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Tailing the Komets

Today's notebook

Posted in: Komets


Wed, 02/17/2010 - 9:14am

Good numbers there Stat Man..The only difference from this year as compared to last is Muskegon has played lights out. Good see Huck getting ready to come back the only bad thing is they will have to make another move which will be a little hard now than the last one. Franke had stated that they wanted to keep all the rookies, so how does that translate now? Do they utilize the IR to keep some rookies, rookies next year?

Frozen Water
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 10:23am

That was interesting about the points and record over last year. I never would've guessed that but am glad you brought it to our attention, Blake. It was interesting listening to Warner and MacMillan on the radio last night talking about basically playing Bloomington every other day here lately.

Watch Indiana
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 11:28am

There's some good conversation with goalie Tim Haun on Comcast On Demand talking about the Komets hot streak.


Wed, 02/17/2010 - 11:50am

I think it's kind of interesting that Bloomington has decided to call up T. J. Schneider from Evansville. I remember during the first exhibition game that I thought he would be the first cut of training camp. He is big, but he is slow. I can think of three players from the AAHL game Friday night who I think would be a better fit. Two were from Battle Creek and one was from Evansville. Bloomington already has a lot of "size" so I think I would've tried to increase my skill level.....The article on Hukalo was pretty interesting. I haven't quite thought this out all the way through, but if I were the GM, I might just shut him down for the rest of the season. He didn't come into the season healthy and has suffered more injuries along the way. I'm afraid he is going to agravate his back or shoulder by coming back and maybe by just shutting him down would give him the time his body needs to heal.....The Russian coach, Tretiak (sp) was quoted on one of the broadcasts that, in order to win, a team needed, 1) great goaltending, 2) a good power play, and 3) discipline. It was the "discipline" that got me thinking. Playing your man, playing hard in the defensive zone, forechecking, going to the net, and not taking stupid penalties. I think the Komets have the goaltending. The powerplay, though "on" and "off" all season, seems to be "on" now. They play hard in the defensive zone and they are forechecking well. Lately they have been attacking the net ( and it shows as their scoring chances within five feet of the net have dramatically increased, but they still take too many penalties. The slashing, hooking, and tripping penalties just aren't acceptable and may turn out to be their "achilles heel" when the season ends and the analisis of the 2009-10 season begins. Keep the stick down. It's not impossible, but it's hard to score when you are shorthanded.....These are just my thoughts. What are yours?

Frozen Water
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 12:34pm

Apparently I'm always negative, but this is my thought, Alan. It could be that some of our youth-challenged players may think it's better (or they look better) taking a penalty as opposed to simply being skated around by younger, faster athletes on the ice. I'm not saying this IS what is going on, just a possibility.

Wed, 02/17/2010 - 12:58pm

Sometimes that does happen, Frozen Water. I think their first instinct is to impede the player. One of the byproducts of getting older is that we slow down some, too. Another byproduct, though, is experience. So, what a player may lose in speed, he may make up for it by better positioning because of experience. Usually tripping, and especially hooking, happens when a player has gotten "beat". I don't have any statistics on this, but there have been way too many "hooking" calls on the K's this year. Right now, at this point of the season, they seem to be playing their best hockey. Taking too many penalties of this kind is the only thing that still haunts them.

Frozen Water
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 1:17pm

Agreed, they have looked to be playing much better as of late.

Wed, 02/17/2010 - 2:51pm

A press conference was held in Muskegon yesterday to introduce the USHL. Obviously there is a lot of hype but it's interesting that the whole shebang has new owners. There are a few other interesting things that came out. Here is the newspaper story on it: http://www.mlive.com/lumberjacks/index.ssf/2010/02/justin_abdelkader_speaks_highl.html

"KometHockeyluckynumbersouvineerprogram "
Wed, 02/17/2010 - 3:40pm

Waiting for league approval to move the Johnstown Chiefs to Greenville SC.
The "Growl " averaged over 5,000 a game before they folded a couple of years ago.
What's this mean to Komet fans.
Not much, but now I'd give anything to have the Komest join the ECHL and play a couple times a year in Greenville !
Hey Bus trip. You can stay at my house !
