I just got off the phone with Scott Sproat, and he said that currently it looks like the Komets will have about the same attendance as last night.
This will be the ultimate proof that the team can't just market to diehard fans. A great game like this. There are very few groups and no school projects because of the holiday. That's why they have to go after every casual fan they can get their hands on. If ever a particular game should sell itself this is the one, but it's not even coming close.
While it would be nice to see a sell out tonight only on special occasions do the K's sell out for games. But with that being said 7,600 is still a great attendance for the K's. Blake wanted to go tonight but the wife suspended me for at least this game because of my surgery but my kids abandoned me and called their grandfather to take them to this game I believe I have lost my title as "king" of the household of which my wife said I never had anyway. Go K's will have to listen to Chaser, wait for the replay on 55 Wed, and get those great updates on the blog from you...
Sgriff, first off, you're married. Did you ever really think that King title meant anything? LOL.
My favorite line from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the man may be the head of the household, but the wife controls which way the head turns.
Sgriff, I hope that your surgery went well and that you'll be able to resume attending the games soon. It would be great if the game lives up to all the anticipation of the past several days......But, bottom line I'll be happy with a good showing and a win.
Blake, that was a good one! I think it's safe to say that for most of us married guys we're the King if either A: Wife wants something (usually expensive) B: We're doing an Elvis act (Uh, Thank you, Thank you very much!) OR C: We're sitting on our throne, which is usually white and made out of porcelain! LOL!
Sorry, I could'nt resist!
Bob, I'd be happy with a badly played game, as long as it's a win!!!
Well in my own world I am the King but in reality I am just a pawn...At least she has to wait on me, bring my beverages to me, fluff my pillow, and I have control over the remote for a little while longer...
Any pre-game notes Blake????