On Saturday, Feb. 20 will leave Komet Kuarters at 3:30 p.m. The cost is $30 per person and includes game ticket. No alcohol is permitted on the bus, but they will be stopping for dinner at Golden Corral on the way. You can sign up at Komet Kuarters. If you have any questions, call Dennis Schebig at 471-3227 during weekdays or 749-2022 during the evenings. There must be at least 55 people signing up or the money will be refunded.
They are now working on the second bus.
I have made tentative arrangements for a second bus if needed. I hope you ALL sign up. It would be nice to have more Komet fans than Dayton fans in their own building.Sign-up earlly.
I hear it is really cold inside the Dayton arena
Dress for it-- I am going to.
I will be doing MMA in Celina Ohio that night.Security & in the corner for main event.
mightbit--I guess we will enjoy the trip & game without you. Sorry!
I will be signing up tomorrow. I went to a game there in December, and had to wear my coat the whole game.
i need to talk my friend into going w/ me, and we will sign up!! :)
we have sold about 44 seats as of today..get your seats early if you want a guarunteed spot on the FIRST bus...
I already signed up, and I'm very excited!! Now it's exclusive....FIRST bus....wow, I feel very special! Do I get to actually sit in a seat, or am I booted to the cargo hold, as Dennis threatened? I am bringing my husband and son, so I might behave myself. No promises.
Five Minute Major, come out and play....! You too, Wendy!
So will you be meeting the Dayton beat writer before the game? Or doesn't he have the guts to stare down the big, bad Komets fans all by his lonesome?!?!?!?!
He isn't a big enough horse's ass to merit an award. ;)
Cases or Kegs
me and 5 other k fans will be going unfortunately we will be in toledo for a bowling tournament in the morning so we will not be joining the bus riders, however that adds 6 more to the komets fan count
I think that honor is reserved for very special beat writers Brendan.
I believe Flint is in Muskegon that night, why don't you come along?
I was informed last night that 47 seats have been sold. Always room for as horses hiny on the bus. He will need to bring his own doughnuts.
We sold the remaining seats on the first bus during the autograph session, but we will continue to take money for the SECOND bus, if we don't fil that bus all the money will be refunded. So lets see if we can fill a second bus...GO KOMETS
I havent checked the remaining schedule; but I think a trip or two to Muskegon for a "farewell" tour is in order....
On Friday, March 26, the Komets will visit Muskegon for the final time in regular season.
Thanks Shutterbug!!!
Shutterbug-You can put one together if you like. I would not be able to go do to my work schedule and the fact that the NCAA games the next two days at the Coliseum.
I have the conflict in my schedule too.
Don't look at me either.....I think I'll be in Minneapolis that weekend...
I was advised Saturday that there was only one (1) ticket left for the Game in Dayton. Thank you all for your support. We have two buses make the trip. 112 avid Komet fans to cheer on our Komets and bring home a VICTORY!
That is awesome news
Um... Why does it say Golden Corral here and Old Country Buffet somewhere else? Granted, I get those two confused myself all the time and have no idea why since they are very different places. In any case, congratulations on filling the buses. :)
Your right Wendy! Now, even I am confused. I called one of them and made the reservations. I hope the driver knows.
A second bus for sure? Yay, I am super excited! We were just waiting to hear as my husband and I were the first to sign up for the second bus. :)
I've heard it's cold in the building and I've heard there is no heating meaning it can be very cold. Does anyone know for sure? This former UPer can take cold, my southern wife on the other hand may require additional preparation if it's really cold.
The preparation does not include anti-freeze of the same type I use to take while ice fishing............
Steve, you have no idea how hard it is for me to let that one slide away without taking a full hack at it. LOL.
Steve it is very cold in Dayton building. I have friends that are mini season ticket holders.