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Tailing the Komets

What coach had to say

It was too little too late. We weren't up to the challenge at the beginning. We figured it out in the third period and played good hockey, and at that point the referee put his whistle in his pocket and nothing was a penalty any more which is to me disturbing. That's not the reason we dug ourselves a two-goal hole. We  didn't play our style effectively enough in the early stages of the game. There's times when we can really control the pace of the game, and we dictate the pace. There was a lot of times tonight when we just couldn't seem to get it all together. You need everybody. It's a team sport, you know.

Whatever they were doing, they weren't trying to do anything different in the third when we stepped up our intensity and were skating better and moving the puck better and supporting the puck better. Just a lot of little things that we've been drilling since Day 1 and we didn't do them well enough. Against a good team that will make you pay if you are anything less than your best out there.

They are a good cycling team, a good counter attack team. They'll stretch you out when you make a bad change, or a poor dump, or you miss an assignment covering an area on the ice. They'll fire the puck up the ice quickly and get in behind your defense.

Is that team any better than Rockford? They're good and they have weapons and they are clever. They have some guys that can make a heads up play and get it going the other way quickly.

What was a penalty at the beginning of the year is no longer a penalty. You're trying to score a goal and they mug you and it's not a penalty.  ....there was a closed-door meeting and nobody decided to tell this particular coach. How am I supposed to tell our guys to defend now, anything goes, you can tackle?

It obviously was a closed door meeting for a reason. They don't want to be the only league in all of hockey that calls it a different way. I would say I'd be mad at the referee tonight, but I can't because this is becoming a trend now, this style. If you are beat you can stick a knee out, you can run people from behind face first in to the glass, and you can grab a hold of a jersey, or a guy's arm or his stick, and you can hook. You can do those things, especially if you are down a goal or if it's a close game. Ridiculous. It's ridiculous.

I'm not just saying that because we're on the losing end, but when you start to play better and it's a one-goal game and you're in the game, and you can't get on the power play no matter what

Posted in: Komets


Fri, 11/24/2006 - 9:21pm

Great comments from coach. We're lucky to have this guy.

Hit Somebody!!!
Fri, 11/24/2006 - 9:43pm

What did he say? Bloomington what?

We got beat by a better team tonight that out-played us. Our guys had alot of trouble handling the puck. We got better as the game went on. It was just too late. Some of the bigger named guys really struggled tonight. One guy in particular holds the puck too long and tries to go one on five a little too much. We can beat the fury in the future...we just need to figure a way to get by their tough fore-checking. They take the body before we have a chance to pass or shoot the puck. It seemed at times they had 10 guys on the ice that we were trying to skate by. They force you to make bad decisions and live off your mistakes. Frustrating team to play against. I am sure coach will be ready for the re-match and will have some solutions to those problems.

Komet Fan
Sat, 11/25/2006 - 8:09am

I thought the Komets absolutely dominated the game from about 10 minutes left in the 2nd period till the end of the game. They outshot the Fury 25-9 during that span and were it not for Pool making some great saves, this game would have been won by the Komets. Truly, the Fury did little to impress me, other than Pool. This will be a team that we beat more than they beat us this year.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 8:34am

No this was a team that could skate with us. This was a team that could forecheck with us. This was a team that had a goalie as good as ours. These 2 teams are the best 2 teams in the league, right now. The better team won tonite. my 2 cents worth.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 9:05am

its a good thing we went after size and toughness this year, we just got ran over by a bunch of fast skating midgets.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 10:25am

Good point Ed.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 12:57pm

Now that the officials aren't calling everything, you can really see how bad they are. The officiating stinks -STILL-

My cheeseburger and fries were good though.

Game went like i thought it might, they had one good goal, we had one good goal and a lot of almosts.

Taking my nap so i don't miss tonights game.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 2:46pm

the fury skill guys dont like to be hit, it rattles them. so we said ok. we wont.

pentalty box
Sat, 11/25/2006 - 3:15pm

Blake enlighten me on how the officating works in the U.

1. Does hockey have officating scools like baseball has umpiring schools.

2. Are these refs being graded by each coach after each game.

3. Is there an officating sup that goes over game film with these guys.

4. Does the AHL and ECHL use these guys to replishish there refs.

5. Or is this a dead end league and these guys are as good as we are going to get.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 3:50pm

Penalty Box, I think that there are alot of different hockey schools out that one could attend. Tony E could tell you more about them.....The Home team coach fills out an evalution form after the game (I believe this is still the policy)

Last time I checked, there is not a supervisor at each game and I believe that some UHL officials work some games in other leagues. Blake will likely have a better idea of who does work other leagues.

Before I say anything about #5....may I ask how long you have been attending games? Actually, I don't think it's THAT bad, I guess it depends on one's perspective. If you've never been to a minor league game before (only seen NHL) it is going to be a different experience.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 4:52pm

I'll try to answer as many as I can. They do have officiating schools and the UHL has a two-day training camp in FW every year. They are evaluated by each coach. Each official gets as DVD of the game after it is over, as well as the league. There's supervision at about half the games now, when there was hardly any at the start of the year. When the supervisor is present, he talks with the refs but rarely do they go over tape after a game because everybody has to drive 3-4-5 hours that night to get home. More often, they may watch some tape before a game. I don't know about AHL or ECHL.

Biggest thing I could say, blame the owners not the officials. You get what you pay for and these owners want to spend pennies on officiating.

Komets had nine power plays, Muskegon had three, but all the FW fans are griping. Interesting.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 5:11pm

no B2 so far.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 5:18pm

Brainstorm -- eliminate press box food and beverage and use that money for better officials.

Maybe the league could have Lens Crafters sponsor the officials.

Tony E
Sat, 11/25/2006 - 5:28pm

Briefly, there is a select way of training that officials that are part of the NHL development program have to go to. They UHL because it is not affiliated probably does not require as much.
Take a look at this and it might help answer some of your general questions about what officials who want to get to top levels must go through and believe me, this is just a start

Tony E
Sat, 11/25/2006 - 5:29pm

make sure you check out the level system found directly here

Tony E
Sat, 11/25/2006 - 5:30pm

oops didnt mean to post the same link twice. you will see on the webpage a link to the level system page. it shows the different amounts of training and experience needed to advance.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 6:59pm

Blake, if the officials get a DVD of the game they just worked....is there anyway of knowing if/when they actually watch it? I'm curious since these guys have the travel time between games and I'm sure that the majority of them have regular jobs during the week. Also, do the officials get to see the evaluations that the coaches fill out or do they go straight to the league offices? Thanks for the updated information. I had some really outdated info.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 7:10pm

Chaser just called the ref an idiot. Guess i don't have to tonight since he already did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 7:13pm


Sat, 11/25/2006 - 7:14pm

I have no idea Bob.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 7:17pm

Chaser called him idiot again!!! twice in 1 period.

Bob the form number they fill out is:
ID 10 T

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 7:19pm

Now he called him Joker.

Give the idiot/joker ref an assist on that one 3-3.

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 7:21pm

Chaser just gave the ref an assist, gotta luv that guy!

pentalty box
Sat, 11/25/2006 - 7:36pm

Thanks for the info concerning officating. It sure seams to me there would be a better way for ref development. Can a ref screw up a shoot out?

Sat, 11/25/2006 - 7:41pm

YES! I've seen it happen a long time ago.

Sun, 11/26/2006 - 12:22am

Any fan that made the trip to Kalamazoo 2? years ago for the green ice game can tell you that yes, a ref can screw up a shootout. Thats the one game that was years ago but I can still tell you who the ref was...Berkabile

Sun, 11/26/2006 - 1:14am

Was that the one where a Kalamazoo player was awarded a shootout goal after the official said that he missed the shot?

If so, I listened to that game, but I was at Coliseum when we needed our last shooter to score to send shootout to sudden death round but the ref disallowed the shot attempt stating the shooter started to skate in before being given the signal to proceed. Another time (listened on radio) Chaser said that ref called a penalty during shootout against Scott Gruhl?

Of course, these two examples occured during the old IHL days and I only saw the one incident and listened to the other two, but it shows that strange things can occur during a shootout.

Sun, 11/26/2006 - 2:17am

Interesting that others are joining in on noticing that the Komets sure do not do much hitting or aggressive playing...watch out, you might get a player on here complaining to you. Ha

Sun, 11/26/2006 - 8:27am

Muskegon jammed the neutral zone and we couldn't deal with it. When we dumped it in, we weren't able to get on their D-Men fast enough to pressure them. They were able to make a one pass up to the blueline and out.

Komets PP didn't move the puck as well as I have seen in the past. Instead of quick passes, they looked more like last year's when a guy would get the puck on the side boards and hold Hold HOLD until he was covered and then pass.

Most of our shots were from 30 feet, unscreened, which are gonna be stopped by any goalie in this league.

I like the skating of Kiyaga, his size worries me a little. Wouldn't mind seeing him take a shift up front.

Sun, 11/26/2006 - 9:11am

I sure rather see a game called the way this one was rather than the penalty fests I saw early in the year.
