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News-Sentinel.com Your Town. Your Voice.
Tailing the Komets

Thank you

We finished 2011 with more than 870,000 hits on the blog which was an increase for the third consecutive year. My bosses tell me we're the most popular site on Fortwayne.com. Think we can go for 1 million this year?

Posted in: Komets


Sun, 01/01/2012 - 11:16am

Probably, if I can keep my posts shorter so there is more room for others.

Sun, 01/01/2012 - 11:16am

Here's 870,001. Happy New Year Blake and all bloggers here. I hope we all have a wonderful and prosperous 2012.

Sun, 01/01/2012 - 11:18am

Now that I look at it that 870,001 doesn't make sense. Maybe I should go back to bed...... The rest of the post still applies.

Mon, 01/02/2012 - 11:54am

It is easy to see why "Tailing the Komets" is Fort Wayne #1 Blog! You do a great job with it. Thank you on behalf of a greatful group of individuals. Your hard work and great patience is appreciated! Happy New Year one and all!
