorrow night. I would like to say that I saw Grandpa 1 at the game the other night and it was awesome to see him there. If anyone on here knows him, tell him his fans are glad to see him back! GO KOMETS!

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 9:19pm

FW, dont forget Dan Marino, and Chipper Jones (I'm a Brave's and Dolphin's fan)...

We'll never see calm waters in minor league hockey; but there are leagues out there that have alot more stability than what we have now... I like the brand of hockey we have now; but yearn for the better stability of a larger league... I would love to be able to just feel sorry for the fans losing thier team rather than worry about the IHL's demise when just one team is lost or in trouble...

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 9:21pm

This will never happen, its minor league hockey:


Hit Somebody!!!
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 9:34pm

Which one team in the ECHL is fitting the bill for that league??? Answer that Burgee.

The IHL with 5 or 6 teams cannot go on like this much longer. It would need a miracle in the form of 3 or 4 new teams that can survive on their own for at least 2 or 3 years for the IHL to survive.

How can we all pay for Flint and Evansville next season? That is if Flint comes back....and if they don't, how does it cmake any sense for Port Huron to continue in this league? I hear Chicago in the IHL is not gonna happen. They are exploring the CHL and ECHL....

which means to me....we are exploring the CHL and ECHL. Both leagues that have stability in numbers, and have a good hockey product that can be enjoyed.

Frozen Water
Tue, 04/06/2010 - 9:35pm

JR: You're absolutely right, I did forget about them. Elway changed teams early in his career, didn't he? I can't even say the same for my favorite basebally player of all time, Nolan Ryan. There are some current basketball players who have been with their teams (so far) for their careers (Kobe, LeBron, Wade, Bosh) but with free agency coming up, you never know, plus they are all relatively young.

I agree 100%, Burgee. The only thing I'd add is that the NBA isn't nearly as stable as people think. This winter Stern came out and said the league lost something like $400 million last year. It's everywhere, not just in the IHL. I wish we could just argue about hockey and our favorite players too, but I really don't see that ever happening.

Tue, 04/06/2010 - 9:58pm

FW, its not that you forgot, its just that I'm partial to those players...lol

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 2:41am

Elway was scared to be a Colt./ I hope ECHL/ will Woods play this week?/Remember to be happy:)

Frozen Water
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 6:59am

What about Malone and Stockton?

I'm looking forward to the game tonight. Work has already been a treat and it's not even 9:00 AM. Sitting with the people around my seats is always fun and I get to learn some hockey too. Hope everyone dodges the raindrops and that our Ks come out of tonight with a win. GO KOMETS!

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 8:20am

Frozem Water, I can remember the "old times". I would identify that as being before free agency in baseball. The problem is, that before free agency, the Owners controlled everything. Today, the real power is in the players' hands and the player's union ( I'm just talking baseball now). It wasn't a very fair system for the players back then. They couldn't go anywhere, could get released at any time, salaries were on a "take it or leave it" basis. They played with "real" injuries because they were afraid to come out of the lineup.

Curt Flood challenged the "Reserve Clause" and lost in the Supreme Court. That fact encouraged the Owners to continue doing what they were doing. When Andy Messerschmidt (and I forgot the other players name) played out their options in the late 1960's and went to Court, it changed everything.

If the Owners would have been smart they would have paid attention to and learned a lesson from Ken "Hawk" Harrelson who played for the Kansas City A's. Charlie Finley didn't fulfill something in his contract and Major league baseball and the Commissioner declared him a free agent. Eventually he signed with the Boston Red Sox for $100,000/yr. A huge sum for a player of his ability and the era he played in. From that moment on the Owners, if they were smart, should have done everything necessary to see that he was the last player to ever be given that opportunity. But the didn't, they thought they were too powerful. And why not? They had run baseball with an iron fist from the very beginning.

A good movie to watch would be "Eight Men Out", and a very, very, good book to read would be "Ball Four", by Jim Bouton. Besides being a funny, insightful book, Bouton through his writing does a pretty good job of explaining the players point of view. The book is written in the form of a diary of the 1969 baseball season. The players union, under Marvin Miller, is just taking shape.

Because Bouton, who started the year with the expansion Seattle Pilots, and then mid year was traded to the Houston Astros, the reader is treated to reading about both leagues, it's stars, the designated hitter rule, and some nuances that one would rarely ever get to know about.

Frozen Water
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 8:45am

Alan: I only know Hawk because I'm a huge White Sox fan and love listening to him commentate. It's been my experience that those who are not White Sox fans hate hearing him. A couple of people I deal with in my trade are baseball historians and we've talked about the days before free agency quite a bit. Hearing about the owners having total control and forcing everyone else to deal with it sounds vaguely familiar.

While it was not very fair for the players, I really would've loved to have lived when I wouldn't have had to worry about my favorite player, the heart of the team, leaving to go somewhere else for more money. I know money is hard to turn down in any era, but it would've been cool to have seen those times.

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 9:06am

He Gone! You can put it on the board....YES!! I'm a Reds fan and I enjoy baseball. ( In fact it is my favorite sport). One of the sad things is that I can't enjoy it as I used to in this "money" climate we are in. I'm not blaming anyone and I understand it all, it just takes away from the "fun".

When you were young it was a "sport". As you get older you realize it is a "business". Somewhere along the line the "innocence" is lost.

I like the National League style of ball (no designated hitter rule) much better as I enjoy the added strategy. However that doesn't stop me from watching the American League.

I think the White Sox are lucky to have Harrrelson. He brings a different style and plenty of neat stories to tell as well. I really think the Sox are lucky to have Steve Stone. He is one of the most knowledgeable "color" guys I've ever heard. He is always thinking and will tell the viewer what to look for before the play begins-not explain to the viewer what happened after the play took place.

If possible, get and read "Ball Four". I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Mike in Toronto
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 9:52am

A guy I work with says these are the good old days. Kind of hard to get your head around that, isn't it?
Stevie Y and Joe Sakic from the hockey world. Just a few years out of the league and I miss Yzerman a lot.
Hall of fame first year of eligibility both guys.
Sakic moved with the franchise from Quebec City to Denver.
Classy guys, great players.
We just have to hope and pray the Frankes have a way to keep good hockey, the league it's played in notwithstanding, in the Coliseum.

Frozen Water
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 9:52am

Alan, my girlfriend is from Southern Indiana and her whole family grew up Reds fans. Her dad has nice season tickets right behind home plate, so I'm fortunate enough to go to quite a few games. Other than San Diego, Cincinnati puts on the best National League home game that I've been to, especially on fireworks nights.

I totally agree with you on the innocence lost thing. I think that's why I get so mad on here when we talk about the sports we love being an entertainment industry. While I acknowledge it and understand it, I still hate the thought of it and will never accept it deep down. I'll hang on to the innocence forever. That innocence is why I love the movie Sandlot so much. Strangely though, I love watching The Natural also, which talks about the loss of that innocence and the reality of the game.

I could talk all day about this, but before I get yelled at, and out of respect for the hockiers on here, I won't.

Mike in Toronto
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 9:55am

Alan, was Dave McNally the other player?

Blake Sebring
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 10:26am

Yes, 1975. Crap, are we all old!

Frozen Water
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 11:29am

LOL! Blake, to answer your question: No, we are not. I never saw 1975 or any of the other 70s, thank God!

Mike in Toronto
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 11:37am

Getting old is better than the alternative right now anyway.

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 11:58am

I miss Dave Kingman, Ivan DeJesus, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson

Blake Sebring
Wed, 04/07/2010 - 12:09pm

FW, please take this in the spirit it is intentioned, but YOU SUCK! You young whipper snipper.

And Bill Buckner!

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 1:01pm

How about Boog Powell. I meant Bill Veck when he owned the White Sox. Really a very innovative marketing guy. A true baseball fan who happened to own a team.

Wed, 04/07/2010 - 2:11pm

This might not have been the same IceHawk fan. It could have been however he did not have children with him and I'd hate to impute one person for the actions of another.

Hate speech should never ever be condoned in our community.


Regarding the series. The Komets are not the first nor only team that has to deal with the Coliseum's schedule.

The Fort Wayne Pistons, owned by Fred Zollner and coached by Charley Eckman, reached the NBA finals in 1955.
However the management of the Coliseum had already scheduled a bowling tournament for the week of the NBA finals. Therefore the Pistons were forced to play their home games in Indianapolis and lost the championship to Syracuse in seven games.

What's sad is Zollner's team played benefit games to raise the funds to help build the Coliseum.
