Sorry Five Minute Major. We may have a little collateral damage. You will feel better knowing it was "friendly fire."
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 11:32am
I guess I kind of agree that a big hug fest before opening night would come off pretty lame to the majority of fans. Last year's opening ceremonies were way too long and they basically ruined a classic song for life. While I can appreciate a mother wanting to get her kids some attention on the ice, the mini Komets thing has been done and Im not sure repeating something is a good way to change things up. All that being said, I dont have any better solutions other than maybe a quick Thank You to the season ticket holders from the Komets for paying higher prices to see less games. After that, drop the puck and play hockey.
Ceremonies dont entertain, sports do. Dont believe me? Compare Super Bowl ratings with Grammy and Oscar ratings, then get back to me.
Blake Sebring
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 12:00pm
Last year would have been fine except for the Zamboni breaking down and not being able to get off the ice.
Blake Sebring
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 12:01pm
BUT..... No more of the Legends bringing all of their kids and grandchildren out on the ice with them.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 12:33pm
Blake--I can agree with your last post completely. If there was ever a time to use 2 zambomi's that game would be it.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 1:01pm
Most years, I watch the Superbowl for the ads.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 1:08pm
i'm with hit, lets drop the gloves on the faceoff, i would start Schrocky Balboa, Legault, Rodger, Leo and anyone else over 6'3", i would rapid pound them, Rapid City can pound dirt.
Schebig, just start your posts out from now on with Smmmmoooooooch, Brown nose!
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 1:09pm
I just think that opening night is just the same every year. What I would like to see is turn out the lights introduce the current year team. Do the anthem. Play hockey.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:13pm
Not an ihl fan thank you for confirming what I said before and got blasted for saying... some people out there are waiting for any little thing to go wrong so they can point out the failures and in the end hope the team fails.
But let's get past that. You want a new owner to buy the team and put it in the AHL.
#1a/b/c Who do you think would buy this team? Who has the money? What do you think is a fair price?
#2 If the team fails, what makes you think an owner is going to spend even more money to bring it to a higher level and risk further failure?
#3 Will you be happy when a week before playoffs after you have spent night after night at games building up for those playoffs your best players get recalled and your team gets bounced in the first round?
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:20pm
Burgee: Very accurate message to Dschebig
The only issue I have with a big fight is that someone may get hit too hard. Those boys just get so darn rough sometimes and it's really scary.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:38pm
RK--I know what pills Burgee takes. What ar you on? I also know that at Blake's mens group meeting Burgee cheats on his diet and eats ALL of Blakes cookies than tells him how good they are because his mother makes them. It takes a lot of nerve to call me a brown nose. After all I just speak the truth.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:41pm
You forgot to start out Smoooooooch!
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:42pm
Snuff--You left out this...Please explain just how you plan on getting around the coliseum giving up control of their building? They demand control of the building they put an AHL teams in. That my friend is not going to happen in any of our lifetimes.
Blake Sebring
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:48pm
Plus, at least in the ECHL and likely in the AHL, you have to sign over the rights to your team name and colors and the lease on your building.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:52pm
It seems like Burgee cant decide which caboose he wants to get in. He has two tickets to paradise. Pack your...uh, leave tonight. Does Snuff know about your quandry??
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:54pm
Check that, I meant Dschebig... Burgee has never announced his desires to ride the Midnight Express
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 2:56pm
"Eddie Money" do I get a prize? / I'm a "fountain of information" = some good & some bad :) :(
Blake Sebring
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 3:10pm
Are you sure we're not talking about the old wrestling team, Mightbite?
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 3:35pm
Please re-fresh by brain Blake???????? / I was on the wrestling team in HS & never trailed in a match :) = lost 3 by DQ.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 4:22pm
Why do people want to ruin a good thing on opening night? That night is NOT for the fans. Sorry,but it's true. That night is for the HOF'ers and old-timers so us KOMET fans can say thank you for entertaining us fans for the past 50 or so years. I have zero complaints about the celebrationa other then the zamboni breakdown. If people don't like the festivities,then I suggest not showing up untill 8 o'clock,30 minutes after the advertised start time. This is MY opinion and mine only. Let the bombardment begin! lol
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 4:29pm
Control of the building? The AHL team will play in the new downtown arena next to Parkview Field.
Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 4:33pm
I agree with Big John.
Do all the hand-shaking and celebrating before the game you want.....heck I will clap for anything pretty much.
After that....
Got It?
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 4:48pm
Downtown arena.... hmmmm does anyone actually use headwaters park?
"The Franke Palace "......
I can picture it now....along with the heart failure of several fans at the mere thought lol.
Not an ihl fan
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 5:35pm
snuf: An AHL team could easliy be successful here. I'm sure the cost of a franchise is pretty high but an honost owner who really cares about the fans could be found. You forgot about if your NHL parent team does not make the playoffs or gets bounced early then you would have the opportunity to see some players sent down to your team. You could also see NHL veterans sent down for rehab. Losing a few of your best players once in awhile is part of being a direct affiliate. But unfortunately we are stuck with truely single A hockey. For now.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 5:57pm
So..... Fort Wayne has this really attractive professional hockey market......probably out there somewhere there is someone with a bank account full of money that loves hockey or would really like a great investment such as this market.....but yet no one has come forward.
Wouldn't you think by now, that this really smart business person or group would have jumped on this market?
Makes one wonder.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 5:57pm
A downtown arena is on the radar of some people in town. Maybe even a couple of cats with the money to do it.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 6:02pm
A smart business person wouldn't pay in excess of $4mil for a "AA" hockey logo and 60 years of tradition. Only a person with money and a lot of emotion would invest in that. You can bet that if Hit Somebody or JungleMonkey won a giant Powerball pile, you'd all eat crow with your "buy the team" comments. We're the kind of guys that would buy the Komets. Someone who is a "fan" short for "fanatic".. You'd have to be a little nuts to drop a pile of cash for any minor league franchise. Or be so filthy rich that a few million doesn't bother you.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 6:24pm
I seem to remember a discussion (around 2000) of whether it would be more economical to expand/renovate the Coliseum or build a new arena in the downtown area. The site mentioned I remember for the downtown arena was the area bordered by Jefferson and the BP gas station and McDonalds, both are one way streets in that area.
I should point out that when the Embassy Theater has an event (venue seats about 2000?) traffic backs up for some distance on Jefferson, so how could that area handle the traffic of over 10,000+ people leaving a hockey game or concert? The only area(s) that could possibly have the space needed for a downtown arena is either where Omni Source used to be off N. Clinton and 4th St. or just south of downtown and build between S. Clinton and Lafayette.
Either plan would require displacing a LOT of people, their homes and would still require extensive road improvements and expansion of roadway to accomodate the traffic and allow easier access to the facility.
In short, not likely to occur in my lifetime...unless I live to be about 175 years old, and the financial calculator just shorted out trying to add up the figures!
Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 7:42pm
I'm in Jungle Monkey......could you imagine my team......???
Bonuses for Beatdowns.
Wed, 07/28/2010 - 8:21pm
i'm all for Bonuses for Beatdowns. Hit needs to negotiate that in the collective bargaining agreement.
Sorry Five Minute Major. We may have a little collateral damage. You will feel better knowing it was "friendly fire."
I guess I kind of agree that a big hug fest before opening night would come off pretty lame to the majority of fans. Last year's opening ceremonies were way too long and they basically ruined a classic song for life. While I can appreciate a mother wanting to get her kids some attention on the ice, the mini Komets thing has been done and Im not sure repeating something is a good way to change things up. All that being said, I dont have any better solutions other than maybe a quick Thank You to the season ticket holders from the Komets for paying higher prices to see less games. After that, drop the puck and play hockey.
Ceremonies dont entertain, sports do. Dont believe me? Compare Super Bowl ratings with Grammy and Oscar ratings, then get back to me.
Last year would have been fine except for the Zamboni breaking down and not being able to get off the ice.
BUT..... No more of the Legends bringing all of their kids and grandchildren out on the ice with them.
Blake--I can agree with your last post completely. If there was ever a time to use 2 zambomi's that game would be it.
Most years, I watch the Superbowl for the ads.
i'm with hit, lets drop the gloves on the faceoff, i would start Schrocky Balboa, Legault, Rodger, Leo and anyone else over 6'3", i would rapid pound them, Rapid City can pound dirt.
Schebig, just start your posts out from now on with Smmmmoooooooch, Brown nose!
I just think that opening night is just the same every year. What I would like to see is turn out the lights introduce the current year team. Do the anthem. Play hockey.
Not an ihl fan thank you for confirming what I said before and got blasted for saying... some people out there are waiting for any little thing to go wrong so they can point out the failures and in the end hope the team fails.
But let's get past that. You want a new owner to buy the team and put it in the AHL.
#1a/b/c Who do you think would buy this team? Who has the money? What do you think is a fair price?
#2 If the team fails, what makes you think an owner is going to spend even more money to bring it to a higher level and risk further failure?
#3 Will you be happy when a week before playoffs after you have spent night after night at games building up for those playoffs your best players get recalled and your team gets bounced in the first round?
Burgee: Very accurate message to Dschebig
The only issue I have with a big fight is that someone may get hit too hard. Those boys just get so darn rough sometimes and it's really scary.
RK--I know what pills Burgee takes. What ar you on? I also know that at Blake's mens group meeting Burgee cheats on his diet and eats ALL of Blakes cookies than tells him how good they are because his mother makes them. It takes a lot of nerve to call me a brown nose. After all I just speak the truth.
You forgot to start out Smoooooooch!
Snuff--You left out this...Please explain just how you plan on getting around the coliseum giving up control of their building? They demand control of the building they put an AHL teams in. That my friend is not going to happen in any of our lifetimes.
Plus, at least in the ECHL and likely in the AHL, you have to sign over the rights to your team name and colors and the lease on your building.
It seems like Burgee cant decide which caboose he wants to get in. He has two tickets to paradise. Pack your...uh, leave tonight. Does Snuff know about your quandry??
Check that, I meant Dschebig... Burgee has never announced his desires to ride the Midnight Express
"Eddie Money" do I get a prize? / I'm a "fountain of information" = some good & some bad :) :(
Are you sure we're not talking about the old wrestling team, Mightbite?
Please re-fresh by brain Blake???????? / I was on the wrestling team in HS & never trailed in a match :) = lost 3 by DQ.
Why do people want to ruin a good thing on opening night? That night is NOT for the fans. Sorry,but it's true. That night is for the HOF'ers and old-timers so us KOMET fans can say thank you for entertaining us fans for the past 50 or so years. I have zero complaints about the celebrationa other then the zamboni breakdown. If people don't like the festivities,then I suggest not showing up untill 8 o'clock,30 minutes after the advertised start time. This is MY opinion and mine only. Let the bombardment begin! lol
Control of the building? The AHL team will play in the new downtown arena next to Parkview Field.
I agree with Big John.
Do all the hand-shaking and celebrating before the game you want.....heck I will clap for anything pretty much.
After that....
Got It?
Downtown arena.... hmmmm does anyone actually use headwaters park?
"The Franke Palace "......
I can picture it now....along with the heart failure of several fans at the mere thought lol.
snuf: An AHL team could easliy be successful here. I'm sure the cost of a franchise is pretty high but an honost owner who really cares about the fans could be found. You forgot about if your NHL parent team does not make the playoffs or gets bounced early then you would have the opportunity to see some players sent down to your team. You could also see NHL veterans sent down for rehab. Losing a few of your best players once in awhile is part of being a direct affiliate. But unfortunately we are stuck with truely single A hockey. For now.
So..... Fort Wayne has this really attractive professional hockey market......probably out there somewhere there is someone with a bank account full of money that loves hockey or would really like a great investment such as this market.....but yet no one has come forward.
Wouldn't you think by now, that this really smart business person or group would have jumped on this market?
Makes one wonder.
A downtown arena is on the radar of some people in town. Maybe even a couple of cats with the money to do it.
A smart business person wouldn't pay in excess of $4mil for a "AA" hockey logo and 60 years of tradition. Only a person with money and a lot of emotion would invest in that. You can bet that if Hit Somebody or JungleMonkey won a giant Powerball pile, you'd all eat crow with your "buy the team" comments. We're the kind of guys that would buy the Komets. Someone who is a "fan" short for "fanatic".. You'd have to be a little nuts to drop a pile of cash for any minor league franchise. Or be so filthy rich that a few million doesn't bother you.
I seem to remember a discussion (around 2000) of whether it would be more economical to expand/renovate the Coliseum or build a new arena in the downtown area. The site mentioned I remember for the downtown arena was the area bordered by Jefferson and the BP gas station and McDonalds, both are one way streets in that area.
I should point out that when the Embassy Theater has an event (venue seats about 2000?) traffic backs up for some distance on Jefferson, so how could that area handle the traffic of over 10,000+ people leaving a hockey game or concert? The only area(s) that could possibly have the space needed for a downtown arena is either where Omni Source used to be off N. Clinton and 4th St. or just south of downtown and build between S. Clinton and Lafayette.
Either plan would require displacing a LOT of people, their homes and would still require extensive road improvements and expansion of roadway to accomodate the traffic and allow easier access to the facility.
In short, not likely to occur in my lifetime...unless I live to be about 175 years old, and the financial calculator just shorted out trying to add up the figures!
I'm in Jungle Monkey......could you imagine my team......???
Bonuses for Beatdowns.
i'm all for Bonuses for Beatdowns. Hit needs to negotiate that in the collective bargaining agreement.