Oh, thank goodness. We haven't had a task force appointed for anything in days and days, and I was beginning to worry that city and county officials had lost their taste for killing time achieving consensus with collaboration and compromise:
Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry said he doesn't want to give up yet on striking a deal to allow city and county government to share two downtown buildings. The mayor has asked other city and county elected officials to join him on a task force that would have 60 days to resolve what only last week looked like irreconcilable differences.
They look like irreconcilable differences today, too. The biggest task of this task force is to persuade County Council members to spend money they don't want to spend. The city bought the building, then tried to get the county to join in a plan. Just slightly backward. Plan first, then decide what needs to be done to carry out the plan.
It makes me wonder why we don't have a "task force" to decide if we really need MORE task forces...seems that could save a few bucks here and there...eventually.
Bobby, How about you and I submit a bid (a nominal fee of course) for say...$100k to "consult" on the project?
Sounds like a plan to me.
Have a great holiday!