Over their last five games, the Komets have been out-scored 10-3 in the first period. For a team that struggles so much to come from behind, that's deadly.
Over their last five games, the Komets have been out-scored 10-3 in the first period. For a team that struggles so much to come from behind, that's deadly.
Frenchy has lost his edge. I am a st. Pierre fan but, the last 5 games he has played have been horrible. He is slow and I think his balance is off. He has fallen way to many times. He fell down 5 seconds after making a glove save in the 1st. I don't know what his deal is but he is not the frenchy of a month ago I beleive he is the one letting the team down. He is not playing his best I don't even think he is playing to Kurk's level. We have two goalies right maybe Cheif should try to play the other one for a while
Watching the game on B2 tonight..First period we got out played period and penalities. 2nd period played much better and Miller's goal was all hustle. Carpentier fought Kotospuls(sp) and really did not fare well, but at least he stood up for himself. Our powerplay is still a mess really no quality shots. 2-1 heading into 3rd period.
Here we go again. That is enough Frenchy bashing. He is the best goaltender to ever play for the Komets. So he has off nights. Does that mean you need to jump his case. It is just a game you guys. There are much more important things going on in the World. I don't think you are going to die because Frenchy gets to play every game. He has earned the right to play when he wants. Plus he is a good human being. He raises money for juvenile diabetes. He has lots of injuries also. I'd like to see you play professional goaltender with 9 fingers. Stop your crying you guys. You can't be his fan the way you give up on him.
Well the K's loose to MC 2-1. 2 powerplay goals for MC and 0 for the K's. It seem to me that we are really starting to press a lot now. Look to be very uptight tonight. PC had a break a way and the puck slip off his stick. We never really threaten in the 3rd period. We are not getting any production from our scorers. What more can anyone say and believe I am not going to beat the dead horse everyone seems to think we bloggers seem to beat on here.
Phil, It's just a message board. You're not going to die if someone is a critic of Kevin St. Pierre. Ease up buddy. Nobody wants to read 50 more posts with people bashing everyone else's opinion.
Jungle Monkey, that is Phil St. Pierre you are talking to....
Anyone want to debate the earlier posting about the best goaltender the Komets have ever had?
I gotta go with..
1. Tommy Lawson
2. Pokey Reddick (in his prime)
3. Kevin St. Pierre
Sorry I can only go back to 1990 or so.
Curious what others think.
The best goaltender of all time was Jimi St. John who we had in here a couple years back. Man, I can't believe we let that fella get away!
Now I know you guys have been drinking if you've forgotten how great Bruce Racine was here. He was head and shoulder above everybody else, especially when you remember that team didn't play a whole lot of defense in front of him. He was by far the most consistent, and don't forget Bob Essensa, too. I'd rate Pokey third behind those two.
Coach said they played very well in second and third periods, but they are just snakebitten right now. C'mon, this isn't rocket science. Whomever controls the front of the net wins!
Racine... Good call, Blake!
Good call on the goaltenders Blake, Racine was awesome when he was here, so was Essensa. Yes the Komets are snakebitten right now, every team goes thru that, we are just getting our now, hopefully they shake things off and get back to playing good hockey.
Blake do you remember the brawl Racine started when he played for the San Antonio Dragons of the IHL...less than a year later he was a Komet.
Snakebitten, pressing too much, choking, what ever you want to call it the guys that need to be puting the puck in the net are not and they are not willing to get dirty enough to do it.
Jimi St. John.... His career save % of .885 and his 3.67 GAA are awesome stats, Alex.
You guys will all be sorry. It is the same as when people have made observations about Rob Guinn making mistakes. Nobody likes that either. I happen to like Kevin and think he is an excellent goalie. He had an off night. So what. He may give up 3 or 4 goals, but saves 25 to 30. Plus someday he may be your kid's teacher or something and people were on here talking bad about him. He doesn't deserve that disrespect. Maybe Blake will write a story about him like he did Rob, then you will be sorry. Leave the guys alone. They do their best. Other guys have said it, it is just a game.
Oh, Mark, that's revisionist history. What actually started the brawl was Bezeau spearing Racine behind the knee as he came around the net. Remember that was when Bezeau suckered was it, Scott Hollis, who was tangled up with Bawa? Brutal, just brutal. I remember Tom Berry was so mad at the Beaz he didn't announce an official suspension for two weeks, and in the meantime he came to FW twice and walked right by Andy both times without replying to him. And let me tell you, Tom Berry is the most stand-up, classiest commissioner I've ever dealth with. Have a ton of respect for that man.
OK, now I'm officially starting to wonder about their chances. Their schedule is brutal compared to Motor City and Quad City. They also play at Motor City and at Quad City twice yet. The Komets could easily end up eighth, and the only thing from pushing them lower is that Richmond has a tougher schedule than Fort Wayne.
I'll say this about Kevin. Nobody bounces back better from slumps, and we could say all the nasty things you want about him and he'll still be even tougher on himself. It's amazing the mental preparation he goes through. He's also hurting a little right now, like everyone else in the locker room. He'll be fine.
Scott Hollis it was, I don't remember what started it, I just remember Bezeau suckering Hollis, didn't he break his nose. That was old time hockey. I'm not a fan of that type of hockey. thats pure goonery if you ask me. I'd take a good scrap any day of the week, but that was awful..
No doubt, I'm a little worried, but you can't control what goes on the ice, so I won't beat myself up about it..Frenchy will bounce back
Beaz just lost his mind. That's as off the charts as I've ever seen a player, even better than Krivokrasov vs. Middendorf stickfight.
Another couple of points on their struggles. They have given up 15 power-play goals in their last 10 games. At the other end of the ice, they have scored only two power-play goals over their last 38 chances, including only one in their last 28 chances.
Ouch. There's no reason for their PP not to be working at least a little. Man, the Ks could sure use either Scott Hollis or Robin Bawa in front right now.
Good night.
Something I noticed especially last weekend, the Komets don't put a body in front of the net on the power play. Every other team does, Why don't the Komets. Chaulk is always skating with the puck, but he has no one to pass to because everyone is on the permeiter(sp), no wonder the Komets are only 2 for thier last 38 on the power play, its easy for the goaltender to make the save when he see's the puck flying at him..
That former Maple Leafs goalie turned Komet Peter "HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REST OF MY LAST NAME??" Ing
Richard Shulmistra anyone?
Don't jump off any buildings you guys. It was yet, just one more bad game out of how many. They are just having a bad game or two. If they don't make the playoffs, it is not a big deal is it? There is always next year. These are a great group of guys. I think you guys are starting to beat the horse again. All of that stuff about playing in front of the net. All ready been said hundreds of times over. We here it after every loss. When they win the next game, all will be fine again. Don't start talking about toughness again. Been said also.
Now Blake is starting to realize that this club is looking likey the could go from 5 overall to 8th really quick and if Richmond gets hot, they won tonight, we may not make the playoffs.
Kevin Weekes was pretty solid for the time he was here.
Better to slump now then after April 15. Lets get the "slumps" out of our system. We haven't lost ground, yet.......
Yes, keep it positive guys. It is not like the team is done. They can pull it out. Have faith. Join the booster club. Love the Rob Guinn article. He is awesome. They can beat Missouri or Port Huron or Flint. They don't have to beat the better teams until the playoffs start. Take the cup Komets.
Don't give up on them Blake. Just because they aren't scoring now, doesn't mean anything. Get them next time. You have probably had bad days too. Can you say that everytime you blog, you score? No room for negative nellies now. They need our support now the most. We have a team full of walking wounded. There are lots of things to overcome, they can do it. They are great guys.
sorry guys i want rough and tumble winning hockey in the fort not a bunch of nice guys who finish last. the blogs are for discussions and we can keep beating a dead horse until they fix it so say something negative or positive but all of you stop trying to tell people what to write. i respect all of you for your comments they are all fun to read until you start attacking bloggers. this isnt the fan club its a blog. best goalies? reno zanier, chuck adamson, robbie irons, murray bannrman and then pokey and lawson and st pierre.
Me too!!! That was the post of the month. I couldn't have said it better my self. So I won't. Thanks Chuckitt.
I held off as long as I could....There goes the neighborhood, right? Like Enema Man, I took crap, and I'll probably take it again....Oh well...I'm new and improved...not really.