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News-Sentinel.com Your Town. Your Voice.
Tailing the Komets

Who wants to be a junior reporter?

Calling all kids! Here's your chance to become a News-Sentinel Komets reporter for a game. Twenty students will be selected to serve as Komets student reporters. That means they come sit next to me for a game, go home and write about what they experienced and then their story appears in The News-Sentinel. Chose students receive game tickets, press box access for themselves and their families, a special press kit and recognition on the scoreboard and over the public address system during the game. Plus, I make sure everyone has fun. We generally like to keep it between the ages of 10 and 18. If you are college-aged, and wish to consider this as a possible career, we can also do a job shadow if you'd like.

To apply for the contest, send student's name, phone number, address, grade, school and age to NIE (which is newspaper in education)

NIE Komets Student Reporter Contest
Fort Wayne Newspapers
600 W. Main St.
Fort Wayne, IN 46802

If we end up with more than 20 kids wanting to do this, we'll figure something out. We try to stay away from school nights or holidays as much as possible.

Posted in: Komets


Hit Somebody!!!
Wed, 10/20/2010 - 4:46pm

I do....I do!!! LOL

As long as I can bring JM and JR as my under-studies.

Blake Sebring
Wed, 10/20/2010 - 5:03pm

That's too funny. Think you guys could keep up with me? LOL. Next the RHHC's will want in.

Wed, 10/20/2010 - 5:34pm

JungleMonkey puts the "stud" in "under-study"...

Wed, 10/20/2010 - 7:37pm

i am going to suggest this to some of the excellent writers from my classroom. the kids are 9-10 so I think this would be an excellent opportunity!

Blake Sebring
Wed, 10/20/2010 - 8:32pm

Cool! I make sure the kids have a good time and I don't let them get intimidated by the writing part. I just tell them to write what they would tell their best friend about the night, and that's good enough.

Thu, 10/21/2010 - 10:45am

I thought we already had a junior reporter. You're not quitting are you, Blake? LOL

Just kidding. Kind of a payback for all those "Alan" comments that appear under your name every now and again.

Don't do a "Mitebite" on us and quit posting because you got mad.

Blake Sebring
Thu, 10/21/2010 - 11:36am

I don't get mad, Alan, I get even. Bwa-ha-ha, bwa-ha-ha. And if I want to write a book, I actually get paid for it. :)

Thu, 10/21/2010 - 12:00pm

Blake, quit using facts to confuse me. You're right, you do get paid for writing books. I should've known I would get hit with your wallet. Sometimes I just need to stop and think....no that isn't going to work!!

( By the way, that was nice work how you sliced the comments from two seperate threads and weaved your answer into one reply here.)

Mon, 11/01/2010 - 6:13pm

Can i be one?

Blake Sebring
Mon, 11/01/2010 - 6:42pm

Of course, Hunter.
